Do you remember how u used to wash ur hair pre-LHCF??


Well-Known Member
...i would assume most of us NOW take in every single element to washing hair. Down to the creamy texture of the conditioner, the scent, how it feels on ur strands, the slip, the softness after it's rinsed out, how it detangles....u get the point!....i feel like everytime i poo & condition its a scientific experiment. Every piece of data is recorded. BUT...when i think of how i used to wash was soooo different. I didnt give a frog's butt what the conditioner it smelled..or how tangled my hair got cuz i knew i was gonna rip it all out with my comb afterwards. i just slapped that junk on and kept it moving.....SOOO WHAT WAS IT LIKE TO WASH UR HAIR PRE-LHCF?....were u a lets get it over with type?...did u hate it so much u waited 4 weeks to wash..or have somone else do it for u?....what products or lines were u using?
i would pile my hair on top of my head with a 2 in 1 and scratch my scalp heavily. then i would rinse it out and apply my grease and rip out the tangles with a medium/fine toothed comb. then i would blow dry it and style. i remember always complaining how unmanageable my hair was:ohwell:

now i rarely get tangles
Believe it or not, pre-LHCF, I used to take all of that into consideration. I used to use the Garnier Fructis line, and i did like it, and i would wash and condition like 3 times per week. I used to love how my hair felt. plus it was easier to manage cuz i had a short cut. but after being on LHCF, I learned to try different products which yeilded even better results, and i did roller set wrap the itty bitty hair i had and sat under a bonnet dryer.
Thats actually how i found LHCF, cuz a girl complimented my hair and asked how I kept it up, and I told her, and she told me that she goes on a website since she knew i was obsessed with hair, and i fell in love.. Okay, thats my story. Ha Ha.

ETA: that only started after i cut my hair (march 08), but prior to that, I would just go to the salon, I rarely owned a bottle of shampoo, etc. I just went to them every two weeks..
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I shampooed 3 times to get that nice, foamy, squeaky lather thinking my hair was finally clean (when it really was stripped, dry and brittle. :wallbash: )
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i would pile my hair on top of my head with a 2 in 1 and scratch my scalp heavily. then i would rinse it out and apply my grease and rip out the tangles with a medium/fine toothed comb. then i would blow dry it and style. i remember always complaining how unmanageable my hair was:ohwell:

now i rarely get tangles

oh yeeaaa i forgot about those 2 in 1 poo & conditioners. Those were a holy grail of mine since i was so lazy
im only starting and i can tell how much of a mess i was before all this info...

  • i used to wait weeks before washing after a fresh relaxer - i am now ITCHING to wash it:grin:
  • i did not care about what shampoo i used and RARELY used any conditioner(even a cheapie 5minutes condish) - i now prepoo and DC once a week and aim for a SLS free shampoo, or acv and cowashes:yep:
  • i used to rub my hair all over the place - i now am careful with it and detangle when soaked with condish:lick:

Ohhh and i remember once when trying to remove glued tracks from my hair i soaked it in baby oil. Finding that my hair was so oily afterwards i only thought how logical it would be to wash it off with dishwasher soap:lachen: Then, thinkin it would get oily again i did not apply any condish, leave-in, NO NOTHING! Proceeded to blow dry and flat iron...ohh how many inches of hair ive paid for that day!!!:nono:
It was pure torture washing my hair before I learned how to take care of my hair. I never did a pre-treatment. I didn't even know what it was. I used to wet my hair without detangling it first. I'd pile all my hair on top of my head (the little bit that I had) and then I was scrub my hair and scalp with my jagged nails.

I'd add a ton of shampoo on my head, making sure that I made a huge lather. Then I'd rinse and torture myself again. If I had conditioner around I would use a very small amount, wait a minute and then rinse it out. Detangling was pain and torture. I hope my children never have to go through that!
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I used to poo every 2-3 weeks and I would use any shampoo and conditioner. I did pay attention to how the conditioner detangled my hair, but I would shampoo my hair until it squeaked because I wanted it to be really clean.:ohwell: I am so glad that I have learned better. I know look forward to doing my hair every week during the winter and every other day during the summer. :drunk:
Oh yes Pre-LHCF I would

Wash my hair every 2-3 weeks UGH
Relax every 6 weeks UGH

Since Joining LHCF

I wash once a week.
I relax every 26 weeks.
I washed maybe once or twice a month with Suave for Kids/L'Oreal Kids 2-in-1. My hair was squeaky clean and full of tangles.
I wash my hair pretty much the same way now that I did pre-LHCF. I just slap the shampoo on my hair and massage it into my hair and scalp. My hair is just fine.
I was thinking about this the other day:nono:. First of all I washed my hair with whatever was available, shampoo (didn't matter the brand, I never got slip anyway), body soap (Palmolive or whatever) or dishwashing liquid. I know, I know... of course my hair was always a dry tangled mess after I washed it. I used to pop the tangles out or cut them so imagine what my hair looked like. Somehow I thought it was just the way my hair was...
I never used conditioner because that was a waste of time I used to think. DCing...uhmmm what was that:look:?? And I never protein treated.
I used to gather my hair up and washed it until it was all foamy. I had to see foam. That was before I learnt that foam doesn't clean hair or clothes for that matter.
After the washing came the drying. I never air-dried so I used a hair dryer at the highest setting so it burnt my scalp sometimes. By the time I was finished there was so much hair on me and the floor, it's a wonder I used to have any on my head.
I never moisturised after either, I remember using a leave-in conditioner once because I found it lying around and thought I'd just put it in. I really hated the way my hair looked after I washed it (or abused it I should say) so I didn't wash it very often to tell the truth. Pre-LHCF wash days really sucked...
But that was then...:spinning:
I used to pile my hair on my head and wash twice with whatever shampoo my mom bought followed by the matching conditioner once a week.. I did use hot oil treatments and cholesterol every 2 weeks... Then I would rinse and comb it starting from the root and blowdry, braid in 2 braids and go to sleep with a scarf
It was terrible.
I didn't wash as often as I liked because I thought I could'nt.
I used alot of poo and would just scratch and really go at my hair.
Sometimes I did'nt even use con after. :nono:
Then I would rip through my dry as a bone hair with a crazy comb or brush.
Man, I hated wash days!
I would wash my hair without a lot of shampoo. Maybe 3 times. And never condition after. NEVER. And I washed once a month.
Yep... I do remember the way I used to wash my hair pre LHCF and the answer is too rough and not enough... that's why I had no hair:blush: And conditioner.... SHOOOOOT.. That was only for white people.
I shampooed 3 times to get that nice, foamy, squeaky lather thinking my hair was finally clean (when it really was stripped, dry and brittle. :wallbash: )


Years ago - The double shampooing.....the stripping!!!!! The five minute conditioning!!!!! LORD!!!!

The horror!!!! That was my life....:nono:
Ahh, freshman year of college... I used to shampoo my relaxed hair weekly with whatever $.89 SLS shampoo was on sale. I never used conditioner because I didn't know what it was for, to be honest. :nono: And then I would use my blow dryer with the comb attachment on the "high" setting and comb & brush it back into a ponytail. :nono:
Girl I would sit in that chair and I dont know what my beautician did or used. And if she asked me what I wanted I would tell her thats what Im paying you for. And if I didnt make it to the salon I would get my IC gel or Garnier pomade and my plastic purple goody brush and slap in my ponytail and keep on steppin.
Down to the creamy texture of the conditioner, the scent, how it feels on ur strands, the slip, the softness after it's rinsed out, how it detangles....u get the point!....i feel like everytime i poo & condition its a scientific experiment. Every piece of data is recorded.So true!!! BUT...when i think of how i used to wash was soooo different. I didnt give a frog's butt what the conditioner it smelled..or how tangled my hair got cuz i knew i was gonna rip it all out with my comb afterwards. i just slapped that junk on and kept it moving.....SOOO WHAT WAS IT LIKE TO WASH UR HAIR PRE-LHCF?....were u a lets get it over with type?I was...did u hate it so much u waited 4 weeks to wash. you kYes and how did now?...or have somone else do it for u?...I used to live at the Dominican Salon, even though I hated the wait. The salon was literally around the corner from my house and it would take 5 hours to get a wash and set, never mind standing line for the hair dryer...what products or lines were u using? I used to use CON, Dominican products, Mane and tail and Pantene poos and condtioners.

Needless to say I was horrible to my hair, I wrapped it for the first 3 days after a wash and set, but after that no scarf and my ends were exposed dry and brittle all over my cotton pillowcase.
Deep condition???? what's that?? Why bother deep condition if I am just gonna get the ends trimmed off?? WHAT????!?!?!?!?!? and the list goes on and on.....
well for the past few years I was 100% salon dependent which meant that i got my hair washed when i had the money to do so..this could be up to 5 weeks!!! (i know)

before that i washed every 2 weeks. shampooed twice (i wanted big suds). piling the hair on top of my head and all. no sections here. then i threw conditioner in there for 1 minute. ran a sorta wide-toothed comb threw my whole head (again no sections). then rinsed.

a mess
I would wash with straight shampoo (sometimes diluted, sometimes 2 in 1) until my hair was squeaky clean. I would sometimes condition, sometimes not in order to let my hair "rest" (WTF????) Then because it was dry as a bone, I would pack oil and grease into it, brush it through with a hard plastic brush, and blow dry it with a comb attachment from towel dried wet. Then put more grease on top. I had a chin length bob most of the time, so I would bump the ends with a curling iron. Every day. Then I'd have the stylist trim off the heat damaged ends every time I got a relaxer.

I WISH I was exaggerating. **shudder***
I learned how to wash my hair properly a year or two before joining LHCF, but I do remember when I was in my teens/early twenties washing my hair was a pain. I would use any shampoo. I didn't realize that some shampoos were not right for my hair, if it left my hair a tangled mess, I would continue using it and think that I just had 'bad hair.'
I would ALWAYS lose a TON of hair. After washing, my hair would be sooo dry and brittle. Watching how hairstylist washed my hair, and reading about haircare taught me how to wash my hair properly.
I swore by Motions shampoo and CPR. I would wash it about every 2 weeks would go longer if I could get away with it. I would use that green grease and blow dry the heck out it and flat iron it into submission. If that didn't work I'd pull out my gel and slick it into a pony or put a wig on.

I can smell the burn grease as I type...ewlk:lachen:
Wash with all willy nilly on top my head, struggle to comb it all going back and wonder why I would always see little curly q's in the teeth of my comb. Put on any type of conditioner for a minute then rinse. Try to comb my hair straight back again--and wonder why da heck why my ends were still popping off like tiny little rubberbands stretching to they're limit and breaking. I can still hear them. :wallbash:
I washed with CON but used no conditioner :wallbash: I thought the conditioner wasn't really needed since the CON cleaned and provided moisture. I'd sometimes use the Fantasia IC Reconstructor after the CON, but that was only sometimes.

Afterwards, I'd just blow-dry my hair and curl it with the curling iron.

I did that about once a week, while using the curling irons almost everyday.
oh yeeaaa i forgot about those 2 in 1 poo & conditioners. Those were a holy grail of mine since i was so lazy

I've used those 2-n-1s (mainly Pantene or....PERT:nono:) before in high school. That was if I couldn't get ahold of my CON. Those 2-n-1s were still drying, yet I figured I didn't need conditioner since it was supposed to have conditioner already in it, smh.