Do You Have to be Baptized in Order to be Saved?


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Do you have to be baptized in order to be saved?

The Bible says this:

Mark 16:16 (New International Version)

16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.​

Any thoughts?​

we are taught in my church that baptism is an outward show of obedience to god. jesus was baptized but i don't think that he would not have been saved had he not been baptized, after all, he is the savior of the world. don't misunderstand me, i'm not saying jesus didn't have to or should not have been baptized, i'm just pointing out that jesus got baptized with water.

then there is that passage that asked the question about john's baptism.

my opinion (based on what i've been taught) - no. however, i have been baptized out of my obedience and a physical emulation of an action that christ also did.

Torrey's Topical Textbook

Baptism [N]

* As administered by John
Matthew 3:5-12; John 3:23; Acts 13:24; 19:4

* Sanctioned by Christ’s submission to it
Matthew 3:13-15; Luke 3:21

* Adopted by Christ
John 3:22; 4:1,2

* Appointed an ordinance of the Christian church
Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15,16

* To be administered in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Matthew 28:19

* Water, the outward and visible sign in
Acts 8:36; 10:47

* Regeneration, the inward and spiritual grace of
John 3:3,5,6; Romans 6:3,4,11

* Remission of sins, signified by
Acts 2:38; 22:16

* Unity of the Church effected by
1 Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:27,28

* Confession of sin necessary to
Matthew 3:6

* Repentance necessary to
Acts 2:38

* Faith necessary to
Acts 8:37; 18:8

* There is but one
Ephesians 4:5

o Individuals
Acts 8:38; 9:18
o Households
Acts 16:15; 1 Corinthians 1:16
o Only to professing believers
Acts 2:38; Matthew 3:6; Mark 16:16; Acts 8:12,37; 10:47,48
o Scriptures supporting infant baptism
Proverbs 30:6

* Administered by immersing the whole body of the person in water
Matthew 3:16; Acts 8:38,39

* Emblematic of the influences of the Holy Spirit
Matthew 3:11; Titus 3:5

* Typified
1 Corinthians 10:2; 1 Peter 3:20,21
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My personal opinion is that God as a merciful and loving father would not begrudge someone who was a true follower just because they weren't baptized. However, it does in the bible, as far as i interpret, that one cannot enter heaven unless he is born of water and the spirit = baptism.
The verse clearly states that whoever does not believe will be condemned. It does NOT say, whoever does not believe and is baptized will be condemned. So the verse actually answers the question: NO. There are also other verses that show that one must believe in the Christ to be saved.
While salvation is not (solely) based on baptism, baptism is based upon salvation. In other words, as an outward witness to your salvation and public acknowledgement of your profession of faith that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, you get baptized, as just as Jesus did in His earthly body.

It is critical to note that when Jesus Christ was on here in His earthsuit (although He was both fully God and fully man), He had to be (water)baptized as part of His fulfillment of His earthly/human aspect of His salvation.
Great responses ladies! I asked the question because I was thinking about those who just say the sinner's prayer, may or may not end up in a church, and may never get baptized.
Baptism is apart of the process there are some who have been saved and never got baptized for various reasons. Salvation is acknowledge of sin and confession to repentence. We get baptizied because Jesus got baptized it is an outward cleansing for that demonstrates an inward effect of new birth or new life. Baptism is part of the package of our salvation. Repent, Confess and Renew. It show the world that you are serious about you walk with Jesus and is why we have ceremonies with witnesses similar to a marraige.
Pretty much cosigning with what everyone else said. Baptism is a symbolic outward expression of your faith/confession in Jesus Christ as your savior. But I think it is so important to not get caught up in the "rituals" sort to speak even though Jesus himself commanded it.

Some of the early christians were debating with one another in regards to whether one was saved because they had not been circumsised, but Paul stressed that circumcision was of the heart and not of the flesh.

Although circumcision and baptism are entirely two different things, circumcision to the Jew and baptism to the Gentile as a sign of public acknowledgment of their faith, both were mandates that God had commanded to be done as a sign of entering into convenant relationship with him. But if the laws were not kept, circumcision availed nothing and equally so if one was baptized but walked according to the flesh and not the spirit (faith) their baptism was null and void as well.

As Christians we are under the mandates of the New Testament (faith) and not of the Old Testament, hence we are commanded to be baptized. Some could have both and get to heaven, others could have just faith (trust in Jesus and get to heaven) but I could not see how some could be baptized and have no faith (continuously) and get into heaven. I believe the latter of these three is a scary position to be in.

Remember the thief on the cross who was beside Jesus when he was crucified and had asked him for mercy, well its safe to presumably say that this thief was not saved nor baptized when he had acknowleged Jesus as his savior and repented of his wrongdoing. Jesus in turn forgave him without being baptized and said to him "Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise."

Now Im sure that Jesus was aware of his circumstances and could not expect him to come down from the cross and be baptized afterwards, lol. But if you can be baptized, please do so. To be aware of it and not do it would be disobedience. Jesus would not hold us accountable to what we are unaware or incapable of (as in such case with the thief on the cross or a mentally/physically challenged person).

Some scriptures for reference by the way... God Bless!

"For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we can wait for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love." Galatians 5:1-6

"Look out for the dogs, look out for the evil-workers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. For we are the true circumcision, who worship God in spirit, and glory in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh." Philippians 3:2-3.
Do you have to be baptized in order to be saved?

The Bible says this:

Mark 16:16 (New International Version)

16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.​

Any thoughts?​

We talked about this a little bit in one of my classes. The focus of this scripture is often placed on the baptism, but that isn't totally correct. The actual focus on salvation is on those who believe. Notice in the second part it says whoever doesn't believe will be condemned. It doesn't mention those who were not baptized. The baptism is an outward symbolic gesture of obedience and acceptance to live out the will that God has for you.

In class I asked this question to someone who believed that baptism was necessary. What if a person comes to Jesus on their death bed and cannot be baptized? Would God turn them away over not being baptized?
Just like the Old Testamant includes the Law of God. It was given by him for a purpose and that purpose was fulfilled when Jesus came on the scene. Same thing for the baptism. It is the physical that links you to the spiritual way of life that God has for you. It is what gives you a jump start on walking a righteous walk.
You have to be baptized to complete your obedience to what Christ has written for us to do/follow to be saved (his example ). It's simply an act of obedience.

Most people want to do what ever is right in their own mind/experience, but he has left us an example to follow (the bible). Why not just do what he has said to do and not "add" to it or "take away" from it.
Great responses ladies! I asked the question because I was thinking about those who just say the sinner's prayer, may or may not end up in a church, and may never get baptized.

That sinner's prayer definitely won't get you saved OR into heaven. Where in the bible can the sinner's prayer be found.... exactly, nowhere:spinning:
That sinner's prayer definitely won't get you saved OR into heaven. Where in the bible can the sinner's prayer be found.... exactly, nowhere:spinning:

While the actual prayer may not be in the Bible, I think the idea is that the ELEMENTS of the prayer ARE in the Bible. I Googled "sinner's prayer" and found this one:

“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

I believe we could find scriptures to correspond with each sentence in this prayer/statement.
We talked about this a little bit in one of my classes. The focus of this scripture is often placed on the baptism, but that isn't totally correct. The actual focus on salvation is on those who believe. Notice in the second part it says whoever doesn't believe will be condemned. It doesn't mention those who were not baptized. The baptism is an outward symbolic gesture of obedience and acceptance to live out the will that God has for you.

In class I asked this question to someone who believed that baptism was necessary. What if a person comes to Jesus on their death bed and cannot be baptized? Would God turn them away over not being baptized?

it does say those believe and are baptized shall be saved. And being the operative word... and if one didn't believe, they surely wouldn't be obedient enough to be baptized? If a person comes to Jesus on their death bed, that would be between that dying person and God and his clemecy. But for those not on a death bed, why take that chance?
it does say those believe and are baptized shall be saved. And being the operative word... and if one didn't believe, they surely wouldn't be obedient enough to be baptized? If a person comes to Jesus on their death bed, that would be between that dying person and God and his clemecy. But for those not on a death bed, why take that chance?

The bolded is the very thing I was thinking too.

Also the "and" is a condition of two acts that thus must be followed.

If your employer says they'll pay you a base salary "and" commission wouldn't you expect them to satisfy "both" conditions?
While the actual prayer may not be in the Bible, I think the idea is that the ELEMENTS of the prayer ARE in the Bible. I Googled "sinner's prayer" and found this one:

“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

I believe we could find scriptures to correspond with each sentence in this prayer/statement.

I believe we could find scriptures to correspond with each sentence in the prayer as well. However, once you are "saved" and have obeyed God's gospel, it is then he hears and responds to your prayers. Because the scriptures tell us that God doesn't hear the prayers of alien sinners. John 9:31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth. Isaiah 59:1-2 Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
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Salvation is the free gift of God meaning that you don't have to do anything but accept it to receive it. If you had to perform acts/works to receive it then it wouldn't be free. We are baptized when we receive salvation, we receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We are washed with the blood of Jesus to cleanse us of our sins. It's a spiritual baptism. Water baptism is an outward sign of an inward grace. It is to publicly show that we've made our allegiance to Jesus. It has nothing to to with receiving salvation. It's an act of obedience. You have to be saved already in order to receive water baptism.

ETA: I meant outward sign not sin, oops.
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Salvation is the free gift of God meaning that you don't have to do anything but accept it to receive it. If you had to perform acts/works to receive it then it wouldn't be free. We are baptized when we receive salvation, we receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We are washed with the blood of Jesus to cleanse us of our sins. It's a spiritual baptism. Water baptism is an outward sin of an inward grace. It is to publicly show that we've made our allegiance to Jesus. It has nothing to to with receiving salvation. It's an act of obedience. You have to be saved already in order to receive water baptism.

Salvation is the free gift of God meaning that you don't have to do anything but accept it to receive it. If you had to perform acts/works to receive it then it wouldn't be free. We are baptized when we receive salvation, we receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We are washed with the blood of Jesus to cleanse us of our sins. It's a spiritual baptism. Water baptism is an outward sin of an inward grace. It is to publicly show that we've made our allegiance to Jesus. It has nothing to to with receiving salvation. It's an act of obedience. You have to be saved already in order to receive water baptism.
which is why i question the practice of baptizing babies.

in my church they baptize infants and children as symbolic and instruct the adults that we must (as the parents and as a community) raise the child to believe and when the time comes for that person to choose salvation then they must get baptized again in an act of obedience as a result of their belief.
which is why i question the practice of baptizing babies.

in my church they baptize infants and children as symbolic and instruct the adults that we must (as the parents and as a community) raise the child to believe and when the time comes for that person to choose salvation then they must get baptized again in an act of obedience as a result of their belief.

The bible teaches that believers who are taught the word of God must be baptized... babies can't be taught, nor can they belive, nor does the bible give any instructions whatsoever on baptizing babies. So I' feel you, I struggle with that too.
Salvation is the free gift of God meaning that you don't have to do anything but accept it to receive it. If you had to perform acts/works to receive it then it wouldn't be free. We are baptized when we receive salvation, we receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We are washed with the blood of Jesus to cleanse us of our sins. It's a spiritual baptism. Water baptism is an outward sin of an inward grace. It is to publicly show that we've made our allegiance to Jesus. It has nothing to to with receiving salvation. It's an act of obedience. You have to be saved already in order to receive water baptism.

According to the bible, the bolded statement isn't accurate. In Mark 16:16, does "saved" follow or precede baptism? What do you think that shows?
Further more many will teach that baptism is a symbol that we are already saved... but what did Peter in Acts 2:38 say baptism is for?
In Acts 2:38 the conjuction "and" joins "repent" and "be baptized" together and makes both of them essential for what? Salvation :yep:
Baptism is essential for salvation as demonstrated in several places in the bible. Acts 2:36-38, John 3:5, Rom 6:3, 1 Cor 12:13, Mark 16:16
which is why i question the practice of baptizing babies.

in my church they baptize infants and children as symbolic and instruct the adults that we must (as the parents and as a community) raise the child to believe and when the time comes for that person to choose salvation then they must get baptized again in an act of obedience as a result of their belief.

We don't baptize infants at my church. They have to know/understand for themselves what and why they are doing what they are doing. It seems that the age of 12 has been the average age of accountability but I've seen children younger than that who have professed Christ as Lord and Savior and wanted to be baptized with full understanding.

It's the same principle for adults who got baptized and then later on, come into an even deeper awareness and chose to get rebaptized in response to that deeper understanding.
which is why i question the practice of baptizing babies.

in my church they baptize infants and children as symbolic and instruct the adults that we must (as the parents and as a community) raise the child to believe and when the time comes for that person to choose salvation then they must get baptized again in an act of obedience as a result of their belief.
Baby baptism or christening is a tradition in many churches. It's also called dedication. There's no harm in doing it. It has no spiritual benefit but many parents want to dedicate their children to the Lord.
Baby baptism or christening is a tradition in many churches. It's also called dedication. There's no harm in doing it. It has no spiritual benefit but many parents want to dedicate their children to the Lord.

I see this a lot too... but if it's not biblical, then it's pretty much useless. How can you dedicate something to God that already belongs to him in the first place?
According to the bible, the bolded statement isn't accurate. In Mark 16:16, does "saved" follow or precede baptism? What do you think that shows?
Further more many will teach that baptism is a symbol that we are already saved... but what did Peter in Acts 2:38 say baptism is for?
In Acts 2:38 the conjuction "and" joins "repent" and "be baptized" together and makes both of them essential for what? Salvation :yep:
Baptism is essential for salvation as demonstrated in several places in the bible. Acts 2:36-38, John 3:5, Rom 6:3, 1 Cor 12:13, Mark 16:16

Verses 9-16 aren't found in the earliest known transcipts of Mark but are only found in two transcripts dating from the second and third centuries. There is no corresponding scripture found in any of the other Gospels. Besides saved does precede baptism in that verse. He that believeth (saved), AND is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not (unsaved) shall be damned. It DOES NOT say, "He that is baptized not".
Acts 2-38 does not say that baptism is essential for salvation. He does say repent FIRST and THEN be baptized. Repent for the remission of sins, which is salvation and be baptized and ye shall receive the gift OF the Holy Ghost which is the BAPTISM of the Holy Ghost. Spiritual baptism not water baptism. Receive them both in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
John 3:5 Except a man be born of water, that's childbirth the mother's water must break a natural birth and of the Spirit, that's the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's a spiritual birth. Jesus was explaining to Nicodemus how a man is born again and Nicodemis was saying how can he reenter into his mother's womb that's impossible.
Romans 6:3 Is speaking of Jesus' baptism into His death. He went into the earth mortal (symbolizing water submersion) and rose from the dead (symbolizing resurfacing from the water) immortal. It speaks of the power of God to free us of the bonds of our sin life the Baptism of the Holy Ghost a spiritual baptism not water baptism. Water baptism doesn't have the ability to strengthen us against living a sinful life, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost does. He also speaks of us being crucified with Him in verse 6. I for one am pretty sure I haven't been physically crucified but I have been crucified with Him because He and I are one. He is not speaking of physical acts but spiritual.
1 Cor.12:13 For by one Spirit (the Holy Ghost) are we all baptized into one body again Baptism with the Holy Ghost, spiritual baptism not water baptism. The Holy Spirit does not baptize us with water but with His Spirit.
I see this a lot too... but if it's not biblical, then it's pretty much useless. How can you dedicate something to God that already belongs to him in the first place?
It's not meant to be useful it's a tradition. Satan belongs to God too (He created him) but he's not dedicated to Him is he? There's nothing wrong with having traditions as long as the don't hinder the will or Word of God.
Verses 9-16 aren't found in the earliest known transcipts of Mark but are only found in two transcripts dating from the second and third centuries. There is no corresponding scripture found in any of the other Gospels. Besides saved does precede baptism in that verse. He that believeth (saved), AND is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not (unsaved) shall be damned. It DOES NOT say, "He that is baptized not".
Acts 2-38 does not say that baptism is essential for salvation. He does say repent FIRST and THEN be baptized. Repent for the remission of sins, which is salvation and be baptized and ye shall receive the gift OF the Holy Ghost which is the BAPTISM of the Holy Ghost. Spiritual baptism not water baptism. Receive them both in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
John 3:5 Except a man be born of water, that's childbirth the mother's water must break a natural birth and of the Spirit, that's the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's a spiritual birth. Jesus was explaining to Nicodemus how a man is born again and Nicodemis was saying how can he reenter into his mother's womb that's impossible.
Romans 6:3 Is speaking of Jesus' baptism into His death. He went into the earth mortal (symbolizing water submersion) and rose from the dead (symbolizing resurfacing from the water) immortal. It speaks of the power of God to free us of the bonds of our sin life the Baptism of the Holy Ghost a spiritual baptism not water baptism. Water baptism doesn't have the ability to strengthen us against living a sinful life, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost does. He also speaks of us being crucified with Him in verse 6. I for one am pretty sure I haven't been physically crucified but I have been crucified with Him because He and I are one. He is not speaking of physical acts but spiritual.
1 Cor.12:13 For by one Spirit (the Holy Ghost) are we all baptized into one body again Baptism with the Holy Ghost, spiritual baptism not water baptism. The Holy Spirit does not baptize us with water but with His Spirit.

Great use of scripture to back up the point that water baptism isn't necessary for salvation. Jesus was not baptized until he was grown. Does that mean that he wasn't saved, even though all his life, including his childhood, he knew his purpose and that he was God's son? It is true that Verses 9-16 aren't found in the earliest manuscripts, It was added in. The second part of the verse says that he that does not believe will be damned. There are people who get baptized out of tradition or because someone tells them they have to. If they don't believe in Jesus and repent, then that baptism is just another bath. The water can't save anything. The spirit is where God dwells.
Baby baptism or christening is a tradition in many churches. It's also called dedication. There's no harm in doing it. It has no spiritual benefit but many parents want to dedicate their children to the Lord.

There's difference between baby baptism/christening and a dedication though...