Do you ever think about what you use to do to your hair


New Member
I was on the metro this morning coming to work. It hit me, the things I use to do to my hair. I would wake up, plug up my curling iron and flat iron go do whatver come back, do my hair. I use to use heat every single day and I wonder why my hair never went past a certain length. Now that I'm taking better care of my hair I am amazed it how much easier it is.

I never knew anything about moisturizing and sealing my hair. Even your hairdresser doesn't tell you that. I am so glad I discovered healthy hair care. I just love this board, I'm addicted to it LOL. What did you guys use to do to your hair?
Girl Yes!!!! I was looking an old high school picture when I got to the 9th grade My hair was finally a little past shoulder length.. I just knew I was the ish..I used heat so much it wasn't 10th grade I had fried my hair so much that I had to get it cut into a bob..I kept frying it it never grew past NL and wasn't until my freshman yr of college when my bestfriend gave me this form.. I learned to take care of my hair...

Oh wait, lets not forget my home made trims... yeahhhhh u wanna talk about some jacked up uneven hair...
When I was in high school in the 80's, I used to put Sun-In on my "duck-tail" to make it blonde. That was completely ridiculous. I wish I had pictures of that...then again, maybe not.
Uh huh... I used to use heat everyday too. I also used to listen to everything the different stylists would tell me like getting it relaxed every 5-6 weeks. I did this faithfully for awhile. Oh, and when one used Super on my hair, when I couldn't afford to go for a touch up, I went and bought Super and used it too!

When I first tried going natural a few years ago I didn't know how to comb it. Used to treat it kind of rough. Now I handle it with care.
I was on the metro this morning coming to work. It hit me, the things I use to do to my hair. I would wake up, plug up my curling iron and flat iron go do whatver come back, do my hair. I use to use heat every single day and I wonder why my hair never went past a certain length. Now that I'm taking better care of my hair I am amazed it how much easier it is.

I never knew anything about moisturizing and sealing my hair. Even your hairdresser doesn't tell you that. I am so glad I discovered healthy hair care. I just love this board, I'm addicted to it LOL. What did you guys use to do to your hair?

Welcome to the board. :bighug:

Yes I do sometimes and I feel bad for my hair. I used to really hurt my hair. I use to get weekly Dominican blow outs and I would tell the stylist to pull to make it straighter and smoother. Before Dominicans I used to curl every day. Heat protectant? What was that? I used hair spray. Slept on cotton pillows and I never used a water based moisturizer I used grease. I tortured my hair.
I used heat everyday as well, because my ends looks dry and a bit frizzy i would straighten them out with heat. I hadn't even noticed i had lost half of my hair untill i saw my cousin one day and she asked me what had happened, at first i didn't know what she was talking about.
I was a "salon girl" Going to the hairdresser every two weeks and getting relaxers and trims every 6 to 8 weeks.

Wondering why I didnt have the hair I had before I cut it (MBL). I'm so glad I found this board. You're going to love it.
Oh and the products I used to use! Pink oil anyone? I was one of those who thought you MUST use BLACK products on your hair only! And they ALL had mineral oil and petroleum in them. Those products just used to sit on my hair. LOL! Boy oh boy... the things we learn.
I did not have a clue what Deep Conditiner or Protein treatments were. My hair stayed about the same lenght for 25 years. Getting re-touched with about 1 inch new growth, getting 1 inch trims each re-touch :blush: which is the reason it stayed the same lenght. I would ask my hairdresser not to clip it each time, she would say I needed it and continue to clip right on clipping.:wallbash:
I used to leave my hair unwashed for months and flat Iron it while dirty. I used to fry the crap out of it. My hair has always grown fast but it always broke and never kept it's new growth for long. I used to suffocate it with braids believe it would cause it to grow. Man was I wrong.
I used to roll my hair up with magnetic rollers everyday back in middle school (not a bad thing so much), and grease my scalp daily. My hair was like the longest it ever was in my life too!! I don't know what was so good about it, but I know that grease wasnt doing anything to help. Soon as I went to a hairdresser, though, she chopped it all off and said my ends were horrible :ohwell:
I used to leave my hair unwashed for months and flat Iron it while dirty. I used to fry the crap out of it. My hair has always grown fast but it always broke and never kept it's new growth for long. I used to suffocate it with braids believe it would cause it to grow. Man was I wrong.

LOL that was me to I never use to wash my hair. It would get to the point where I would I say to myself yuck, my hair stinks. For real, when I think about those days I can't believe I use to do that. Now I wash my hair once a week.
LOL that was me to I never use to wash my hair. It would get to the point where I would I say to myself yuck, my hair stinks. For real, when I think about those days I can't believe I use to do that. Now I wash my hair once a week.

I remember that. Thinking to myself "Dirt makes your hair grow" because it grows very fast when I have weave in.

Not knowing my hair used to grow because it was hidden for a while, not because it was dirty.

So sad.
My mom would grease my hair and wash n press it every 2 weeks. It obviously wasn't bad because I was a waist length natural until 16....I moved to college..didn't know what to do...relaxed...colored and flat ironed my pixie cut every day for years....extremely damaged. I cut a big chunk off then found LHCF.
When i went natural i thought natural hair was stronger than relaxed and so i used to comb out my natural hair DRY everyday...yanking the bomb/brush through it like it was indestructable! I dont even wanna think about how much hair i lost this way.

I also had no idea what heat damage was and ended up having to cut about 6 inches of hair after 1.5 years of being natural. Dang! I'd be BSL right now if it wasnt for that!
am I the only one who didn't really do anything that bad? I would moisturize it with motions headdress, and protectiv stuff, and I would wash it like once a month, but I never really abused the flat iron or heat. My hair just never retained. I would even stretch my relaxers most of the time due to not having a lot of money to do relaxers.

I don't know what it was, but now that I'm natural my hair grew longer than its ever been in my life and haven't even reached my nappyversary yet. I think perhaps my hair was just damaged from getting relaxers overlapping each other (I would go to bad salons), and having to get trims from that.
I fried my hair everyday and used nothing but grease to "moisturize" (HA!). I also used a lot of tracks and glue. Can't believe I used to do that ish!
Don't even get me started. I used to use Pink Oil faithfully. I thought the more you put the better. I literally had a light pink tint to my hair because of how much I used. I used to brush my hair daily because I was told brushing it every day made it grow long. I had past my shoulder hair when I was growing up. My mom used to wash and press and put in ponytails or braid with beads faithfully every Sunday night...or til the braids started looking messy. I was os tenderheaded I would even hide the comb. My mom has burned me on more than one occasion because the grease would get hot and start popping on my neck and the water from the hair would steam so she would blow on it eveyr time she pulled through. SUCKED! Then she relaxed my ahir at seven with PCJ, turned my hair a orange color kind of and she was so mad....but I liked the manageablilty and hated the thought of it never being that easy to comb. I started doing my own hair at 8. I still remember standing on the sofa when my mom left the room taking the curling iron to curl a bang and burnt my forehead. My mom was like "That's what your behind get! Ha, ha, ha!" Anyway over the years I fried, hardly washed, abused grease and Pink Oil, there were times i had growth due to getting braids but killed it with my lack of know how for hair. It got to the point where the fashion was to fan out your ponytail which required loads of Pump It Up hair! Then in High school I discovered tracks...let me tell you I was a pro at the ponytail with track hair. I used at least 5 bobby pins to put that sucker in...prostyle protein gel was my ultimate staple....I'd slick that damaged mess down and fix my pony and thought I was it. Don't get me wrong I was cute just had sickly damaged hair under all that product. I learned the glue the track right on the part technique from a friend around my graduating from high school starting college time and I just started gluing tracks in between hair to give it length, I wouldn't braid it first cause I didn't know how!!:nono: and if the oil sheen wouldn't take it out- "where are the scissors?" I even burned my hair out from the roots in the middle once because the iron was TOO hot. My hair would always smelled dirty and burned, just so I could fit in with the relaxed heads. Natural was nappy where I'm from and they would not hesitate to call you a bald head nappy head this or that...sad but it was the times. I am so glad I know better now. I never bought Pink Oil AGAIN!! I don't even use heat but to after writing this I relaize that I was so wrapped up into what I looked like because people won't accept you any other way. Crazy. I'm grown to talk about it now. :nono: :lachen::lachen:ya'll can laugh at's coo! :lachen::lachen:
--Relaxed every 4 weeks....faithfully....with super strength relaxers....

--Used heat everyday with no heat protectant

--Washed my hair once a month

--Coated my hair with Pink Oil

--"Oiled" my scalp w/ grease

....yeah, even though my hair was shoulder length, it was a mess....
I was on the metro this morning coming to work. It hit me, the things I use to do to my hair. I would wake up, plug up my curling iron and flat iron go do whatver come back, do my hair. I use to use heat every single day and I wonder why my hair never went past a certain length. Now that I'm taking better care of my hair I am amazed it how much easier it is.

I never knew anything about moisturizing and sealing my hair. Even your hairdresser doesn't tell you that. I am so glad I discovered healthy hair care. I just love this board, I'm addicted to it LOL. What did you guys use to do to your hair?

YES YES YES all the time. That's why I do smh at the bad hair I see on people of all colors but not too much because I used to be them.

I can't believe I used to put a relaxer on my hair 1-2 weeks apart. I would go 4 weeks sometimes. I used to by the white people relaxers at wal mart and lay it on. I used to hardly wash and I remember taking an actual iron to my hair before. I used to flat iron constanly. I remember culing my "bang" Into a spiral every morning and one morning it burnt off in the iron. LOL I was terrible with haircare but I didn't know any better. No one taught me and your right hairdressers don't tell you.
I used to make the cutest spiral curls with my curling iron. I would drench my hair in pink lotion and then take the curling iron and create the spirals. I was like "Ooh yeah, hear that sizzle! That means it is setting!" :lol:. My curls were so shiny and full and bouncing. My hair took a lickin' and kept on tickin' boy!

I also used to drench my hair in Infusium Leave-in Conditioner at night and then the next morning I would curl it in the "mushroom" style. It was so bouncy.

I also had the "Halle Berry" cut. I used to use that African's Pride hair grease with the bits of herbs in it on the nape of my head. It smelled good but that stuff was heavy.

I tell you what, style-wise, my hair "looked" better back then than it does now. I must have been suffering from breakage though because it was always only a little past my shoulders but growing long hair wasn't my goal anyway. We have "hair in our family" as my grandmother would say :lol: so I knew I could grow it if I wanted to.
Using spritz on my hair and then putting the curling iron on it.. You could literally hear the popping noise.... not combing each section of my hair b4 flat ironing it. Water grease and a nylon bristle brush.. and "sealing" it with hair spray or spritz!!! LMAO .. Just a hot mess

i glued the crap out of my head.. one time, i thought i was buying glue remover (comes in a white bottle) and squirted it ALL OVER my head.. wondered why the tracks weren't coming out.. Because it was White Glue!!.. i had succeeded in gluing down the hair to my whole head.. Just a big patch of rubbery white hard glue over my whole head lol. but it wasnt lol at the time...

and quick weaves? a stylist was the first to introduce me to the quick weave.. she gelled my hair down til it was hard as a rock and glued them tracks right on my hair.. being the independent young lady i am, i started doing them myself.. At some point went back to the stylist to get my hair done and had my own quick weave in.. this (fill in the blank) told me, and i quote, "THATS ONE OF THE WORST THINGS YOU CAN DO TO YOUR HAIR" :huh: wait (scratches head) you did this to my head from the begininng.. i got this.. FROM YOU!!! needless, to say that was the last time i ever sat in her chair!!

but yeah, the glue did me in. I would keep it in for a week, use whatever i had on hand to get the glue out and put another one right back in..

another one of my gems: i would leave out some hair on the top to cover the tracks.. and if i was in a particularly blonde mood i would dye just that top part blonde to go with the color of my tracks.. classic me

i never had heat damage because i only curled/flat ironed the weave hair.. its a WONDER im not bald..:perplexed
when i was in HS i used heat everyday. i would flat iron and bump the ends or would flat iron and then use the curling iron to do big curls. sometimes i wore the tightest pony tails ever. my hair was still always past sl and thick thick thick. you couldnt tell me nothing. it wasnt until college that i started bleaching my hair every freaking month and my hair got thin thin thin and hasnt really thickened since.
I used to rip through My hair with a small tooth comb, amongst other Horrible acts of violence to My hair, but That was the worst!
glued in tracks
no deep conditioning
no daily moisture
never tied up my hair
relaxed whenever
home permanent color/highlights
flat ironed daily
I was terrible with direct heat. I had no clue what a heat protectant even was.

I knew I should have been protecting my already fine hair but wanted it to look "nice" and "done."

Now that I think back at the people telling me how my hair should look I think they pulled one over on me. I was young-er... oh well.