Do you know how to make shea butter?

Bwahaha. :lachen:

Alright, so I put the nuts into a plastic bag and banged them with a spoon to break them up (my right arm had gotten a workout from that alone):

I got the bright idea to toss them into a blender, to get them to the small size I saw in the video. As I added more and more shea nuts, I'd gotten the idea to just keep blending them smaller and smaller (not sure why), until I was left with this:

I "roasted" them on low heat for ten minutes, continually stirring. I turned off the burner, and continued to stir for an extra five minutes (that was no joke either :lol: you def need muscles for all of this):

See the difference before and after I roasted them? The roasted nuts are darker, and though you may not be able to see too clearly, have a small sheen to them. My spoon had a white residue on it, so my guess is that the oil separating from then nuts.

They're cooling down and I'm eating a bowl of cereal now. :lol: I'm thinking on how I can grind them into a paste. Possibly the blender.

Oh, and this whole process smells so :lick:!
uhm, i have a bravetti "stick blender." i just tried a regular blender and it is pasty-like, but its still grainy. maybe i should keep blending.
no. :sad: i wish. i'm gonna try the handheld blender. it'll be easier to get the paste out of the corners.
Of course ya'll. :yep:

I got the paste as fine as I could. I checked with the video and the woman let her paste sit for an entire day. So I'll have to continue tomorrow!
thanks, che. right now, i'm debating on whether or not i should let the paste sit all day. on another site with pictures of the entire process, they finish within a day of making the paste.
wow i commend you for doing this!
cant wait for the can also probably make shea oil too
alright, already things have gone wrong. my "paste" was still a little grainy when i let it sit and it completely solidified! i tried to stir it with cold water then warm (as per directions) but the stuff just would not separate! so i have to find a new way to do things.

maybe i didn't grind well enough, or maybe i just didn't stir long enough. i wish i had an expert. but i have directions and videos, so i'll just have to try again and see if maybe i did something wrong along the way.
i'll probably end up starting over from scratch. i gotta see what i did wrong... i think my bootleg paste didn't cut it. :lol:
boil the nuts? at what point? after i crush them? you gotta be specific! this process is hard enough. :lol:
I hope things are going better for you Robot. I would never think to try this even for fun. You are a brave woman.
How about if you heat up the paste in like a double boiler or over some hot water. Then it would melt or get soft enough to add the water.

This is very interesting. Thanks for keeping us posted. The ladies of LHCF never cease to amaze me with your resourcefulness.
I was coming to update this.

I gave up. :look: At least for now, school starts next week and way too much running around to be hand stirring some goop. :lol: