Do you have many male friends?

Do you have many male friends?

  • No

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • Only the males in my family

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Yes - but not "close" friends

    Votes: 12 21.8%
  • Yes - my absolute best friends are male

    Votes: 22 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I deleted one of my oldest friends (a male) from my list of contacts last week. He was supposed to be my best friend and I tried to reach out to him b/c I needed a friend. It's been a while and I have yet to hear from him. Some friend, huh. He's made suggestions here and there, and I've turned them down multiple times. The writing has been on the wall for quite some time and I've learned my lesson. Never again. No more male besties unless he's my husband.
I'm wondering if guys are more sensitive and romantic than us ladies? I had a guy friend in highschool that I was attracted to. He was involved with someone else, but we still hung out (ususally a group thing, but without his girlfriend). Anyway, I never once thought, I don't want to hang out with you because I want to be more than friends. I just accepted what was and we had fun. No biggie.
My best friend is a guy and my next closet friend is a guy. I don't really make female friends well. :sad: I've tried all my life we just don't click. I remember being little on the playground playing with the boys. I would try to play with the girls but we just weren't interested in the same things. Then I got to college and I tried sooo hard to find a close female friend...I'm still searching :le sigh:
But yeah my best friend is a guy and we've never been interested in each other...well once in high school but I was just bored. :lol: He's been there through everything, good and bad, I wouldn't trade him in for a girl friend ever.

ETA: Oh the male best friend thing hindered dating when we were in the same city but know that we're both away at college things are better.
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lol, this thread reminds me of a story. so.. i used to work at this restaurant when i was in high school. and i was friends w. this cute spanish dude. we used to always hang out and talk at work. he never showed any interest in me what so ever, and so of course i assumed that we were just friends and that's it.

so one weekend when he's off from work and i'm working the morning shift, he comes in w. his friends. they're all guys btw, and they were all really cute, one of them especially caught my eye. he was puerto rican i think :lick: well anyway, seeing how me and him were friends i go over to his table and start talking to him, i briefly say hi to his friends and then i took their order.

fast forward to a few days later when we were working together again, he goes to me "so yea, runwaydream, remember when i came in the other day? well my friend thinks you're hooott!" i asked him which one. he described him, and i was ecstatic! it was the sexy guy that i thought was cute.

fast forward again and i'm thinking about this the whole time i'm working. wondering what i should do. i figured it's rare that a guy i like likes me back, so i better grow some balls and jump on this opportunity.
so i write my number down on a piece of paper and give it to my co-worker. i told him to give it to his friend, and to tell his friend to call me and that i thought he was cute too. he took it and gave me this weird look, but i didn't know what it was for. he said ok and i moved on.

fast forward again and at this point he has used the number i told him to give his FRIEND, a few times for himself. we've been texting and talking while not at work. i'm not really thinking much of it though, just thought we were becoming better friends :rolleyes:

he later asks me if i wanted to hang out one weekend when we were both off, i say ok. on our drive to our destination we're talking and having a conversation. being w. him made me think of his friend and how disappointed i was that he never called me.
so i say "Hey, how come your friend never called me?"
He's silent for awhile and goes "Oh... I never told him about that."
At this point my eyes are bulging out of my head and i go "Well why not?!" He takes his time to answer and goes "well, because I wanted you for myself."

So moral of the story is, having male friends doesn't always help your dating life. a lot of the time they're c0ck-blockin anyway. either they liked you previously, or all of a sudden decide they want you bc their friend does :nono:

oh and btw, it turns out we were on date, my little inexperienced mind didn't realize that at the time, lol.
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I have a lot of difficulty relating to and talking to British females, so most of my friends in the UK are male. They are DEFINITELY not interested in me and I meet up with them every now and then to chat.
I only have one guy friend that has not tried to date me yet. Im not very social so that could be the reason for my lackluster dating lol