Do you forget how long your hair is?


With Love & Silk
Since many of us wear protective styles much of the time...when you do finally see your hair down, do you seem to have more hair than you remembered?
all the time!!! i still find it hard to believe that i've made so much progress, and it's definitely because i wear it up so much. once i reach my ultimate goal, i think i'll definitely wear it out more... well, a little more...
Yes for sure. I dont wear my hair out at all so whenever I open it up especially just recently I was amazed. I keep actually hoping to catch the hairs growing out of my scalp. I am amazed really!
Yeah, especially when I have shrinkage
. Throughout the week, I take my bun down each night to moisturize and set it for bedtime, and it looks a lot shorter to me due to shrinkage. Every Sunday, I exhale a HUGE sigh of relief because I see the true length when washing and conditioning.
I think I still don't know how long my hair is!! As it got longer over the years, it was other people always making comments "wow, your hair so long" or at the beauty salon, I'd hear people whispering about the length. Even my best friend would comment about my hair getting longer and longer. But I never believed didn't seem all that long to me. I guess I just sort of forgot about it. I feel more thankful for it now and can't wait to see how long it really is next week!
I've only been doing my protective styles for about 1 1/2 months now and it already looks longer when I'm washing and conditioning it. I know part of it is because I see the shrinkage daily but it sure is encouraging.
Yes. i finally took my hair out of the bun i've been sporting since a week after my touch-up in june. my babysitter said my hair was growing and everytime i wash it i'm staring at myself in the mirror thinking, i think it's grown and i only got about 1" of new growth.
Yep. I usually don't think of my hair as long. When I go for my touchups and my stylist & the shampoo girl keep commenting on how long my hair is, I'm thinking "Oh, I guess it really is long!!"

I don't think I'll consider my hair long until my front & sides grow out to at least shoulder length!! The back doesn't seem to count to me anymore!!
Lindy, I think we have the exact same problem. The sides of my hair refuse to grow, and they still haven't touched my shoulders yet, but the back continues to grow. The front is very short, but that's because I was stupid and gave myself bangs back in March. *groaning*
Yep Karonica,
I think we're hair twins!!!

I'm in the same boat!!!
I think that my front & sides aren't growing as well as the back because of the bleach (highlights) I had put in about a year ago. I think my hair breaks off a lot more in the front.
I wish I could forget how long my hair is and take it out and be pleasantly suprised. When I get out the shower I always stand in the mirror and tug at it to see the length
I wish I could forget how long my hair is and take it out and be pleasantly suprised. When I get out the shower I always stand in the mirror and tug at it to see the length

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That sounds like my daughter... She looks up at the ceiling and then says, "Look, my hair is growing!!" (You know how when you tilt your head back, your hair goes farther down your back...) Tooo funny!!!
I feel sorry for her but I also remember when I used to envy her long hair, and mine had been cut real short, so now we've switched sides!! I have to admit that it feels GOOD to have someone envy MY hair for a change!!!
Me too, Lindy, me too.

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I'm with you ladies as well. the back of my hair is very long....and the sides barely touch my shoulders. Sometimes I think about simply wearing a bang rather than to put up with these short edges. But I'm going to wait it out another year. If my doesn't make progress by next summer......chop chop.
I feel your pain.

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Ditto, AmilLion!! Hey, we should start our own little club!!I bet there are more out there like us!!
My next goal is going to be to concentrate on getting my front & sides to grow!! I'm almost at my bra-strap length goal in the back.

Let's do a challenge to grow out our sides to shoulder length (and beyond!!) by next summer Karonica (& AmilLion)!!

(Gosh, I think we are hijacking this post... I guess I should be PM'ing you, huh??)
I would say so...Ive been letting my hair grow out and being perm free for a year now..

Once I did the big chop I couldn't believe how much new growth I had...Im so happy

Even though Im still wearing braids probably until May of next year Im content of my new hair...
Lindy, my hair breaks off on the sides, too but it seems like now my front is growing a lot faster than the back. I've seen a lot of growth and thickness. I'm sure the same will start to happen for you with the tlc you've been giving it!
Lindy, my hair breaks off on the sides, too but it seems like now my front is growing a lot faster than the back. I've seen a lot of growth and thickness. I'm sure the same will start to happen for you with the tlc you've been giving it!

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Thanks hairlove; I sure hope so!!
I've cut bangs in my hair, and had my hair sides layered
for my whole life. This is the very first time I've tried to grow them out, and it almost seems like my hair & scalp are rebelling against it!!!
Yes for sure. I dont wear my hair out at all so whenever I open it up especially just recently I was amazed. I keep actually hoping to catch the hairs growing out of my scalp. I am amazed really!

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Ditto, I have to take mirror in front of me and look in a mirror behind me to realize how long my hair is!
I miss getting perms and anxiously awaiting the sound of hearing my wet, freshly permed hair slapping against the back of the seat while it's being combed.
SweetPea said:
Yeah, especially when I have shrinkage. Throughout the week, I take my bun down each night to moisturize and set it for bedtime, and it looks a lot shorter to me due to shrinkage. Every Sunday, I exhale a HUGE sigh of relief because I see the true length when washing and conditioning.
... ditto! :lol:
That happens to me. I always airdry my hair so there is quite a bit of shrinkage. Over the holiday I flat ironed my hair once and it seemed much longer.
ballet_bun said:
That happens to me. I always airdry my hair so there is quite a bit of shrinkage. Over the holiday I flat ironed my hair once and it seemed much longer.
Ballet_Bun, I've been meaning to tell you, your hair is getting so long! Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it girl. :up:
I'm really sorry i didn't see this thread sooner! I really don't know how long my hair is at all. I wear it pinned up about 95% of the time. Not so much because it makes your hair grow, but because i think i look very nice with it pinned up. I hate wearing my hair straight and I don't really think that's much of a style (IMO) anyway. I haven't worn my hair bone straight in about 6 years :eek: . I'm actually quite curious about the true length but i'm not brave enough to wear it down.... i feel self conscious when I do.