Do you hate when people ask you what you use on your hair because I do


Well-Known Member
I hate hate hate this question. After I answer it I usually get blank stares:ohwell:. I get asked what do you put in your hair to make it grow? I have over 25 different conditioners and when someone says what conditioner do you use what am I suppose to say? I try to say it's really about keeping your hair conditioned and moisturized, but outside of LHCF people don't seem to understand keeping a protein and moisture balance and not washing each and every time with shampoo.

Everyone hair is different and I am still trying to figure out my hair so I can't possibly tell you what will work on your hair. My friend decided she want to grow both her daughters hair. I told her my main conditioners that consistently work for me was by Silk Elements. She called me back a week later with a attitude saying that that conditioner made her kids hair fall out. Like I purposely recommended a bad product.

I have no problem really talking to someone who wants to know my reggie. I love to talk about hair a products. Ya'll know. I hate feeling shame and some people make me feel shame about all my products and protective styles.
As beautiful as your hair is, you should feel no shame. It is a compliment. Most people do not understand that retaining length is not an easy process. My journey started only a month ago and I've learned that it basically "trial and error." Not every product works for everyone and sometimes it takes a combination of products to get the desired effect. I can't wait until folks are asking me what I am using. I will explain until they either walk away or their eyes glaze over. :lachen:This is not for the weak or the lazy and there is no magic pill!
As beautiful as your hair is, you should feel no shame. It is a compliment. Most people do not understand that retaining length is not an easy process. My journey started only a month ago and I've learned that it basically "trial and error." Not every product works for everyone and sometimes it takes a combination of products to get the desired effect. I can't wait until folks are asking me what I am using. I will explain until they either walk away or their eyes glaze over. :lachen:This is not for the weak or the lazy and there is no magic pill!

I love this:lachen::lachen::lachen:, lol.
I don't mind the question, and I'll gladly answer it. I just know that they won't comprehend the sheer depth of how much I do to my hair. I don't mind because I take it as a compliment, that I'm doing something right. One person asked me, and I told her I'd type it up for her. :lachen: She took one look at it, said "wow!" and I'm sure has never looked at it again. It's the nature of the beast.
I hate hate hate this question. After I answer it I usually get blank stares:ohwell:. I get asked what do you put in your hair to make it grow? I have over 25 different conditioners and when someone says what conditioner do you use what am I suppose to say? I try to say it's really about keeping your hair conditioned and moisturized, but outside of LHCF people don't seem to understand keeping a protein and moisture balance and not washing each and every time with shampoo.

Everyone hair is different and I am still trying to figure out my hair so I can't possibly tell you what will work on your hair. My friend decided she want to grow both her daughters hair. I told her my main conditioners that consistently work for me was by Silk Elements. She called me back a week later with a attitude saying that that conditioner made her kids hair fall out. Like I purposely recommended a bad product.

I have no problem really talking to someone who wants to know my reggie. I love to talk about hair a products. Ya'll know. I hate feeling shame and some people make me feel shame about all my products and protective styles.

I'm tired too. Because it's not just one or two "items" that I use it's an ENTIRE PROCESS.

Yesterday at the bus stop this relaxed woman asked me if I had a straw set, I said yes.

Yeah, I lied, but I honestly didn't feel like telling her the truth and explaining my routine. It's not like she'd be able to do it anyway. Also, I won't be seeing her again anytime soon. LOL!

I just don't feel like it anymore. I direct them to the hairboards and youtube videos. I mean that's how I learned all MY information.
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I don't mind telling someone who is sincerely interested. I also try to stay focused on exactly what they asked me. I have a co-worker who loves weaves. I have worked with her for a year and in that time I have never seen her real hair even personal pics I have seen of her from years before I met her she is sportin a weave. She will ask what I do to my hair and I will answer the question directly how she asked it. In other words, I don't throw in all kinds of extra info that they didn't ask for.

Recently she asked how did I get my rollersets so straight since I wasn't relaxing my hair anymore. I told her about making sure the hair is straight before rolling and make sure to apply tension as she rolls the hair and to make sure the ends are flat on the roller before rolling. I didn't get into a whole bunch of info about products, reggies and what works best. It wasn't necessary. The next day she came into work with curls in her weave..LOL.

I take it as a compliment when folks ask but I don't overload them with info.
I don't mind telling someone who is sincerely interested. I also try to stay focused on exactly what they asked me. I have a co-worker who loves weaves. I have worked with her for a year and in that time I have never seen her real hair even personal pics I have seen of her from years before I met her she is sportin a weave. She will ask what I do to my hair and I will answer the question directly how she asked it. In other words, I don't throw in all kinds of extra info that they didn't ask for.

Recently she asked how did I get my rollersets so straight since I wasn't relaxing my hair anymore. I told her about making sure the hair is straight before rolling and make sure to apply tension as she rolls the hair and to make sure the ends are flat on the roller before rolling. I didn't get into a whole bunch of info about products, reggies and what works best. It wasn't necessary. The next day she came into work with curls in her weave..LOL.

I take it as a compliment when folks ask but I don't overload them with info.

I'm the same. Plus it helps that what I do to my hair is pretty simple. So it doesn't take much to explain. But even then, I only bother if the person really seems to care. That goes for real life and hair boards. ;)
Well, maybe, you should start telling people what you told us. Just say, "Well, I am still trying to find out what works best for me. Not all products work for everyone." Then, name what kind of products/techniques you are trying. Just give a quick list.
I don't mind because I use less than 5 products on my hair. However, if I see the person is truly interested, I will explain what I do. I always preface by mentioning there is no magic potion. Anything that is worth it, takes time to garner results. Given their current hair condition, most likely it didn't happen overnight and neither will their attainment of immediate results.
When people ask me in real life I talk until they look really uncomfortable and tell me they have somewhere to go. My sister and I talk for hours about hair until our kids beg us to stop. I actually pity the fool who asks me and doesn't have more than 5 minutes to spare LOL

Online life is easy.. I have it on Word and just copy and paste! Its almost 2 pages long.
So yeah :lachen:
When people ask me in real life I talk until they look really uncomfortable and tell me they have somewhere to go. My sister and I talk for hours about hair until our kids beg us to stop. I actually pity the fool who asks me and doesn't have more than 5 minutes to spare LOL

Online life is easy.. I have it on Word and just copy and paste! Its almost 2 pages long.
So yeah :lachen:

Your siggy pic and quote are adorable!
yes. my hair grows no matter what i put on it so me telling them isn't going to do them any good. shoot, i hardly do what i'm supposed to so i wouldn't give out tips anyway.
I will only get made if after I tell them..they look at me with a "look" I'm jivin' them. Other than that..I am willing to tell them whatever. It's better than them just staring.
I don't mind when people ask what I use, but I DO mind when people ask if I have "indian blood" or something ridiculous like that. I had a guy tell me he had never seen a "colored girl" with hair as long as mine, so was I mixed with something? (he was white).

I politely explained that I was "fully black" and that colored was a term from the 60s.

It doesn't bother me. I only talk hair with people who I know are really interested. When people ask me what I use I always say the same thing: Everyone's hair is unique so you may not be able to achieve the same look, but everyone can achieve healthy hair. I can give you some tips if you want them but just know that healthy hair takes at least a year of consistent commitment from you.

After they hear that, the conversation is usually over. If they still want to hear more then I try to answer whatever their basic questions are and direct them here.
No I don't mind unless someone asks me what I use to grow my hair , like there is some magical product or something. Most people don't want to hear about a detailed regiman though.
Well, I have had a few people ask me questions....Most times - they don't listen... and most times- they tell me.... "What??? Condition for an hour????" :rolleyes:

so - I have Stopped helping folks. They can just admire my growth. and Wonder....

I don't have time for sillyness.
I hate that question too so I keep it simple. I say 'nothing just wash and condition one a week". I dont like to tell outsiders I use MTG, OVATION etc) don't care for sly remarks you know? Most people may think I'm crazy for putting such things in my hair. So I leave it to my LHCF sisters!
I do, but only because people always look at me strange when I tell them what I use on my hair, and just kinda give me that "oookay" look, especially if I tell them about an "unusual" (to them) ingredient I use in my hair like honey. Even after I've explained what it's good for they usually look at me like :perplexed and start asking all these disbelieving questions like I'll contradict myself.

This happened recently when I purchased a bottle of EVOO and some chamomile tea to make my henna with. I didn't think the cashier would think much of it since people buy random stuff together all the time. She asked what I was going to use that for. I think she thought I was going to drink it together. After I told her, I concluded she would've been less shellshocked if I had just said I was going to drink it. :wallbash:
I don't mind until they try and correct me. If u admired my hair in the first place clearly this works for me. Like a friend saw that my hair was growing so she asked what I did. I said I stopped trimming as often and I conditioner wash more. She tried to pick me apart! I didn't even get into a debate I told her to keep doing what she's doing and I'll keep doing what I'm doing.
I don't mind until they try and correct me. If u admired my hair in the first place clearly this works for me. Like a friend saw that my hair was growing so she asked what I did. I said I stopped trimming as often and I conditioner wash more. She tried to pick me apart! I didn't even get into a debate I told her to keep doing what she's doing and I'll keep doing what I'm doing.

I hear that! I wish someone WOULD say something about MY hair regimen, I'd be like "why did you ask me in the first place, if you didn't want to hear it?"

It's not exactly something I volunteer to folks.
I get really anxious. Like - what if they try it and then their hair falls out or something...?

Also if I try not to give too much info - they're usually looking at me like :rolleyes: and then I have to add more details. Someone asked me what I DC with. I was like "uh....Lustrasilk Cholesterol...with some stuff mixed in it?" :perplexed

I can't explain that I waltz around my kitchen throwing crap into a tupperware like some kind of mad scientist and start using terms like "humectant" or people look at me crazy.


The "I don't use "black" products" hurdle is always awkward.
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Most people don't know what a BTK is so that can be a complicated question. I guest I am not really excited to get that question. I'd be happy with "you have beautiful hair."
I love to help people when they have questions. I'd normally give them a very short guidance based on their hair (coarse vs thin, relaxed vs natural, 3ish vs 4ish). But at the same time I make sure to tell them everyone's hair is different so it is better for them to incorporate the new products one at a time (starting with a good shampoo and conditioner duo) before moving to the next steps (Leave-ins-serums, moisturizers-butters-oils, DCs, Protein treatments). People are very pleased with my recommendations in general and if they are not, I'd simply suggest another product, more efficient but generally more expensive though... well, some times it takes what it takes :)
I don't mind. I just give them an abbreviated version if I feel they are looking for a quick fix. If it's someone who is truly interested I'll be more than happy to give them the whole rundown.
Well, I don't mind. My short answer to people who are just asking to be asking is, "My hair loves moisture so I use a lot of conditioner." That usually ends the conversation; if they are truly interested, we'll talk more beyond that. For example I said this to a friend of mine who is a white guy, and got the most shocking response ever: "You know what you should do? Add a little olive oil to your conditioner. That's what I do, and I don't use any other product on my hair after I rinse."

I was like :shocked: and we went into this whole conversation about food products being good for your hair. :lol:
When people ask me in real life I talk until they look really uncomfortable and tell me they have somewhere to go. My sister and I talk for hours about hair until our kids beg us to stop. I actually pity the fool who asks me and doesn't have more than 5 minutes to spare LOL

Online life is easy.. I have it on Word and just copy and paste! Its almost 2 pages long.
So yeah :lachen:

I agree with you I love to talk about hair also. So if and when someone asks me about my hair it will be a long explanation until they cut me off :grin:
When ppl ask what I've done to get it to grow, I just say I stopped going to the salon and recommend they read the Cathy Howse book. Its not detailed but a good starter book.

I'm a product cocktail junkie. I use about 3 or 4 proteins mixed followed by about 3 moisturizers mixed that vary depending on my hair's mood so I keep my answer simple and let Cathy explain it to them.
I am super shy so I give minimal info. But when family and friends ask about a style/treatment/product ..they already know :nono:... I go into great detail & will talk them to death.