Do you know any celibate men?


New Member
Hey ladies!

Do you know any celibate men personally? Do you know any athletes or entertainers that has vocally expressed their celibacy?

I know a guy personally, but I sure would LOVE know more.:yep:
A.C. Green, a retired NBA player, remained a virgin until marriage. He got married in his 30s, but vocally spoke about being a virgin.
Yes, I know 4 men personally who are celibate and at least 5 more that I can assume are celibate. I've only met actively celibate men in church environments though, never accidentally or out and about.

I've dated men who had gone a year or more without sex - not by choice, but they weren't actively seeking it out either - usually because of previous break-up or emotional things they were going through, or they were actually waiting for the right woman (believe it or not)
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Yes, several. People I'm either close friends with or went to school with. Of course people will want to say, "Oh, you never really know." But I'd say that I know just as well as you can ever know what your friends are up to.
I know a few. I assume several other men in my church are. My current pursurer has vow'd celibacy until we marry.

I dont blame alot of men that arent celibate and this is why. Men are simple creatures even the most godly. They like sex, want sex and ALOT of women are willing to give it up. They like you can put two and two together.
It often takes them being a virgin, them being tired of women and their drama, or a women they want to pursue to commit to celibacy.
I only know one. I wish I knew more, especially those who are around my age (21-23) but that just isnt common around the college scene. If they are, they aren't very vocal about it!