Do you know how to make shea butter?


New Member
Hey thurr, y'all.

I just recently got my hand on some shea nuts and I want to have my hand at making my own shea butter. I found this tutorial ( online, but I still don't understand some things about it. I bought enough so I can mess up once or twice, but if I can get it right the first time, well... I'd prefer to. :lol:

So anyone who knows the goods to making shea butter from the nut, chime in please! :yep: TIA!
"The shea fruit is harvested, the nut is roasted and crushed. The resulting pulp is boiled which allows the shea butter to rise to the top of the pot. The raw butter is then scooped into gourds to cool and solidify. At this point, the final product is considered “raw” or unrefined shea butter."
My cats told me to tell that your sign is not funny to them.:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Kitty is already self-conscious! Looks like she'll have to find another lacefront... sigh. :lol:

That would be awesome if you figure it out. Those big 'ol things of shea butter look so good!!
Don't they?! I can't help but to stare at them... I wanna go swimming in it.

I found a video on youtube, which actually shows most of the process. I'll be sure to document when I try so I can share with everyone. :yep:
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This one is intresting!!! The women want so little for their products

The two youtube links show the entire process. It can easily take 2-3 weeks! And it takes some serious elbow grease. I appreciate it even more now - these women are such hard workers. I still continue to support fair trade shea butter, I just wanted to try my hand at it. I'm sure once I go through it, these women will be like goddesses to me. :lol:
Good luck with figuring this out. I don't think it would have ever occurred to me to make shea butter from scratch.

I'll be happy to test out your finished product to let you know how it is. :look:
My friend, a WAHM, owns a company that sells fair trade shea butter. On her site, there are pictures as well a description of each step of the process. You can also email her for more information. She loves to tell people about the beauty of shea so feel free to email her.
My friend, a WAHM, owns a company that sells fair trade shea butter. On her site, there are pictures as well a description of each step of the process. You can also email her for more information. She loves to tell people about the beauty of shea so feel free to email her.

Thank you so much!
Okay, my shea nuts arrived today. The two youtube videos were extremely helpful. Here is what I'll try:

1. wash a small amount of nuts
2. pound them
3. roast them, continually stirring to avoid burning
4. grind them (in the videos, they had a machine, maybe i can use a hand mixer or blender) into a brown paste
5. add water and keep washing the paste until it becomes white (i'm assuming this is what happens, based on the video)
6. boil the paste until it becomes a thick liquid and sift out all the bits and pieces
7. strain the oil and let it harden
8. voila, shea butter!

i'm going to try this tomorrow. i hope this works! :grin:
Okay, my shea nuts arrived today. The two youtube videos were extremely helpful. Here is what I'll try:

1. wash a small amount of nuts
2. pound them
3. roast them, continually stirring to avoid burning
4. grind them (in the videos, they had a machine, maybe i can use a hand mixer or blender) into a brown paste
5. add water and keep washing the paste until it becomes white (i'm assuming this is what happens, based on the video)
6. boil the paste until it becomes a thick liquid and sift out all the bits and pieces
7. strain the oil and let it harden
8. voila, shea butter!

i'm going to try this tomorrow. i hope this works! :grin:

Ooooh this sounds interesting (and fun) keep us posted chica!
Dude, when you get this figured out, I wanna know hot it turns out.

Before my granny died, she did ALL sorts of things with shea butter, even used it medicinally and had TONS of it. When I recently just went to Nigeria and went to the market, this 12 year old was making it in her little shop. I felt like an idiot watching her do so & not knowing.

She briefly explained to me how it's made and I'm not gonna lie, in my excitement of how cheap her prices were and how soft the butter was, I didn't pay attention like I should have (excitement A.D.D). I'm going to return sometime this year to get a great recipe/tutorial. I might even record it being made, and I'll be sure to post it.
Nichi, ever since you last posted about buying your butter directly, I was so jealous. I wish I could visit Africa in general, but I know I would return home, with maybe twenny pounds. :look:

I would love to see it being made in person, also. I will definitely keep you guys updated. I'll charge up my camera tonight so I can document the whole thing. :yep:
Alright, so I decided to start a little bit of the process tonight.

Here are the way the shea nuts came to me:

I decided to use half of the 1lb bag:

I rinsed and strained them:

And now, they're sitting out to dry.

I know the women in the video let their nuts sit out in the sun for an entire day, and I'm very tempted to continue on in the process now, but I don't want to ruin my butter. :yep:

I will continue when I wake up tomorrow.
wow it looks like you got everything situated lol. keep us updated. i really want to know how it turns out.
Also,can you take pics of the contents of the shells after you crack them open?I couldn't really get a clear understanding of what was what from the pics posted.Thanks!
Also,can you take pics of the contents of the shells after you crack them open?I couldn't really get a clear understanding of what was what from the pics posted.Thanks!

i think that is all there is to them - they already came cracked. i broke a few open, and there was nothing inside, they were completely solid, so i'm guessing this is their most basic form. i'll try to take a few close ups, though, if you like.

ETA: In my last picture, you can see that some of them are flat/halved? That kind of illustrates what I mean.
Isn't it? It's my mom's - she has to have all her cookware match. She's got green measuring cups, spoons, pots and pans. :spinning:

ETA: I told her and she said, "Thank you. World Market, $4.99." :lol:
Isn't it? It's my mom's - she has to have all her cookware match. :lol: She's got green measuring cups, spoons, pots and pans. :spinning:

ETA: I told her and she said, "Thank you. World Market, $4.99." :lol:

Lol thanks! My mom is the exact same way with her kitchen utensils. I'm gonna tell her to go get it.