Do you have a weak side?

Do you have a weak side? Which one?

  • Yes, it's my right side!

    Votes: 27 36.5%
  • Yes, it's my left side!

    Votes: 45 60.8%
  • Haven't noticed that...

    Votes: 2 2.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Odd One

Well-Known Member
My left side is ALWAYS the first to start showing signs of damage! when i had a weak nape, the left side was completely gone!!!

I dont know what causes this because i dont sleep on that side and try to TLC that side more then the other. Do i end up manipulating it much more witout realising it?

Do you have a weak side? Which one is it? Did you find out why/a solution? If not what do you do to keep it strong?
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Neither the left nor the right side is weak. But my hairline is. It's always been. It comes from wearing tight ponytails as a teen. I moisturize it and treat it the way I treat the rest of my hair. It thins a little when I'm stressed out. But it also thickens out at times for some reason.
My left side is weaker, it's thinner and tends to break more. I really don't know why. I tend to think it's because I sleep on my left side more than my right. But it's really weird. I will say that both my right and left sides have improved since I stopped relaxing my hair. Oh well. :)
Definitely my left side, it's shorter, I notice more breakage and uneveness...even my hairline is worse on the left side than the right. I haven't really figured out anything to do to make it better...or even why it's like that. I'm not sure there's anything you can do.. but I'd be interested to hear if there was!
my right side is shorter and weaker. Its because i've wrapped my hair in the same direction for years. Then to add insult to injury, i used to GLUE:shocked::shocked: tracks in every week to make that side even, so i ended up thinning it out even more. Its been improving now that i no longer do those things
:nono:My left side is definitely my weak side.
It's porous at times.
It sheds more.
It more prone to breakage.
It always has to catch up to my right side length wise.
It doesn't have as much body as the right.
I could go on and on.
I just don't get it.:perplexed
My left side. Wow most people are weak on the left side. I wonder if there is something behind this?
I sleep on my right, it's a lot shorter and thinner than the rest of my hair (if only i could remember that scarf).
Unfortunately I have not found an absolute solution. I have just found ways to kind of keep it at bay.
If I texlax I am sure to put the chemical on my weak side last and for less time. I pay more attention to that side when DCing. I go over that side twice. I really don't know what else I could do to correct this issue. I'm not sure if I can. I want to blame it on the fact that I sleep on that side more often but to tell the truth I'm all over the place when I sleep.:perplexed This side has been the problem area for all of my life. Don't get me wrong my hair is in pretty good shape at first glance. But like anyone else I know my hair and I know that there is a difference.
I'm not sure if I have a weak side, but my left side is thicker and shorter and the right side is thinner and longer. My hair has been like that for as long as I can remember.
my left side is weaker, shorter and even a rougher texture. I guess its from wrapping, I stopped wrapping and heat and it's growing but still rough.
My left side. Wow most people are weak on the left side. I wonder if there is something behind this?

Yea thats why i did this quick poll.. cuz i noticed a tendency about people having broken napes... on the left side, drier hair... on the left side. A lot of ladies in my family has this problem too!... Could it be a gene? lol
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My right side is the weakest! It's shorter and has a lot less body.

I really think it's because I'm right handed and my right side is what I manipulate 1st for everything.

I may try to start all hair services on my left and see how it goes!
my left side is thinner for sure. I love the thickness of my right side! I just want evenly healthy hair on both sides!! haha. But maybe its b/c most people are right handed, which is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain and all that excess brain waves are killing our hair? haha that's some major BS, but it could be legit. haha
I'm not sure what my weak side is... my left side grows slower than my right BUT sometimes it feels like my right side shows some signs first... If I had to say one, I'd say my right (although it's longer).
My left side seems to have a slightly coarser and drier texture of hair than the rest of my head. It breaks much more easily causing it to be shorter than the right side. I have been "pampering" that side of my hair more lately and just paying extra attn to moisturizing, scalp massages and being gentler when styling. It seems to be paying off too.
I don't think I have a weak side per sa, but I my left side is always 1/8 of an inch shorter all the time. When I use to get my hair trim/cut evenly, the left side always grew slower back then the right. I don't care now because I wear a bun 95% of the time.
My right side is the weak side. I think it's because I sleep on that side. It has no body and is slightly shorter.
My left side, the edges. It's the side I sleep on & the side that faced the most manipulation during wrapping. Since I've stopped wrapping it's getting better, I'm also trying to switch the side I sleep on.
My right side is the weakest! It's shorter and has a lot less body.

I really think it's because I'm right handed and my right side is what I manipulate 1st for everything.

I may try to start all hair services on my left and see how it goes!

Me too! It's always been like that since I started noticing my hair anyway.
Yep, always have, even as a nappy. My right side edges. They are the first to break and dry out. It's annoying.
My left side seems to have a slightly coarser and drier texture of hair than the rest of my head. It breaks much more easily causing it to be shorter than the right side. I have been "pampering" that side of my hair more lately and just paying extra attn to moisturizing, scalp massages and being gentler when styling. It seems to be paying off too.
I'm in the bolded category of your post, I've been wondering what would make it more coarse and if I could reverse that? Any thoughts?
THE LEFT!!!!:wallbash:

Ya'll just dont know the drama I've had with my left side:nono:

An old stylist burnt off parts of my left side when she was pressing it when I was natural. That was three yrs ago and it still hasnt grown back:wallbash:

I stopped relaxing it and i am hoping that will cause it to grow back.

It's barely two inches long and it's making my hair looks SO thin:sad:
my left side is thinner for sure. I love the thickness of my right side! I just want evenly healthy hair on both sides!! haha. But maybe its b/c most people are right handed, which is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain and all that excess brain waves are killing our hair? haha that's some major BS, but it could be legit. haha

Girl you went far with that one! lol... But, what if?:rolleyes:
I'm in the minority. It's my right side. It is sooo different from my left.

One thing that might help others....being right-handed, I noticed I hold the bottle in my right hand, and squeeze the moisturizer, oil, whatever into my left palm. I realized that this tends to favor the left side of my head as there is more product in my left palm. Now I put the bottle in my left hand and squeeze out onto my right palm so that the product favors the right side. It has helped a little.

Isn't it frustrating? My breakage occurs almost exclusively from my right side...much better though since I'm aware of it.
I'm in the bolded category of your post, I've been wondering what would make it more coarse and if I could reverse that? Any thoughts?

I have what my mother calls "combination hair". If you look closely at my pic you can see that the front of my hair is wavy (my hair is not relaxed, overly flat ironed though) well......about 3/4 of my head is that same texture until you get to the left side. The area (about an inch and a half surround my ear is DRY, always has been. My dad has silky, wavy hair and my mom has really super thick but not coarse hair. So I don't know where I get it from.:nono: