Do you look cute when yo go to bed?


Well-Known Member
Dare you post a pic............

I have been neglecting my hair lately because i just don't want to look all dowdy infront of my SO.

He says he doesn't mind but i just can't bring myself to wear a bonnet in front of him (i mean, they look like silky shower caps :perplexed).
My scarves seem to slide off my hair really easily and to be honest they come right off when we are 'lovin' and my hair ends up jacked-up anyway (most of the time i don't have time to put it on).

If i pin curl and don't wear a scarf the curls are an absolute mess in the morning.

I honestly don't know how some of you go to bed with wet hair either - i mean - don't your pillows get all damp and/or doesn't your SO hear all that crunching?

Come on - lets see a pic of you looking cute for your hubby but still protecting your hair.
LOL i don't have a pic, the only way i look cute going to bed is if SO isn't sleeping in bed with me. he was the one complaining about choking on my hair in his sleep. :look:

i'll take a pic tonite when i get home though. SO doesn't mind my pineapple :lachen:
I look like a hot mess....I don't wear a bonnet, but I do wear a scarf. When I wake up it's half way off and my hair is sticking up all over the place. I'm like it is what it me the way I am dang it. LOL
:laugh: After 12 years of being with my hubby he doesn't care how I come to bed! I remember the days where I'd look "cute" to go to bed though. He actually loves the fact that I'm into the health of my hair and therefore puts up with the overnight pre-pooing and what not. At times when I go to bed without wrapping or covering my hair he sometimes reminds me to do so!
here's 2 pics of me looking tow back, my hub just so happen to catch me slip'n w/ the doggon's not the morning after but i was lounging, i can not find a morning after, thank God:grin:
ok so u see my sew't be hate'n!:grin:
i used to sleep cute everynight. i think i earned my tow back mornings after 6years of marriage. nowadays and especially after some good love'n, sheeeeet after all of that cuteness flies out the window. cuteness get's reserved on a need basis.:lachen:

4got 2 add my photos


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:lachen::lachen:This is funny! First, I look cute always. :look:But, do I look like I stepped out of a magazine when I go to bed? Hecky, naw!:lachen:I am sooo lucky SO doesn't care that much. My hair is usually in a scarf, and I sleep on satin cases. He can't talk about me, he threw a fit about wanting some satin cases, too.:rolleyes: So he sleeps on them, also. He knows that during the day, I be whipping it up. Sleeping is my down time, shoooo!
I haven't tried to look cute in bed for years! Dh doesn't care either way, but he does love when I don't cover my fro at night, so satin pillow cases are a must. Most of the time I wear a bonnet. I think it's kind of cute!:grin:
I wear a scarf and bonnet @ night, SO is immune to it. (but i STILL look cute!) When I forget and just go to bed w/o it he'll ask 'where are all your head wrappers?':lachen:
Ummm last night my SO commented that I look like an alien for bed. I wrap my hair in a satin scarf and then put a wave cap on to keep it in place and to top it off I put on the bonnet., I don't.:nono: However, I may ditch the bonnet and wear just my homemade black silk scarf. I made it with extra long tie ends that can wrap around my head twice so that it won't come off at night.
Hellz yea i look cute lol, i put my hair in 4 chunky plaits and wear a satin scarf (it usually stays on). I don't think hubby even cares, or notice for that matter, coz im nekked when i go to bed so he's usually not looking at my hair :grin:

I always think back to the beginning of our relationship pre LHCF (i was relaxed), i never wanted to wear my bonnet, by morning my hair was a hot mess - i know i've got pics of those mornings somewhere.
:lol: Of course I do!! I wear a single black wave cap/do-rag type thingy - but then, wearing headscarves give me a very 'ethnic' look, so he likes it. :grin:
I wear a baggie on the ends and a scarf over top to hold down the hair line. I have a lot of scarves so I might try to match my PJs but DH doesn't care either way. :sleeptogether:

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I look really rugget when I go to bed and I could care less but the worst part is when I get up like half of my twa/ta is squashed on one side and the other part is fine....My man says hes careless but im sure I scare the h... out of him in the morning sometimes!!! This post is definetly useful for me to find an alternative!!!
No, I don't look cute when I go to bed. :look: I always say to my dh, "don't I look cute?" (I wear a purple bonnet trimmed in white lace). He just sort of smiles.
No, I don't look cute when I go to bed. :look: I always say to my dh, "don't I look cute?" (I wear a purple bonnet trimmed in white lace). He just sort of smiles.

That is what i'm talking about. Why do they make them in such weird colour combo's? :lachen:
I wear a scarf, but by morning my scarf is on the floor. :rolleyes: I sleep on a satin pillowcase as a backup. The majority of the time, I will omit the scarf, pin it in up or in a bun and go to bed that way so I can look "kinda" cute when I go to bed. Ha!

Bonnets, rags, and wraps R Us! :lachen:

I am The Poster child.

I am mscocoface and I approve of this message! :lachen::lachen:
I leave my hair however it was that day or that night

but it dont look cute.....after.....well you know!

thats rough on the hair

LOL...My husband was just asking me last night if there is ANYWAY that I can still have nice hair, but not wear that hideous red cap to bed. He's like, "Man, it's so unattractive and all I hear is CRUNCH CRUNCH when you turn!!" :rolleyes:

I think I'll start putting it on after.........:blush::lachen:
I was gonna post smthg similar to this yday. lol. my main question is how do u keep your hair lookin nice while "lovin"? i'm a :newbie: and i'm goin to do a roller set this week but i know when i get w/ my so it will b a hot mess afterwards and i don't want to ruin the mood by gettin up to get my bonnet!! :lachen:do you ladies wear one while in the act? :blondboob
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