Do you judge your hairdresser by her hair?


New Member
Good morning ladies,

I just came from the hairdresser after getting a touch-up after 15 weeks - I didn't realize it had been that long. But as usual, she was critical of the stuff I do with my hair (advice from here). So I am re-evaluating why I even go to her. She does it okay job with my hair. She is nice, goes to my church, I have been going to her for 8-9 yrs.

But I noticed yesterday that her hair does not good. I mean its seems to never grow, her short style does not look well kept. She has a young daughter who's hair is almost never done. So I'm thinking if you don't care for yours...

My husband says I am too critical because painters do a good job with client houses and neglect their own homes.

What do you think?
I think if I would have followed your advice and left the hair dresser with the terrible looking weave alone...I'd still have the three inches of hair she cut off on my head and be this much closer to APL.

A stylists hair is her business, if her hair looks a hot mess, then it can serve to many as a testimony to her overall ability to care for someone elses hair.
Of course I judge a stylist's capability based on the look and maintenance of their own hair. It's just the nature of the beast.

Some professions are just like that. My field is like that actually. Following a dietitian's advice on health and weight loss is much harder if the person themselves is overweight. And who would trust an overweight personal trainer?
Good question/thread...

If a hair stylist hair is not kept up; I do not go to her. She is in the hair care business so I believe she should look the part.
yes--if the stylist hair looks jacked--i would never let him/her touch my bueno

if u dont understand the basic notion of healthy hair care and have been in business for yrs--something aint right

i also like a stylist that attends classes and etc--shows me that they take their job very seriously and are looking to remain knowledgable (sp?) in the industry they work in...i like to see certain certifications on the wall and etc

my hair is no joke---if i ruin it ok--but if you ruin it--there will be problemssss lmaoosss
I must agree...I've had friends bite my head off for this before, but I refuse to let a stylist with jacked up hair touch my head. It's nothing against her personally, however professionally very much so. Like SEMO said (random..but do you go there? A few friends of mine do :P but that's off-topic lol), you wouldn't want health/dietary advice from someone who is overweight and unhealthy, so why would you want someone who can't maintain their own hair to do yours? That's like having a dentist with no teeth.

I don't expect hairdressers to be in a constant state of glamazon type beauty, but if your ends are broken off, and your hair is ratty, I'm going elsewhere.
Most of the stylist I've ever been to never have time for their hair. I don't go to the salon more than 2x a year, but in the past I always judged my hairdressers by their CLIENT'S hair. If they all looked a hot mess than I needed to get the fudge outta there quick LOL
*sigh* i haven't wanted to face this question myself. i switched stylists about a year ago to the lady that my bff goes to. the stylist is a sweetheart, but in the past year my hair has grown twice as much as hers. I only see her for relaxer touch-ups and when i go, she's always asking me what I've been doing to maintain such healthy hair. Mostly she wears weaves but even they don't look the best. Its disheartening.

On the other hand, she does a great job with my relaxers and I only have to see her every 10 weeks or so. But I can't help but wonder if my hair would benefit from someone more knowledgeable.
I don't judge them by their own hair. Most the time I go to stylists based on reviews, recommendations, and/or I've seen their work. So if I like their results and what's been said about them then I'll give them a chance. Actually most of the stylists I've been to have had less than stellar hair but they knew how to make someone look fierce walking out the door. However, I don't rely on stylists to teach me good hair care practices. I stick with them only for specific needs (trim, flat iron, relaxer (when I got them).
Yes. They are walking Ads. If a stylist's hair is SHOT out - Bad weaved... or worse - their child's hair ( at 14 ) is weaved up.... Watch out......

I have a friend who recommended a stylist - and told me her hair was JACKED up... only because "she was soo busy".....:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed

This shop is well, in the hood...... There are not TONS of clients running in and out... and if you own the shop...........Take time to do your HAIR!:nono:
she flat ironed my hair 3 years ago... (of course after I did EVERTHING else) Her Weave was AWFUL..... just Awful.:nono:

She never saw me again. She was Very nice - but she never saw me again... 99% due to her hair.

Another stylists cornrowed my hair. She was Wearing a HAT....:look: With a weave. She could not tell that my twists were not extentions...........:huh:

She did a great job....But the next time I went to her shop..... To make an appt.... She was wearing a HAT. Again.

I never went back.

So - if you cannot take care of yours...You can't take care of mine......
"On the other hand, she does a great job with my relaxers and I only have to see her every 10 weeks or so. But I can't help but wonder if my hair would benefit from someone more knowledgeable.[/quote]"

That's my issue. I only go for touch-ups and she is not happy about that. She wants me to come in for protein and moisturizing treatments. I went once and wasn't convinced it worked any better than my home treatments.

But as I think about it - I can't recall any of the other customers having great hair. Oh boy. I guess I need to look elsewhere.
"On the other hand, she does a great job with my relaxers and I only have to see her every 10 weeks or so. But I can't help but wonder if my hair would benefit from someone more knowledgeable.

That's my issue. I only go for touch-ups and she is not happy about that. She wants me to come in for protein and moisturizing treatments. I went once and wasn't convinced it worked any better than my home treatments.

But as I think about it - I can't recall any of the other customers having great hair. Oh boy. I guess I need to look elsewhere.[/quote]

My thing - is that you have to look at other clients.... If you don't get to - you might need to....
Yes - unless she is sick and it has an adverse effect on her hair - they stylist's hair doesn't necessarily have to be styled but it has to be at least healthy!! I can understand if a stylist wears weaves or braids every now and then but if I have NEVER seen their hair and if I came quite often - it would seem a little suspect - IMHO!
Let me put it this way. If I had been more discerning of my stylist's skills by critiquine her hair, I wouldn't have the aversion to going to salons that I have today.

When I was a teenager, I went to many stylists, most of which had jacked up hair and proceeded to jack up my hair. Honestly, I don't know how some of them got out of cosmetology school. I've had stylists relax my already relaxed hair from root to tip. I've had stylists say that I could get my hair relaxed every 4 weeks! :blush: I've had stylists rip out clumps of my hair with a fine-toothed comb and call it "shedding"! It makes sense. Their hair was messed up, because they didn't know what they were doing and since they used the same techniques on my hair, my hair remained thin and broken and damged, until I took matters into my own hands.

I'm not saying that there aren't some good, knowledgable stylists out there, but I'm not willing to go out there in search of one. In my opinion, if I do everything myself, then I only have myself to blame for my hair's condition. :yep:
Let me put it this way. If I had been more discerning of my stylist's skills by critiquine her hair, I wouldn't have the aversion to going to salons that I have today.

When I was a teenager, I went to many stylists, most of which had jacked up hair and proceeded to jack up my hair. Honestly, I don't know how some of them got out of cosmetology school. I've had stylists relax my already relaxed hair from root to tip. I've had stylists say that I could get my hair relaxed every 4 weeks! :blush: I've had stylists rip out clumps of my hair with a fine-toothed comb and call it "shedding"! It makes sense. Their hair was messed up, because they didn't know what they were doing and since they used the same techniques on my hair, my hair remained thin and broken and damged, until I took matters into my own hands.

I'm not saying that there aren't some good, knowledgable stylists out there, but I'm not willing to go out there in search of one. In my opinion, if I do everything myself, then I only have myself to blame for my hair's condition. :yep:

Yep..... I have no need to find any stylist.
The last hair dresser I tried literally had hair that touched her butt.

I will never go to her again b/c

1. She pulled the relaxer about 3 inches down my hair shaft
2. I had to spend 15 min telling her I was not going to be getting a trim
3. I had to wait 30 min for her to come to the shop after she already knew I was on the way.

So in this case her long beautiful hair meant nada b/c of al the aforementioned reasons.
Ermm...I don't think good hair on a stylist necessarily means she's good at caring for hair. She may just have a good stylist herself. I learned that the hard way.

When I used to relax my hair, a lady with the nicest looking hair I'd ever seen drove by the drive-through window at the bank where I worked and I was smitten by her hair. I asked her who does her hair and she said she was a stylist (Did she answer my question or just take the op to advertise her business? :scratchch) Anyway, I went to her twice for touch-ups. My hair got over processed and I got burned each time. Her hair was not long but it was very healthy looking. My hair wasn't long either but it was fried. :nono: It wasn't like that before I went to her, but I was advised once that you should pick your stylist by seeing their work not how their hair looks. I shouldn't have forgotten that advice.
Definately....If they cant care their own hair; I would not let them touch mine

Girl, what if they are selfish like me :giggle: in that they can care for their own hair but have no clue what to do about anyone else's?

I'm telling you that you cannot judge a stylist by her hair. You ought to judge her by the hair of her long-term clients. :yep:
Another stylists cornrowed my hair. She was Wearing a HAT....:look: With a weave. She could not tell that my twists were not extentions...........:huh:

I've had quite a few consultations with stylist were they thought my hair was fake. I hurried up and got out of there. I don't want you touching my hair if you can't tell the difference between real and fake. You went to school for this...didn't you? :perplexed
:rolleyes:FUNNY YOU POSTED THIS THREAD, me and my mom was just talking about this the other day.

Having a cosmetology license does not make one a "hair care professional" a license means you went to school, took some tests & passed them. It does not mean you genuinely know how to care for hair. Finding the latter requires a whole lot of investigation. :yep:Hair care professionals care for the life of hair, they are the ones to tell you that there is a correlation between what you eat & hair growth, that you don't need to relax too much, etc because they care about your hair's health more than you being in their chair as often as possible.

I said all of that to say this: if a stylist does not care about the health of her own hair, how can she give a honest flip about anyone else's?? :nono:

This is one of the main reasons I stopped going to a salon & went natural. Most stylist's don't care about hair health, they care about their wealth. I wished they understood- if you help your client have healthy hair, your clients will make you wealthy to keep their hair healthy.:grin:
Nope, she's always weaved up. And plus some people just don't like long hair on themselves..they have pixies or bobs..and that's fine with me.. she can look any kind of way she wants as long as my press curl is tight....lmao. Who knows..under the might be waistlength!! LOL.. y'all showed me that.

And before her it was a man.. so um... :look: no I don't judge.
Yes and no.

I do expect a hairdresser to have neat, clean, and healthy looking hair. But, I'm more worried about how their clients hair looks. When I'm dealing with braiders, I only go to folks who clearly still have ALL of their edges.
I must agree...I've had friends bite my head off for this before, but I refuse to let a stylist with jacked up hair touch my head. It's nothing against her personally, however professionally very much so. Like SEMO said (random..but do you go there? A few friends of mine do :P but that's off-topic lol), you wouldn't want health/dietary advice from someone who is overweight and unhealthy, so why would you want someone who can't maintain their own hair to do yours? That's like having a dentist with no teeth.

I don't expect hairdressers to be in a constant state of glamazon type beauty, but if your ends are broken off, and your hair is ratty, I'm going elsewhere.

I agree with this. I don't expect a hairdresser's hair to be freshly done ever single time I see her but I do expect it to be healthy, neat, and clean.
I don't think you are wrong about that. I think it depends on the location and as other said other factors. I have had a hairdresser that had her hair fly but everyone's that she did was average. I have one that is a hot mess and she does my hair nicely to each its own. Then, when I moved I had one was well-kept, her clients and she was expensive but I wish I could find another like her(she was talking about some of the stuff discussed on this forum).
I don't really judge, because stylists do so much experimenting on their and their colleague's hair I think it'd be impossible to keep any length.

I notice this with white hairstylists too. They'll have pink, purple and red highlights throughout their hair so it's obviously hella damaged, so they always cut it into a little pixie cut with some jacked up bangs. Of course they'd have no problem growing it out if they stopped messing with it all the time, but that's their choice.
I've had quite a few consultations with stylist were they thought my hair was fake. I hurried up and got out of there. I don't want you touching my hair if you can't tell the difference between real and fake. You went to school for this...didn't you? :perplexed

:lachen:EXACTLY! WTH?????