Do you have soft hair and still look for products to soften it even more?


Well-Known Member
My hair is soft and I think I have got use to the softness and on a quest for a product that makes it even softer. I'm interested in the mud shampoo because I hear it's very moisturizing and gives major softness! My SO says my hair is already soft but I want it like really baby soft . Anyone else obsessed with softness that already have soft hair?
I'm always looking for the next best thing in conditioners, leave-ins, serums lol. I love having super soft hair too :3 who doesn't enjoy fluffy hair?
I love super soft hair, but I have to make sure it doesn't get too soft, over conditioned and mushy - which could be a sign of lack of protein. I usually use henna to correct that issue.
greenandchic said:
I love super soft hair, but I have to make sure it doesn't get too soft, over conditioned and mushy - which could be a sign of lack of protein. I usually use henna to correct that issue.

I keep hearing about mushy hair but I never had that... Is it when your hair just feels mushy or it's followed by flat hair too?
I feel like at this point, most conditioners leave my hair feeling either soft, mediocre or rough. There are some conditioners that leave my hair softer, but if it's a strengthening conditioner vs a moisturizing conditioner it's a given that the latter would be more softening; I would be equally satisfied with both if what the product promises is fulfilled. Instead of looking for something to keep my hair ultra soft, I'm forever searching for a product to give my hair elasticity. With added elasticity my hair would stretch instead of break and would possibly bounce back under force. I guess that's my gold since I'm afraid I'd mistake hair that's TOO soft for moisture overload when my focus is to ultimately balance my hair.
Aireen said:
I feel like at this point, most conditioners leave my hair feeling either soft, mediocre or rough. There are some conditioners that leave my hair softer, but if it's a strengthening conditioner vs a moisturizing conditioner it's a given that the latter would be more softening; I would be equally satisfied with both if what the product promises is fulfilled. Instead of looking for something to keep my hair ultra soft, I'm forever searching for a product to give my hair elasticity. With added elasticity my hair would stretch instead of break and would possibly bounce back under force. I guess that's my gold since I'm afraid I'd mistake hair that's TOO soft for moisture overload when my focus is to ultimately balance my hair.

Good point...
Aireen said:
I feel like at this point, most conditioners leave my hair feeling either soft, mediocre or rough. There are some conditioners that leave my hair softer, but if it's a strengthening conditioner vs a moisturizing conditioner it's a given that the latter would be more softening; I would be equally satisfied with both if what the product promises is fulfilled. Instead of looking for something to keep my hair ultra soft, I'm forever searching for a product to give my hair elasticity. With added elasticity my hair would stretch instead of break and would possibly bounce back under force. I guess that's my gold since I'm afraid I'd mistake hair that's TOO soft for moisture overload when my focus is to ultimately balance my hair.

But what if you can have both? I'm pretty sure you can, mines is soft not baby soft lol but any shedded strands I pull to see and most have elasticity. I think I probably found one that didn't and probably just so happen was a week point I my hair and If I broke from another point of the hair would be different
But what if you can have both? I'm pretty sure you can, mines is soft not baby soft lol but any shedded strands I pull to see and most have elasticity. I think I probably found one that didn't and probably just so happen was a week point I my hair and If I broke from another point of the hair would be different
I think you can definitely have both at the same time! :grin: I just know that one of the symptoms of moisture overload is hair that's "too soft" and gummy. I'd just be cautious and I would monitor my hair before trying to make it "oh-so baby soft" because you can go overboard. Yes, soft hair is wonderful but structure and durability shouldn't be forgotten to aid in retention. Over-moisturized hair will just stretch until it snaps when wet and it's SCARY. :lol: Most people feel like they're doing their hair justice by over-moisturizing when really it can do more harm than good.
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Aireen said:
I think you can definitely have both but at the same time! :grin: I just know that one of the symptoms of moisture overload is hair that's "too soft" and gummy. I'd just be cautious and I would monitor my hair before trying to make it "oh-so baby soft" because you can go overboard. Yes, soft hair is wonderful but structure and durability shouldn't be forgotten to aid in retention. Over-moisturized hair will just stretch until it snaps when wet and it's SCARY. :lol: Most people feel like they're doing their hair justice by over-moisturizing when really it can do more harm than good.

How often you do protein ? Every month?
How often you do protein ? Every month?
Never on a set schedule, I just go on how my hair feels. This time around after cutting it off I'm really focusing on what I need moisture vs protein wise and it's helping substantially. This way works better for me since some moisturizing conditioners actually contain protein to aid with moisture retention within hair. So overall I have conditioners that are moisture based with no protein, moisture based ones with some protein, and a few that are in my opinion "pure protein". I prefer to do this rather than follow a schedule since my primary goal is balance and elasticity -- by listening to my hair, I can get a better grasp of how my hair is doing with both aspects. Softness comes as an added benefit/side effect so I'm not really fussing about getting my hair super soft.
Aireen said:
Never on a set schedule, I just go on how my hair feels. This time around after cutting it off I'm really focusing on what I need moisture vs protein wise and it's helping substantially. This way works better for me since some moisturizing conditioners actually contain protein to aid with moisture retention within hair. So overall I have conditioners that are moisture based with no protein, moisture based ones with some protein, and a few that are in my opinion "pure protein". I prefer to do this rather than follow a schedule since my primary goal is balance and elasticity -- by listening to my hair, I can get a better grasp of how my hair is doing with both aspects. Softness comes as an added benefit/side effect so I'm not really fussing about getting my hair super soft.

Again, You are so right !!
Do you want hair that you can barely feel? Not a chance of that for my hair but then again I like feeling it so it's okay. It sounds like your hair is healthy so you're good.
Tiye said:
Do you want hair that you can barely feel? Not a chance of that for my hair but then again I like feeling it so it's okay. It sounds like your hair is healthy so you're good.

It's ok, all of us can afford to improve it more tho
I have soft hair and always have. I don't look for products to make it softer per se but I do know something is wrong if I use product and it's not soft I automatically know something is wrong. Even after aphogee 2 step my hair is still soft it just feels stronger too.

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i want silky hair. not soft, but smooth to the touch and strong when pulled.

when i was natural, i wanted my hair to constantly be soft and fluffy.
I want some soft and fluffy hair!! Im transitioning and no matter what I try this stuff gets hard after it dries. I could probably not wash my conditioner out for a week and still have hard hair.
Z-kitty said:
I want some soft and fluffy hair!! Im transitioning and no matter what I try this stuff gets hard after it dries. I could probably not wash my conditioner out for a week and still have hard hair.

Wow, something definitely wrong then. You need to definitely find the right products
leiah said:
There are lots of protein products that make my hair soft. My hair loves protein

Wow! Never knew protein could make it soft. Thought it always made it rough and you had to balance it out
Z-kitty said:
I want some soft and fluffy hair!! Im transitioning and no matter what I try this stuff gets hard after it dries. I could probably not wash my conditioner out for a week and still have hard hair.

Maybe it's porosity! Ever thought of that? Cuticles might be to open or closed
Wow! Never knew protein could make it soft. Thought it always made it rough and you had to balance it out
Protein does the same thing for my hair. In fact when it stops accepting moisture and feels hard and rough then a hard protein treatment is the only thing that will set it right again.