Do you ever worry your SO will find your secrets here?

Do you ever worry your SO will find your secrets here?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • No

    Votes: 20 54.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • My SO has found out through my posts!

    Votes: 2 5.4%

  • Total voters
I don't because I don't have any "secrets." I think that if I did have a "secret" I wouldn't be hiding it from him, but from other people that don't need to know my business so I wouldn't post it anywhere.
Maybe i should rephrase that. I don't mean secrets like secrets that need to go to the grave....more like issues/dilemmas.

I feel you on not posting your business. I'm pretty secretive myself, but sometimes it's nice to get an objective view on things, because you know friends and family can be a little biased.

Besides my grandma always told me never tell a man ALL your business.
YES and that is why I don't post certain things. I sometimes talk to him about some of the things I read here and one time we had an argument and I found out that he came on here to find out if I had posted about it! :blush:
No I've told my so everything I've done, it's not that awful besides he has no clue at all about this site let alone know my user name, nothing.
Which is why you leave ur name out of it, his name out of it, and don't tell him ur username :grin:
Exactly!!!! I'm not sure if my SO knows my username though, I haven't told him but I have been on here around him and he's like "on your hair board again huh?" He's really observant so, I'm not taking any chances!!!
YES and that is why I don't post certain things. I sometimes talk to him about some of the things I read here and one time we had an argument and I found out that he came on here to find out if I had posted about it! :blush:
See, that's why I don't go into detail about stuff on here. I only tell him the juice in the entertainment threads.
I don't have any secrets from my SO and he's not the type that tries to find secrets anyway...he's too involved in his own stuff for that :D
Nope. My ish is all out in the open but my former SO hates reading blogs, forums, etc. I could just leave everything open and it wouldn't even matter. :grin:
Nope. My ish is all out in the open but my former SO hates reading blogs, forums, etc. I could just leave everything open and it wouldn't even matter. :grin:
That's what's up. Couldn't do the same with mine, i know his nosy ass would be all up in it!
No. There isn't anything here that he doesn't already know. A lot of it would not interest him in the least. I wouldn't post a secret here that I've never told my DH. But anyway, a hair forum and its counterparts do not conjure up his interest.
I don't post anything he does'nt know about on here.
Except for stuff like which con I used to cowash and he does'nt care about that anyway.
No, but I regret using my real name for my screen name, because my future employers don't need to be google-ing me and finding out how often I wash my hair! Silly me.
No, but I regret using my real name for my screen name, because my future employers don't need to be google-ing me and finding out how often I wash my hair! Silly me.

You could always have it changed my contacting a moderator, I think that would be a valid reason to have it changed.
I don't post anything he does'nt know about on here.
Except for stuff like which con I used to cowash and he does'nt care about that anyway.

LOL! I'm not talking about the hair threads, more so the relationship and off topic threads. A lot of people post really personal things about their relationships on here. By here I meant the relationship forum.
I don't post secrets either, but I did start a thread once asking what to do about a person that wants to get married and you don't. I'd already had the discussion w/him about the topic so it wasn't news. I was reading thru the thread and didn't realize he was reading over my shoulder and he blew a gasket. He was upset that I'd "put our business out there like that" and everyone now knew how I felt and how dumb he looked. He eventually calmed down and said he realized I wasn't joking and he couldn't change my mind. We broke up. We don't talk at all anymore, but it's okay.
Uum,, my ears were ringing just kidding.. I really do not post anything on here that I do not want anyone else to know.. However, I do know my current ex is a little sensitive.. It never really occured to me that he would ever look on here" He was more like why would you tell people our business... I guess I figure its better for me to vent and talk about something that bothers me here than to someone you see daily. Like a co-worker of mine or a girlfriend. For some reason, my life is completely off limits to co-workers. friends,You never know there motives are. Some of my friends a very judgemental, bias and downright mean spirited at times. I value the unbiased points of view on here... Plus, I need a outside ear.. It truly helps me day to day
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Yeah google is a trip, but all of the "other topics" forums are password protected (right), unless that person creates an account or gets your password, you should be cool.

I don't really post secrets, but I do vent sometimes on here and it is sometimes easiest to vent to people you don't know because there is no bias...although it is not always smart to do it on the internet.
Yeah google is a trip, but all of the "other topics" forums are password protected (right), unless that person creates an account or gets your password, you should be cool.

I don't really post secrets, but I do vent sometimes on here and it is sometimes easiest to vent to people you don't know because there is no bias...although it is not always smart to do it on the internet.
Good point. I googled my SN and only one thread from the hair forum came up. Whew!:thumbsup:
You know Google is a ******! Any of you face this dilemma?

I know exactly what you mean.... and no offense but all of these ladies who are saying that they don't have any secrets and their S.O. knows everything well... my S.O. knows everything about me too but I'm sure that if he read some of my responses to some of the questions on here he just might have something to say about it that could potentially start an argument. :ohwell: It's not like a lot of this stuff would come up in your conversation during breakfast just out of the blue.
its not what *I* say that worries me... I often leave my browser up & he accidentally on purpose reads stuff here & on other forums and then makes ups all kinds of generalizations about the folks I associate with based on threads,...

on LHCF he isnt sure which screenname is me... elsewhere he knows the name I use...

but he will say something like " yeah, just liek that chick on LHCF that said ______ about __________ all yall heffas are alike"

sometimes he says he is kidding but we all know how THAt goes....