Do you relax according to NG or weeks gone by?


Love yourself first!
I think the Summer Heat is making my hair grow faster. I just looked at the calendar and I am 4 weeks post relaxer. My hair feels like I am at 10 weeks. I want to touch up but I feel as if it is too soon even if my roots say something different.

Should I relax or hold out another 4-5 weeks! :eek: :yikes:
I aim for 10 weeks b/c I know how much ng I should have at that time but if I hit that mark before, then I will relax sooner. 4 weeks does seem awfully soon though, maybe hold out 2 more??
I go by new growth, the breakage I would get by trying to hold out to a certain time frame would not be worth the effort of stretching. I try to normally go between 6 & 12 weeks, but I've done it at 4 before.
I usually did it by NG but now I stretch it out & allow more weeks to go by:yep:
I am currently at the end of a five month stretch & I've got some nice, strong, thick growth in...
I go by the weeks to touch-up my new growth. I mark my calendar everytime I do my touch-up and count 8 weeks after that. Normally, by the 8th week, I have a good 1 to 1 1/2 inches of new growth that I can safely touch-up.

Last relaxer touch-up: May 16th, 2005
Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Considering getting cornrows for 8 weeks and
jumping on the MTG bandwagon.
Current hair length: 1 1/2 inches past bra strap (blown out)
Hair type and texture: 4b thick and course
Ultimate hair goal: 5 inches past bra strap by Dec. 2005 pics coming soon!!!!!!
I usually try to go 8 to 10 weeks but I just relaxed at 5 weeks because of all my new growth. I will try again to at least 8 weeks, this time but if it gets too rough I will have to relax.
I go by the weeks after my last relaxer touchup. My last one was in June. I'm going for the last week before August for my next one. But for right now, my NG is softer and hoping to stretch another 4 more weeks.

I wait at least 8 weeks, but I know what you mean about having a lot of NG during the summer. It's almost pointless for me to get a relaxer during summer months, because I sweat it out and do experience extra growth.
I go by weeks, my hair grows a LOT quicker in the summertime, but Im more concerned about how often the chemical is on my scalp, not with relaxing just because I have more new growth. I think relaxing every 4 weeks is too much for me regardless of whether I have a ton of new growth or not.
Sweet_Ambrosia said:
I aim for 24 weeks (six months).
Four weeks is a bit too soon to relax, try holding out another month or two.

Oh my goodness another month or two! :eek:
I dont know if I can do that.

July 30th will be my eighth week. If I am not a true bra strap by then, something is wrong! "Looking for Mona!"
I think I will try a week of wash and go styles to get me through the crunch.
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For me, it depends on the relaxer. When I was using Affirm by the 4th week it looked like week 9, even though I would wait until 10 weeks. I started using Revlon Mild again and I know I can go about 13-14 weeks before it really looks hurt.
BklynHeart said:
For me, it depends on the relaxer. When I was using Affirm by the 4th week it looked like week 9, even though I would wait until 10 weeks. I started using Revlon Mild again and I know I can go about 13-14 weeks before it really looks hurt.

ummmm... Its interesting you say that, cause I jsut switched from Indigo to Affirm a couple of touch-ups ago. I wonder if this isnt my problem as well. So are you saying the Affirm may not be taking well, or is it a good hair growing product?
I, myself NOW, go by newgrowth . In the past, I have gone by weeks waiting as long as 16 or more weeks. I think this is the reason why I have thin "see through" ends! :perplexed
I go by the shedding. If I start to shed really bad and it is past 6 weeks I go ahead and relax. Streching does not work for me at all. My hair is too thick and bushy.
I pretty much do a combination of the the two. I try to wait for about 16 weeks. If my new growth becomes a lot for me to handle, then, I'll go ahead and relax. My last touch-up was a little over 6 months ago b/c I was thinking about transitioning, but, I think that I'm going to relax, soon.
I go by weeks first, 10-12. Then depending on the actual amount of new growth I have at that time, I may relax then or stretch longer. At least 1 in. of new growth for me would be a good time to relax.