Do you fall off the hair wagon?

Do you fall off the wagon?

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Hi ladies just wanted to make a poll/confession in here...I tend to fall off the wagon HARD when i dont frequent lhcf and then my hair is a dried out tangled mess and i tend to just throw on a scarf and go. Sometimes I dont do ANYTHING to my hair and I feel s guilty that I dont want to even log in to lhcf and see everyone's wonderful progress. It's like i hide from you guys when i know I should be workin my regimen...does anyone else feel this way? What do you do besides logging in everyday to keep yourself on top of your hair reggie and goals???
the past 2 nites i've slept sans scarf :( i've also just wet a brush to slick down the poof and throw the rest in a knotted bun... i too fall off.

what's important is that we recognize our fall and get right back on :) yeah! lol
I do find it harder to stay in point when I'm not here. When I took my 40day hiatus I was being naughty with my hair. But just being "e-here" gives me inspiration even if its subconsciously. I want it!
Sometime I just get today, my hair is in a 3 day old WnG bun, and its tangled and nasty! I've been too busy with thanksgiving and finals to even think about my hair. I havent been on this site for a week, and see what happens?
Ya I need to get out of the entertainment the hair forum I get more motivated to actually do my hair :lachen:

I always fall off right after a relaxer or a dominican's bad :nono:

I think I'm getting better though!!
i think everyone has had a time where they have fallen off. I think thats just human nature, but i try and try to focus and make sure i stay doin wat i have to do to get dis hair growin. My new years resolution, amongst other things, is to get this regimen in concrete.
I think I'm the Queen of falling off. I'm getting better though. Since making the decision to continue my transition to natural I've been more consistant.
My hair has been, not by choice, pretty much left alone for now. No oils, sprays, nothing. I cannot do it myself so I have a friend who washes and braids it for me. I have had it done twice in 7 weeks. I am so tenderheaded I can't stand the braiding, so I leave them until I can't bear the look anymore. (Thank God for baseball calps!) It's going to be interesting to see the end results once I am able to hook myself up!(I had hand surgery 7 wks ago)
The most I have ever fallen off is not moisturize or use a scarf for like a day. I am pretty focused now and have been for the past year.
It's harder for me to stay on the wagon in the summer when I was 2x/week, because of the time it takes. Right now, for me staying on the wagon is easy because it's so routine. I detangle, braid, wash, DC and detangle again, rinse, acv rinse, moisturize/seal, twist. Every Saturday. That's just wash day for me. So I may not be ultra-uber gung ho, but this routine has helped with moisture and retention, so I'm just doing the normal. I think it becomes easier when it becomes routine. At least I hope so :yep:.
I fall off when I'm not on LHCF. I've been flat ironing a lot with my transition because I didn't have any motivation to try to make these flexi rods and braidouts work. Now that I've been on LHCF I've been motivated by fellow transitioners.
I'm pretty focused because this something that I really want. I've had SL hair since '97 and I'm ready for length and health. My hair is heathier than it's ever been. I got weave checked for the first time ever and it's so thick everyone thinks I'm natural. I love it!! I'm NEVER going back to my old ways.
I tend to go on a hiatus when I've been doing my regimen for a long time and not doing anything new. As such, my regimen at that point has become second nature, so I don't really fall off after I leave LCHF. My desire to try something new/discovering a new product or whatever is usually what leads me to come back :yep:

ETA: Yeah, that kitty in FluffyRed's siggy is KILLING me with cuteness :lol:
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No, I do not. I protect my hair every night using a satin or silk scarf and I sleep on satin pillowcases. I moisturize and seal daily. I "coat" my hairline/temples with JBCO/CO. I use products that have "nutritional value" for my hair. I take my supplements nightly. Am I perfect? Heck no! But I refuse to let my hair return to the unhealthy, pitiful state that led me to LHCF in the first place. I actually enjoy every process because I feel it leads me one step closer to healthy and longer hair.
Occasionally I'll start slacking, but it doesn't keep me off LHCF. Esp. since the hair forum section is not the one I most frequent.

In the times that I do start to slack it serves me really well to have a simple routine. B/c I'm not on some complicated schedule it doesn't take much to get "back on track." Usually a cowash or a good shampoo and all is well again.
I fall off sporadically, especially when my hair seems to be doing really well. I guess I start to take my hair for granted and over-style it.

Other times that I have fallen off are when I spend too much time in OT, and ignore the hair board. After catching a few outstanding update threads on hair in the past month or so, I'm back to reading the hair forum though!

The two times that I have suffered set-backs were the times that I was most dedicated to my hair. Right now I'm pretty consistent.
When I quit taking care of my hair I quit coming to the hair board.

For me it's like eating a Big Mac then going to a weight watchers meeting.... I'll come back when I am ready to get right again.
Yeah I tend to 'fall off the wagon' from time to time, like DCing only 1x week when I promised myself I'd do it 2x, fall asleep without a scarf, not moisturizing and sealing daily. But, I catch myself, get it togther and get back on it :yep: Being here helps me get back on track.
I fall of the wagon all the time, LHCF and my wagon-falling are not connected.
Sometimes I'll be doing great with my hair and be away from LHCF and sometimes I'll be all up on the boards with hair lookin like buckwheat.

I do fall off the wagon and neglect my hair care routines but I'm blessed with hair that forgives me every time.
I fell off a while back. I've got to get back on point b/c I have to maintain my daughter's hair as well which I haven't been doing so great on.
I am appoaching 3 years and for some reason this year has been really hard for me to stay consistent and motivated. By spring the added length made me dread twisting (my favorite PS), and for me it's critical. I know what my goals, are and I still want to achieve them. I know when I don't have time for the board it gets worse. I just really don't want to be disappointed by this time next year. I might do something drastic.
Fell off and got ran over by the wagon. Oct was not a great month for me and my hair and Nov wasn't all the hot either. But I know that I can do this so I'm stepping my game up big time. HHG and good luck ladies on your hair.
I voted for the last option I'm having one of those moments now. For me it started out as more of a product issue. I know it sounds silly but I was not willing to put unatural products in my hair no more and decided to wait until my Quemet stockist restocked. This means I've been off the wagon for a couple of wks but I intend to change that within the next couple of days, especially as when I rang them today they said it should arrive by tomorrow.