Do you really have to wash after every workout?

Do you wash after every workout session

  • Yes, after every workout

    Votes: 11 9.2%
  • No, stick to your normal regimen

    Votes: 54 45.0%
  • Not after every workout but up the co-washes a little more

    Votes: 55 45.8%

  • Total voters
Do you need to take a shower after your workouts? If you're sweaty and/or stinky after a workout, then yes; if not, no. I really think it depends on you and how your body reacts. I have a friends who doesn't even wear deoderant because she never gets stinky - me, I can take a shower and sit to watch television for a couple of hours and my armpits get funky again.

I would not suggest using shampoo four times a week unless it is seriously diluted, but you can co-wash or rinse at the very least.

Ah, the trials and tribulations of the beautiful...:spinning:
I would have not a hair on my head if I washed my hair after every workout.

I agree with other ladies who say it depends on how much you sweat, it also depends on how much time you have, and your hair. Co-washing occasionally is a great alternative.
I work out 4-6 days a week for the last 14 years. In the summertime I workout sometimes twice a day (second workout is usually swimming). In the summertime I shampoo/condition my hair twice a day! It grows so much when I do this! I find it very necessary to shampoo twice a day in the summer time.

In the winter time I shampoo/condition 3 to 4 days a week. Usually every other day. Cleansing your scalp is most important.
I work out 5 days a week - 2 of those workouts are very sweaty and the other 3 are moderately sweaty. I put a little oil on my hairline and tie my hair down with a scarf and it dries and does not smell. I wash once a week.
I work out almost everyday....the perks of being in the military... and I do notice a difference when I co-wash more when you sweat your body is also releasing salt which could result in your hair feeling drier or not retaining the moisture you attempt to put in it.....For time and weather purposes I usually co-wash every 2-3 days....and everyday on the weekends......HTH
I don't think you have to wash after every workout. It realy depends on how much you sweat. I think you will instinctually know, lol. When my hair is plastered to my head I know I have to wash. Sometimes if it's a light work out, then I just keep it moving.

Just wanted to share my favorite, my hair needs to be washed-but I don't have time trick. I take a clean face cloth and dip it into the sink with water and conditioner. I wipe through my hair focusing on the hairline. Add some leave in, put my hair in a ponytail and tie it down with a scarf, I then sit under the dryer for 5 minutes on low.
This leaves my hair looking good until I can find the time to wash it properly.
Good thread...I've been wondering how to rectify this with my extensions. When I was rocking my TWA I'd just rinse it with plain water and do a WNG every morning. My hair was short enough for me to continue this through the winter months (it would be dry before I had to go outside), but doing that with yarn twists would be insane...not to mention how quickly they'd begin looking ratty...

Anyone with extensions mind divulging whether/how they've modified their regimen? In the past I just didn't work out when I had extensions, lol...but right now I'm working toward other goals in addition to hair growth...
i could not do that. i work out sometimes 6 days a week! my hair is fine. i only do that in the summer when it's hot and i feel like it. in the winter, i shower and kim
Yes, my hair is SOAKED after my workouts. Gotta wash/cowash each and every time. However, I only workout 3-4 times a week when I'm on my regular schedule, so it's usually on a day that I was going to wash anyway.
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It depends on how hard you're working out and sweating. I go HARD at the gym so I wash after every work out or if I'm REALLY lazy after every other workout. I sweat like crazy though, so I usually opt to do it every time.

Now that I'm in braids it's a little easier. I think my hair grows faster and is in better condition when I wet it that often and I don't really mind the fuzzies. I also redo them once they start to look too bad.
I CW every 2-3 days for two reasons. One I run ALOT (5 days a weeks, 5 or more miles) and I try and keep my hair conditioned and smelling good. The other reason is that after those long runs my curly fro looks more like a dry arse chia pet. So there you have it....LOL
Good thread...I've been wondering how to rectify this with my extensions. When I was rocking my TWA I'd just rinse it with plain water and do a WNG every morning. My hair was short enough for me to continue this through the winter months (it would be dry before I had to go outside), but doing that with yarn twists would be insane...not to mention how quickly they'd begin looking ratty...

Anyone with extensions mind divulging whether/how they've modified their regimen? In the past I just didn't work out when I had extensions, lol...but right now I'm working toward other goals in addition to hair growth...

I have been growing out my here the last 7 months mostly with some type of braid extensions. i use braid shampoo spray once a week and use the braid condition spray/leave-in mix 203 timess a week. Leaves my scalp clean and hair smelling good. Check out C&G if you haven't already. it works well with workouts