Do you miss your hairstylist?


Well-Known Member
I do. I had the same hairstylist for eight years up until Fall '07. There were a couple reasons why I stop going to her...

1. I moved 30 miles away. The gas prices were between $3 - $ 4 and I couldn't take it. Then, the traffic is just horrible in ATL trying to get there after work. If you live in ATL - I live in Cascade area and she lives in Snellville):nono:

2. She stopped taking appts on Saturdays.

3. I was introduced to weaves and learned to save money.

4. I went for a weave maintenance service and she was going out of town. She had her co stylist do my hair and I was in the salon for 8 hours :wallbash:

5. My stylist was scissor happy. Now, she had some growing hands. But, some cutting ones too.

6. I realized that my hair was showing significant improvement after applying what I learned on LHCF.

I haven't seen my stylist since Fall 07 even though we go to the same church. Everytime I saw her shampoo girl or her sister, I would always tell them I miss her and to say hello for me.

Well, I saw her at Watch Night Service and we couldn't stop hugging and crying. :bighug:

I told her I would visit her again one day. Boy, will she be shocked when she sees the length of my hair. :shocked:

I miss my girl Tiff! She was the only one where I could get shampoo, style and a prayer!

What about you?
I admit that I do miss my stylist. Her relaxers are off the charts!
But so is her cutting. I didn't mind the trims but she cut off too much. I got tired of leaving her salon with the same length of hair that I had with her last 12 week relaxer. I just never saw any progress.

I am a DIYer and I think that after I finish what I have I am going to go see my mom's stylist for relaxers only. I have already spoken to her on the phone and explained my wishes about not cutting and she is open to that. So we will see how it goes. Since I am getting ready to graduate and will need some help when it comes to my hair, I figure I better find someone that I like soon.
I haven't stopped going completely yet. However I hadn't been in 3 months and I did miss her, but after a 19 week stretch and reaching APL only to have her cut off 1/2 of my progress on 12/31/08 is about to cause me to STOP. I have been on this HJ for four months and I've learned so much, I know that I can stop going. I have made a promise that I am only going to go once a quarter and firmly advise that I don not want a trim or anything that invloves scissors !
I don't.

She had a good heart and was nice but she jacked up my hair. Years later it still hasnt been the same. My mom still goes to her and she has the same broken patches I used to get. :ohwell:
I don't miss any of my previous stylists, but if something were to happen with my current stylist I would be devastated.
I don't. My stylist was nice but extremely unprofessional. I'm glad I found LHCF, now I have the education to care for my own hair.
I still see her but not as often as before. She is the best. She inspire me to keep growing my hair and she not sissor happy. She once told me, whatever Im doing keep doing it. I go to her to flat iron and relaxers, and keep my ends in check.
I miss my stylist. I was with her for 13 years before she moved to Maryland. With her, my hair was cut in a bob, grew to bra-strap, and in-between. She was great.
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I do and I don't...

I miss having the "swang" and just out of the salon look. I loved my stylist and went to her for about 8yrs (until Oct. 08). I really haven't completely written her off, but I know that my progress is ALWAYS slower and off when I go to her regularly.

I know that my progress was usually off because of her aggressive trims, but it really did make my hair look better when I wore it relaxed. I find it pointless to have long, lifeless, thin hair. And she really did help me to combat that.

On the flip side, I DON'T miss going to her with APL hair and leaving with collarbone length (as was the case in Oct. 08). I also don't miss the fact that at my last visit when I got a flat iron press, she made sections of my hair PERMENTALLY straight ... this was after 10 months of transitioning. I'm still recovering from the straight pieces while trying not to BC until I'm at least 24 months post relaxer.

I'm hoping one day I can find a happy balance between my hair goals and how I'd like my hair to look (the just left the salon look) while I'm striving for and maintaining those goals. I know I'm a long way from finding what I'm looking for because in my city they STILL "punish" you for trying to have natural/transitioning kinky & curly hair... by punish I mean they still charge outrageously for our hair care here. So, I won't be happy until I can get the look I want for the prices that relaxed heads pay.
I miss my old stylist that passed away :cry3:and I just thought of her yesterday. She died at 30 years old suddenly. She kept going on crash diets and taking all kinds of dietpills.... she had a heart attack at Odunde(philly event). NO ONE could hook-up my hair like she did. I mean long or short!
I miss my old stylist that passed away :cry3:and I just thought of her yesterday. She died at 30 years old suddenly. She kept going on crash diets and taking all kinds of dietpills.... she had a heart attack at Odunde(philly event). NO ONE could hook-up my hair like she did. I mean long or short!

That's so sad! :sad:
Yes, I miss my old stylist I had in high school & my early days in college. She was very into healthy hair.
I don't miss my old stylists. My old stylist left the salon I used to go to around the time I did the BC so it was perfect timing. I had completely gone DIY by that point anyway. The last lady that did my hair was not too pleased to see all the nappiness LOL (mind you she used to do my hair - relaxed years - with no problems). So why do I want to visit a salon when I know I'm persona non grata? LOL

I did love the fact that the stylist let me know I had no split ends and she didn't need to cut my hair. Little did she know she wasn't gonna touch my hair with scissors anyway!

They decided that I had too much hair so they proceeded to blow dry both sides of my big head at the same time. There was so much smoke I couldn't stop coughing LOL

I came out with beautiful hair... but guess what, it went POOF as soon as I stepped outside ahhahaha That's when I realized that I can't straighten in the summer time. Too bad I had to pay $40 to figure that out.

OK so my answer is no, I don't miss paying money for somebody else to dance merengue while doing my hair. I do miss the Novela's and running next door at the bodega for coconut ice-cream and platanitos.
I miss having my hair done by someone else, but I like the fact that I know exactly what is going in my hair at all times. I feel ya on the traffic in Atlanta! I use to go to buckhead to get my hair done and at the time I lived in Gwinnett!

You sure do. How are you my fellow shortie :) So glad to see we are growing together. Same length and all!

Yep, we walking side by side in this hair journey. I've been doing fine. Now since my hair is long enough, I'm trying to perfect the art of rollersetting. :look:
Absolutely not.:nono::nono: I enjoy doing my own hair and experimenting with new styles. I don't miss waiting for hours to get my hair done while listening to nonstop gossip. I don't miss worrying about whether the relaxer was rinsed out properly or if I'll end up with an unwanted cut. Since becoming a DIYer, I have more hair on my head and more money in my pocket.:grin:
Absolutely not.:nono::nono: I enjoy doing my own hair and experimenting with new styles. I don't miss waiting for hours to get my hair done while listening to nonstop gossip. I don't miss worrying about whether the relaxer was rinsed out properly or if I'll end up with an unwanted cut. Since becoming a DIYer, I have more hair on my head and more money in my pocket.:grin:

That sounds like my old stylist. Going in for a 10am appointment and leaving at 3pm, just to get a roller-set. Relaxers and trims every 6 weeks. While you wait for the stylist in comes the lady selling jewelry, the guy selling bootleg CDs and DVDs and/or clothes and handbags. Oh and I can't forget the 16 year old shampoo girl that does most of the work, so the stylist only had to take out the rollers seperate the curls and send me on my merry little way.
Hellz no! I always made my appointment around 1 or 2 and ALWAYS left around 6 or 7 (closing time!). She would blow dry and press my hair without heat protectant and I started to notice my natural hair getting thinner (A pretty hard task with my head). I mentioned this to her and she said the reason my hair looked thin was because I didn't have any layers cut in my hair. :ohwell: Truth is, I had plenty of layers from all the breakage I was getting. I went to her every two weeks, and EVERY two weeks she would cut my hair, and it stayed the same length because of "split ends." Then she had the nerve to tell me every time I went to her my hair was growing...this thread got me mad :wallbash:
I miss her when I'm lazy and my hair is looking a hot mess.
But once I learned how to do my own hair (thanks to this site!!), I really don't need to go