Do you REALLY wait 1 week?

Ms. Plain Jane

New Member
Do you wait one week in between your last MN application and getting a relaxer?

I just started using MN last week and the last time that I used it was earlier this week, but I want to get a relaxer tomorrow. To top things off, tomorrow I wanted to switch from Elasta QP No Lye to Elasta QP Lye.

Any suggestions/recommendations? Has anyone successfully relaxed without waiting a week?
My relaxer worked just perfect. I used phyto but it was a last minute decision sooooo i had used MN the night before :nono: i know bad bad bad huh...but my hair didn't fall out and it still looks gorgeous what lol
I waited a week and and I'll start again tomorrow and that will make a week after my touch up. I don't know who makes up the rules, but I'm sure there is nothing wrong with not waiting a full week!:look:
I don't wait a week...I usually wait until a few days after I wash the chemical out of my hair before a touch up! Waiting a week and not washing means it's still on your scalp/in your hair! I never understood the waiting a week thing, unless they meant a week after removing it. I'm glad your hair wasn't affected, Krazynkute0188:yep:
Girl no, I just stop using it the wash before my relaxer(usually 2-3 days) I don't know who said that you have to wait a week, but it's not true