Do you let people touch your hair?


Well-Known Member
My sister got married a couple of months ago and I wore my hair straight and down (which I hardly EVER do). There was a girl at the wedding who nonchalontly sp? ran her fingers through my hair for at least 10 minutes while I carried on a conversation with my sister. I knew her, but I don't KNOW her.

I'm very careful about my hair, but it didn't bother me at all. I'm kind of a touchy feely person so I kind of liked it. It felt good. I love massages and having people play in my hair, always have. I was kind of embarrased because when she finished she wiped a gallon of mtg off of her hands with a napkin:lol: I figured oh well, that's what you get :lol:

Acqaintances have briefly touched my hair, co-workers, etc. I know that would piss alot of people off. To some it's the equivelant of touching a boob. I take it as a compliment. People generally don't make an effort to run their fingers through short, damaged, dried out hair. It lets me know what Im doing is working and noticed by others.

Does it NOT bother anyone else?
nope my moms always tells me dont let ppl run there hands through your hair cuz u dont know if there hands are clean and so on
I agree with Temp about the dirty hands. I wash my own hands before putting them in my hair.

Reaching out to touch my boob is not a compliment to me, it's crossing my personal boundaries without permission. I feel the same about my hair. If a person asks me first, maybe and only after they wash their hands.
Isis said:
I agree with Temp about the dirty hands. I wash my own hands before putting them in my hair.

Reaching out to touch my boob is not a compliment to me, it's crossing my personal boundaries without permission. I feel the same about my hair. If a person asks me first, maybe and only after they wash their hands.

It's not to me either:lol: that's what I meant, some people look at touching their hair the same way.

I can't say I wash my hands before touching my hair. Unless I need to, but you're right, I KNOW where MY hands have been.
I actually like it when my friends/family/boyfriend.. play with my hair, but it bothers me when random people touch my hair without asking (especially if I have it styled in a certain way).
I agree with Isis. I do not like people touching my hair. People can be very unsanitary and careless. Touching me or my hair for that matter, is an extremely personal matter. It all depends on how I know you as to whether or not I would let you touch my hair. Furthermore, not being a hair snob, but I would much rather a person ask than to start having a rub or touch-a -thon in my hair. That's just me...I am really not a hard person to get along with, all I ask is to respect my space and privacy .
Isis said:
I agree with Temp about the dirty hands. I wash my own hands before putting them in my hair.

Reaching out to touch my boob is not a compliment to me, it's crossing my personal boundaries without permission. I feel the same about my hair. If a person asks me first, maybe and only after they wash their hands.
once when i was at work these 2 young women from africa came in to buy some hair products and they loved my hair. they went on and on and wanted to know exactly what i did and used. the whole time they were both touching my hair. they couldn't believe it wasn't extentions. but i have to admit it did feel good. not physically but emotionally. i felt like a celebrity or something.

normally only people i know touch my hair.
I don't care either way. Its not like I have complete strangers touching it. As long as I know u..fine. or its fine if the strangers just ask :-)
Plus I am like a cat when my hair is touched. I purr.
I HATE to have people touch my hair- anyone. Well, anyone except my two sisters. I would actually squirm in the hairdressers chair because I don't like it. I don't even let my husband touch my hair. When he gets those crazy ideas to "run his fingers" through my hair (he's white, he doesn't know any better) I tell him to back up :poke: , cause he don't know me like that. Yes, I am fully aware that I am irrational, illogical, and insane. But I will dodge him like I'd dodge a bullet if he came near my hair. It's mine and I don't like it messed with- especially with people who don't understand like friends, co-workers, my mom. You name it, they aren't touching it.
calliope said:
I HATE to have people touch my hair- anyone. Well, anyone except my two sisters. I would actually squirm in the hairdressers chair because I don't like it. I don't even let my husband touch my hair. When he gets those crazy ideas to "run his fingers" through my hair (he's white, he doesn't know any better) I tell him to back up :poke: , cause he don't know me like that. Yes, I am fully aware that I am irrational, illogical, and insane. But I will dodge him like I'd dodge a bullet if he came near my hair. It's mine and I don't like it messed with- especially with people who don't understand like friends, co-workers, my mom. You name it, they aren't touching it.

Ok that's just funny. Your HUSBAND don't know you like that? :lol:

I'm assuming, HOPING he does things way more intimate to your body than touching your hair:lol:
Well, it doesn't bother me at all. Its just not that serious to me:lol: I think-- like Oprah says . . . hair should be an invitation. I put alot into my hair just to invoke that type of oooooh I just wanna touch it response on sight.:lol: Its a compliment.

Now I'm not letting Suzy Q rub all through it raking out hairs and stuff or someone who is genuinely not admiring it but just wanting to "inspect" it-- that would upset me. But honestly, I wouldn't feel threatened by someone who simply wanted a touch. If their hands were obviously dirty then yeah I might pull back, but as much as I wash and pamper my hair nothing they do will harm it.:lol:

Touching a boob and touching hair are two totally different things in my book.:lol: Hair is exposed, boobs aren't (for the most part):grin: But, I am not a hair-toucher for this very reason. I know some people are very personal about their hair and there is nothing wrong with that.
I grew up with family members playing/styling my hair all the time, so I never really found it offensive. I actually LOVE the feeling of someone playing in my hair, its so relaxing and soothing. As long as its someone I know, I don't mind at all.
I like when people touch my hair. I take it as a compliment. I'm more concerned that my hair feels soft and clean to the touch. Now when husbands/significant others touch your hair, thats a whole nother story. Its sooo intimate that I would only allow someone that I really liked to do it.
No one's really every touched my hair.:ohwell: Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I only wear up-do's and I guess people are a little bit hesitant to touch it for fear that it might, I dunno, fall over or something.:lol: But if someone wanted to touch it I don't think I'd have a problem with it.
I don't let them, they sneak it in. This usually happens in the office when I'm on campus and it's always the caucasions (so far). At home it used to be my bf but she doesn't do it anymore because she is finally natural. Did not relax at all while pregnant and I am hoping that she doesn't go back to it when maternity leave is over and she starts back to work.

I don't want hands in my hair at all. I am pretty certain it stems from when I was younger and my aunt styling my hair for school; it was always a painful process because it was thick. If we had only know about k-cutter/bone combs back then, my life would have been so much easier.
I used to have issues with people touching my head but I had to let those go! After I went natural from the time I had one inch on my head to now people have been obsessed with my hair. One of my best guy friends says it calms him down. Too bad it either makes me sleep or turns me on. LOL. I don't mind, but whenever it's getting a little excessive I throw some twists in.
I dont mind :) GO for it! People are drawn to things that they dont normally see. Before I cut my hair (and even now after the cut) I never had a problem about people touching my hair. Sometimes I tell little kids "theres somehting in there thats gonna bite you!" I washed my hair and wore it 'naked' to the mall. I had about 4 people ask me about my hair and 3 of them wanted to touch it. 2 of them asked first but one ladylooked like she was in a daze when she reached out. I let her touch it and then I said "Its really soft isnt it?" She got embarrasd and was like "Im sorry I didnt even think....." Its okay :) No biggie! Then she asked me "Does that happen alot?" Yes and Im nice about it :) Its just hair. I agree with Sista, its an invitation.
strangers cannot touch my hair but close family/boyfriend can it feels good but random ppl I dont know-of course not:eek:
A few Korean and Hispanic ladies I know like to touch my hair occasionally, and they comment on how shiny and soft it is. I don't mind. But, others don't really bother, since I wear my hair up most of the time. I think a lot of people (like ladies at my church) want to touch it to see if its weave more than any other reason.
Guy on campus who was LESS than an acquaintaince- NOT COOL!

My mother who used to do my hair as a child- WELCOMED and SENTIMENTAL!

My man- Grrrrrrrrr. :kissing4: <3

That step-cousin who I wrote about in my other thread- NOT WHILE YOU ARE EATING FOOD!
People used to not really touch it--it was always in a ponytail, so nothing to touch. The rare times it was actually done, people I knew did touch it, and I'm fine with that.

Now that I'm transitioning, and washing my hair more often, I'm totally cool with people touching it. My guy pals love to touch it because they "like the curly feeling." My white coworker/friend (who's a bit of a redneck) felt it for the first time recently and was amazed at how soft and neat it felt. Because I think it disuades people from thinking that natural hair is hard and rough, I actually don't mind if people touch my hair--I'm not a germaphobe, so I'm not so concerned about that.
KiSseS03 said:
I actually like it when my friends/family/boyfriend.. play with my hair, but it bothers me when random people touch my hair without asking (especially if I have it styled in a certain way).

I agree. If my hair is styled a certain way then I DO care if you touch my hair. I've had a friend frantically run her hands through my hair after I just got a fresh press & curl :eek:. I politely told her to stop and went on my way. Other than that I don't mind if someone pulls a curl from my strawset or feels my nappy new growth --- it's all good!
I don't care who touches my hair (except strangers, of course) as long as they are gentle. My husband and family are gentle and caress it or rub my scalp. But I've seen some people post about people raking their hands through trying to feel for tracks, and that's a big no-no. Raking causes breaking, snapping, and/or shedding, and I work too hard to preserve every hair I have. It might sound crazy to people (not yall), but every hair counts. I even had to teach my duaghter to "be nice" to my hair, because she loves to mess it up and swat at it. Now, she rubs down the length of it before she messes it up.:cool:
I am laughing at this one. I am bad but, I don't think I am that bad. I would let the hubby touch my hair. For some reason when you described this I got the mental picture of the cartoon character Peppy La Peu . LOL
calliope said:
I HATE to have people touch my hair- anyone. Well, anyone except my two sisters. I would actually squirm in the hairdressers chair because I don't like it. I don't even let my husband touch my hair. When he gets those crazy ideas to &quot;run his fingers&quot; through my hair (he's white, he doesn't know any better) I tell him to back up :poke: , cause he don't know me like that. Yes, I am fully aware that I am irrational, illogical, and insane. But I will dodge him like I'd dodge a bullet if he came near my hair. It's mine and I don't like it messed with- especially with people who don't understand like friends, co-workers, my mom. You name it, they aren't touching it.
I looooooove when people play in my hair, but it probably would make me uncomfortable if strangers were feeling up in it...luckily, that doesn't happen to me anymore.
I don't mind when people I know touch my hair. I love it. But when strangers wanna touch I back off a little because I don't know them that well.