Do you loose more hair straight or when curled??


New Member
Lindy sent me a PM this morning asking me this question about the amount of hair I lose when I roller set. She stated that she doesn't feel that she loses as much when she wears her hair straight.

Having roller set for four weeks straight, I do lose some hair, but I don't think its any more then if I would comb daily. I am curious as to what you other ladies think. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

Myself, I rollerset on small rollers and finger separate my tight curls the first two days. The 3rd & 4th day I pick my ends a little so that I don't have that bird nest thing going on. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I don't pre-comb before shampooing, I finger comb while shampooing - so what I think I'm seeing is hair that would have normally shed.

Do any of you other ladies who rollerset experience any significant hair loss because of rollersetting? (I let my curls wear - I don't wrap)

Do you think it makes a difference whether you wear your hair straight or curled in the amont of hair you would lose?

Or do you think that a protective style is the best way to go?

Is this making sense??
Definitely Curled... I was just saying that few minutes ago at work, I washed and did a curly twist out and just been finger combing it and it feels drier and there's falling hairs.

When it's straight it does'nt do it as much.
i agree, i get more tangles with braid outs so i try not to touch it at all too much. when i roller set its nnice and smooth, great stuff.
I feel as if I loose a little more hair with rollersets than when I just air dry my hair. /images/graemlins/look.gif
I lose more hair when I wear styles that have to be combed everyday, such as wearing it straight, etc. When I wear it curled, my hair does much better, because the ends aren't touching my clotes quite as much, depending on how much curl I have in it. But, I would probably have to comb the hair at night to roll it back up again, which isn't good. And I hate combing my hair when I have a ton of newgrowth! Makes me tired!

Now, I also like wearing my hair naturally curled, even though I have a perm. By this, I mean wet your hair and go curls and styles, rather than comb and manipulate styles. My hair has grown a ton and thickened, because wetting my hair and going is doing my hair a favor. The moisture, not to mention that I don't comb my hair when I wear it like this. If I do, it is a little bit, just to smooth some of the fuzz that develops when you don't comb your hair in 2 or 3 days. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif But I usually wear my hair out with this style.

Then, the best of all, is wetting hair, and then putting it up loosely some kinda way! I get bored with this, but it's protective and it's harder for an observer to see a lotta fuzz. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Pandora, that could be my problem I keep bothering it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I seem to loose less hair when straight, but then again, I don't comb it as much when it is straight. When it is curled up, every curl has to be in place and just right.
personally i know i experience way more breakage with curls. especially if i keep them in for a few days. by the time i comb out my hair it's gonna definitely be tangled. even if i rinse to let the water do some of the detangling i still have more breakage. this whole week i've roller set in bigger rollers for a more straight look and i haven't expericened any breakage at all. that's proof enough for me! /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
Hummm...this is interesting. I set mine and leave it alone. More so because of the setting lotion or cream that I use for a firm curl. I don't touch until the next day, then I finger style and go. When I wear a protective style I moisturize and comb twice a day. Very seldom do I wear my hair straight because I would have to blow dry. There is a problem with dryness when wearing out, so I add a little shea butter/oil mixture daily.

Mindy, If you don't manipulate there is very little frizz.
Patticake, I was thinking I would try a larger roller for a straighter look, only thing is I don't know what I'd do with my hair afterwards. How are you wearing yours? I'm really digging my curls... /images/graemlins/smile.gif
well is your hair natural or relaxed? mine is relaxed but wavy when air dried so it's really easy for me to achieve straight hair. before i roller set i add a little Herbal Essence Intensive Blends Conditioning Balm to my dry hair to loosen my waves. then i roll it in large magnetic rollers. in the morning i just undue them and brush the dents from the rollers a little bit. i think the conditioning balm helps straighten my waves a lot. when i'm all done it looks like it's been wrapped overnight. (i'm very bad at wrapping and gave up on it a long time ago).
/images/graemlins/grin.gif Patticake, I say my hair is texturized by accident. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I cannot let my hair air dry - poof city. I have to rollerset while wet in order for it to be straight and/or smooth. Otherwise I have that natural thing going on which I like too. I guess I've got the best of both worlds /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Sweetcocoa, I really want to try rinsing daily this summer. I just have to find a way to wear my hair so that when it drys I won't look crazy /images/graemlins/grin.gif and...I don't know what products to use...I'll have to work that out. I think the daily moisture would work wonders for my hair.
Interesting discussion. I have found that when I rollerset and "doobie" my hair, I see alot of hair in the sink. the process of combing out the set makes me lose alot of hair. When I flat iron, I see virtually no hair falling.

But its a catch 22....if I set, then I use no heat, but hair is everywhere. If I air dry then flat iron, no hair falls, but I am using direct heat.

Which is worse, random broken hairs, or split ends from the heat?? /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif
I definitely find I lose more hair when I airdry it and wear it curly. When I rollerset I lose maybe 5 hairs and once straightened I lose little if any.

While my hair is curly I lose nothingat all - but that combout in the shower after a few days of curly hair is always a tightrope walk. I proceed veerrrrry slowly and will still lose more like 10-20 hairs. But then I usually haven't combed my hair for a day or two at it's probably equal.

Thanks Nita, for posting this question... sounds like the general consensus is that curls do seem to cause more breakage... /images/graemlins/frown.gif, which makes sense because I think it's so much easier for the hair to get tangled up when it's in curls... Hmmm. That's something to think about. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hey nita! /images/graemlins/wave.gif

Thank you so much /images/graemlins/grin.gif you girls are the nicest....

I actually do use heat. When I want my hair straight I rollerset and dry it under a hooded dryer. When I do this at a Dominican Salon I also have them blow just my roots (not the length). This gets it even straighter. You can see the difference in the pics I posted in my first album (that's what my hair looks like when I do it - not quite as straight) and the most recent (the ones in the more recent 2003 album) is what it looks like when I do it at the salon. I only wash and set these days about once every two weeks tho. I wear it curly a lot out of laziness. But I DO use heat, girl. Make no mistake.... /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I find the moderate amounts of heat I use (moderate as far as frequency) have had no adverse effects. If my hair starts to feel like it's tweaking a little I just mositurize the heck out of it and wear it curly. That also happens when I'm too lazy to undertake the 3 hour process involved in getting my hair straight or when I'm too tired which has been the case as of late.

HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Curled,I like it curled /images/graemlins/wink.gif but the hair fallout /images/graemlins/tongue.gif NO. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
I too noticed that when I do twist outs that I lose more hair because i'm always trying to comb it. Not only that, when i try to wrap it seems I lose more so I just stopped doing it. I've never done a twist out after a perm but I definitely see more hair when i'm at week 8 or more. I haven't quite figured out how to get my hair straight when airdrying /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif! Damn that Carolyn Gray!!! LOL Anyway, I rollerset and it takes me about 30-45 min to dry under the hooded dryer. After that i just do dry twist outs and make two big mickey mouse ear thingys on the side. When I comb it not that many hairs come out.
When I had relaxed hair and wore it curly, I definitely lost more hair then when straight. Now that I’m natural my hair is naturally curly all the time and I don’t lose any, only a few sheds here and there but no breakage. It was definitely breaking hair when curly and relaxed. Perhaps relaxed hair shouldn’t be worn curly, hence relaxer, there must be some reason why relaxed curly hair breaks more.