Do you have a weak side?

Do you have a weak side? Which one?

  • Yes, it's my right side!

    Votes: 27 36.5%
  • Yes, it's my left side!

    Votes: 45 60.8%
  • Haven't noticed that...

    Votes: 2 2.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
:nono:My left side is definitely my weak side.
It's porous at times.
It sheds more.
It more prone to breakage.
It always has to catch up to my right side length wise.
It doesn't have as much body as the right.
I could go on and on.
I just don't get it.:perplexed

this is me, but it's my right side
I voted for the right side only because the mid-front was not an option. The mid-front of my hair is thinner and does not have a curl pattern.
For me it's the back of my head. This part is a mess, even I don't sleep on it, it always shows signs of damage. At the same time the front is great; it makes me feel like I have two persons' hair on my head ...
If you part my hair from ear to ear it's like I have 2 TOTALLY different heads of hair :look: my "weak" hair is in the front/top/both sides :rolleyes:

In the back :love: :lick:
I voted that its my left side but my left side is shorter in the back than my right side, an my right side is shorter on the side and front than the left side. My head is one rollercoaster of lengths!!:drunk:
I'm in the minority. It's my right side. It is sooo different from my left.

One thing that might help others....being right-handed, I noticed I hold the bottle in my right hand, and squeeze the moisturizer, oil, whatever into my left palm. I realized that this tends to favor the left side of my head as there is more product in my left palm. Now I put the bottle in my left hand and squeeze out onto my right palm so that the product favors the right side. It has helped a little.

Isn't it frustrating? My breakage occurs almost exclusively from my right side...much better though since I'm aware of it.

This idea is so clever! Thank you Chevelure618 :grin:.

I have to try this out.
I'm in the minority. It's my right side. It is sooo different from my left.

One thing that might help others....being right-handed, I noticed I hold the bottle in my right hand, and squeeze the moisturizer, oil, whatever into my left palm. I realized that this tends to favor the left side of my head as there is more product in my left palm. Now I put the bottle in my left hand and squeeze out onto my right palm so that the product favors the right side. It has helped a little.

Isn't it frustrating? My breakage occurs almost exclusively from my right side...much better though since I'm aware of it.

What about someone who is right-handed and still have a weird left side?:sad:

Maybe i actually put too much of the product.. but i always make sure to rub my hand 2geter to make sure everything is even...Argh

Its just annoying when you got a problem and you just cant find a solution because you dont know what the cause is!
My left side is weaker. I actually started a thread about this issue a few weeks ago...didn't get many replies. I noticed my left side lacks the same curl definition as the right and it gets drier and frizzier first. I sleep on my left side and I am right handed so I'm trying to switch the sides I sleep on.
My Left side has always shown signs of weakness first! I have mixed textures & it is my kinkiest side. Thanks Dad! LOL.
My left side is the weaker side as well as most of you ladies. What IS that really about? If you were to come at me from my right side you would think i had the healthiest thickest head of hair, that is until I turn my head.:nono: It truly is amazing how you can take care of both sides of hair exactly the same and have such a discrepancy. My left side is more porous and seems to be a diff texture. It gets drier faster, has less body and breaks easier, and it doesn't seem to relax as easily either. It has gotten somewhat better than it used to be. I'll just have to keep babying that side. I know I wrap my hair in one direction all the time which is probably one of the main reasons for this but I love having my part on the left side. It seems to help counteract the look of uneveness even though that is whats helping me stay uneven! sigh.
my left. i wouldnt say it is weaker... its just different. lol! it grows at its own pace, has its own texture, and has decided that it just doesnt want to be as thick has the right side. rebel!