Do you mind people touching your hair?


Well-Known Member
I am slightly freaky about this. I don't really like people touching my hair. I just feel like it's so delicate(in my own little world,lol) and no one is going to treat it like me. Now, if a person asks respectfully, if they can then I allow that. But someone that I don't know or barely know coming up to me and touching my hair, that will get you at the very least glared on. Possibly even hurt!
A dear friend of mine who has, fairly healthy shoulder length hair tells me that my hair looks good, is healthy and that I'm too funny about folks touching it. She also says she doesn't care if people touch hers. Ummm....the reason my hair is the way it is, is because I AM funny about it! I tell her when her hair gets to past bra-strap, we can talk then about it.
Just curious about what you ladies' feelings are about people touching your hair?
People I don't Today someone did that, I elbowed him, it was instinctively. It didn't hurt them though, but don't invade my personal space.
I hate people touching my hair.

If you're so inclined, ask me first. People always tend to want to touch my hair when it's curly. It drives me insane.
my husband touches my hair-- that's the long and short list. i hate when other people touch my hair. -- jainygirl
I honestly don't mind, I take it as a compliment actually. Now touching me is a no no
I guess I would have to say no since my husband is always in my hair. Other people don't tend to but my hair is short so I don't have people in awe with it.
I remember a friend of mines would not just touch my hair but rub it down repeatedly. It's annoying and most of the time I believe they are checking for tracks! Sorry to upset's all mine!
I hate it! I don't let anyone touch my hair anymore not even my mother. I'm starting not to trust the hair dresser I grew up on
One time in school, this girl I barely knew started poking at my head and subconsciously I gave her a dirty look
hairlove said:
Close friends and family can touch my hair. No one else...

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I don't mind people I'm comfortable with touching my hair, but everyone should ask me first. Strangers? NO!
kitchen_tician said:
Only if they ask. It feels so weird for someone's hands to all of a sudden touch you without warning.

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They definitely must ask first.
Girl when I used to have a perm or a weave, touching my hair was a big no no! It was already falling out, I had so much grease in it I was afraid it would rub off on people's hands, and then I paid $85 for a better believe it was going to last 2weeks!
My husband touches my hair. He actually put a french braid in it a couple months ago ... I was shocked ... lol! He rinses my hair in the shower sometimes too. I do however get irritated when he just sits there and rubs it for minutes. Other than that, I don't like peoples hands in my hair, especially if I don't know where their hands have been! They better ask first and make sure their hands are clean.
i dont mind unless they're being stupid about it. this girl yanked my pony tail once just to make sure it was real.first she pets it, then yanks. it also becomes a hassle when people pet your hair so much that they tangle it. my b/f does that.
MizAvalon said:
I am slightly freaky about this. I don't really like people touching my hair. I just feel like it's so delicate(in my own little world,lol) and no one is going to treat it like me. Now, if a person asks respectfully, if they can then I allow that. But someone that I don't know or barely know coming up to me and touching my hair, that will get you at the very least glared on. Possibly even hurt!
A dear friend of mine who has, fairly healthy shoulder length hair tells me that my hair looks good, is healthy and that I'm too funny about folks touching it. She also says she doesn't care if people touch hers. Ummm....the reason my hair is the way it is, is because I AM funny about it! I tell her when her hair gets to past bra-strap, we can talk then about it.
Just curious about what you ladies' feelings are about people touching your hair?

[/ QUOTE ] <font color="blue"> gilr, i FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! my hair is natural and curly...and it takes a damn lot of effort to get it to look the way it does and then someone wants to just come pullin strands out here and my ish lookin all lopsided? oh hell nah!!!! thats one of my biggest pet peeves!!!

and i dont mean to be offensive, seems like its mainly white people tryin to touch my hair!!! im more open to letting a black woman touch it, cuz she'll understand the work that went into it and she'll touch it "right" white friends dont know how to touch hair and leave it like they found it!! im constantly in my karate stance yelling, "no touchy!!!" they usually back off after that </font>

It's part of my body. People need to ask first before touching as I would do before touching them. It has to do with personal boundaries and respect.
this one time (at band camp) this old white lady just walks up to me and starts touching my hair. she compliments me and asks if my mother has hair like mines.
i get the occasional "let me check for tracks" toucher. my youngest kids (4 &amp; 7) are the worst, though, b/c they always rub in the wrong direction. for instance, if my hair is back in a bun, they will rub towards my face or ears. very irritating.
Shatani said:
<font color="blue"> ....and i dont mean to be offensive, seems like its mainly white people tryin to touch my hair!!! im more open to letting a black woman touch it, cuz she'll understand the work that went into it and she'll touch it "right" white friends dont know how to touch hair and leave it like they found it!! im constantly in my karate stance yelling, "no touchy!!!" they usually back off after that </font>


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This is too funny!!

Your puff is very pretty and looks irresistible to touch.
Mainly close friends and family can touch my hair. But I will occasionally let someone outside that group touch my hair.

I was at Bible Study at school and this white girl was so fascinated with my twists and how they stretch. Every week she told me how cool my hair was. She asked politely if she could pull a twist and I said yes. She gently pulled and released and got all excited like it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen.

She asked me if we could switch hair for the summer.

I have a couisn who I had'nt seen in years, he does the track check LOL. He pats it down. I was not mad, but kinda happy that it looked so healthy and shiny that he had to touch. people I don't know.... thats a no no.
