Do you ever have long hair dreams?


Well-Known Member
I hate these! I haven't had one in about a month but when I do I wake up so disappointed. Like when you have a dream you have something but then you wake up looking for it and it's not there. The last one I remember I was combing my hair and it was the normal length but I was shocked it seemed all of a sudden I was braiding it and it was to my waist! I was absolutely loving it but then I woke up :nono:
Wow...I thought I was the only one...I dreamed my hair was MBL and so pretty .....Then I woke up :sad:...This desire for long hair is consuming my mind..:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Actually I have a long standing dream that on my honeymoon night my husband is running his hands through my long beautiful thick hair! I've got the hair thing in process. And now, I wait for my hubby! :yep:
I only have them once in a blue moon now but I used to have them fairly often.

In the dreams my hair is always uber long, shiny, and gorgeous. Fairy tale princess hair.:drunk:
I think I had a dream before where my hair was very long, but I don't really remember. What I do remember is this dream I had recently where I was combing out my hair and this enormous chunk of hair came out. Like, really, the hair equivalent size of a volleyball. And people near me were concerned and I was like, 'don't worry, that's normal shedding." :lachen: And I still had just as much hair on my head.
Second to sex dreams, hair dreams have invaded my SLEEP.

But I am an obsessive person, I was like that when I was pursuing my grad degree, having kids, buying a house, anything I set my eyes on, I obsess about.
I hate these! I haven't had one in about a month but when I do I wake up so disappointed. Like when you have a dream you have something but then you wake up looking for it and it's not there. The last one I remember I was combing my hair and it was the normal length but I was shocked it seemed all of a sudden I was braiding it and it was to my waist! I was absolutely loving it but then I woke up :nono:

I have them all the time and hate them too.
I have had many long hair dreams :D
I had one that I remember especially, when I had long hair lieing in bed and I could grab it by the hips. Well, now my hair is that length in reality! So there might be some truth to those dreams. Or maybe I'm just hair obsessed LOL :lol:
I see these long hair dreams, which I get every once in a while, to be a guide to how I'm progressing with my haircare. They tell me whether or not I'm on the right track. I love these dreams! :)
I had a wonderful long hair dream last night:

In the dream, I woke up and my hair was much longer, but I was very further into my transition. My hair had beautiful thick curls. In the dream, I ran out of my bedroom to show someone my natural curls. I was so excited in the dream, I was smiling,laughing and running my fingers through my beautiful, thick, long curls

When I actually woke up, I was grinning from ear-to-ear.
I just read an older thread on hair dreams that Isis started.

"I have seen some dream interpretation books and hair usually represents sensitivity and the dreamer's thoughts or intellectual life. Hair can also represent sexuality."

I just looked at some of the adjectives in the dream I wrote about. If dreams about hair also represent sexuality, then :blush::lick: Then I have something to be excited about soon :lachen:
I be like this :grin: while dreaming and seeing myself with much longer hair, and then I wake up and face reality and feel like :sad:. why must my mind tease me like that :perplexed?
I be like this :grin: while dreaming and seeing myself with much longer hair, and then I wake up and face reality and feel like :sad:. why must my mind tease me like that :perplexed?

You're mind is not teasing you. It's showing you what you can achieve :yep:

BTW: her sheabutter shampoo could detangle 200year old sheeps hair. It's not harsh or drying either. I love using this during the summer!!!!
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Ironically, I had one last night. I think it was because I saw Macherieamour's Blowin' in the Wind' pics on her Healthy Textures site. My hair was exactly where I wanted it to be - bsl. That's as far as I want my hair to go though. I do not look good with really long hair - believe me, I've tried a wig on - 'taint pretty :nono:
I think I had a dream before where my hair was very long, but I don't really remember. What I do remember is this dream I had recently where I was combing out my hair and this enormous chunk of hair came out. Like, really, the hair equivalent size of a volleyball. And people near me were concerned and I was like, 'don't worry, that's normal shedding." :lachen: And I still had just as much hair on my head.

Hilarious. I could picture this in my head. :lachen::lachen:
You're mind is not teasing you. It's showing you what you can achieve :yep:

BTW: her sheabutter shampoo could detangle 200year old sheeps hair. It's not harsh or drying either. I love using this during the summer!!!!

:grin: Thanks Ballerina. I believe there's truth in that. Every since I was younger, when I dream or daydream, I have always only seen myself with longer hair (even when I was sporting a short haircut I saw myself with both long curly hair and long straight hair [which I am transitioning now and planning to purchase a quality flat iron soon])
Thanks for the sheabutter recommendation, currently I detangle using water and moisturizing conditioner--works for me like a charm--but I'll def keep that sheabutter poo in mind. I just can't wait to achieve my second goal of APL! (really want BSL but dont know if I can make that happen this year with me planning to get a good trim--oh well, we shall see).
I've been having long hair dreams since I was eight or nine years old. Most of the time my hair is either to APL or BSL..more recently, BSL. :lachen: I always wake up so disappointed, it's not even funny. :spinning:
yes but my long hair dreams are usually nightmares. usually what happens is, there is some big event and my family is pressuring me to straighten my hair for it. so i do and i am pleasantly surprised by it's length (as in, it has suddenly become tailbone length or something). and my family is so impressed that they tell the stylist to do something else (like a hard press instead of flat iron, or sneak a relaxer in, or sneak hair color in). and the "something else" always goes wrong and my hair turns into frizzy straw that is breaking off left and right. so of course i'm crying and it ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ends with my auntie's old boss (auntie is a stylist who now has her own shop) coming in with a pair of scissors saying she can fix it. and she'd chop all my hair off.

i always wake up relieved to have any hair on my head at all :lachen:

but to answer this ?...yup every night. i have a twa but when its time for bed, but in my dreams i have a soft curly kinks sometimes, 3bc4a mix or 4ab or 4ba mix'd apl to mbl. no matter what the situation or what the dream is about, i got me some hair :grin:! now i wish i can wake up with my dream length'd hair, i'll be one happy camper!
I still have them all the time. That's how I see myself in my dreams is with long pretty healthy hair at least MBL :grin:.

When I First Saw You by Jamie Foxx and Beyonce:
(Im in a real good of a mood...kinda silly this morning lol...So This is what Im singing right now, it's dedicated to all my lhcf inspirations who are relaxed/ texlaxed/ texturized/ transitioning/natural...I cant wait until my hair is like y'alls)

When I First Saw You
I Said Oh My
That's A Dream
That's My Dream
Oh I Needed A Dream
When It All Seemed To Go Bad
:couchfire: :pullhair::cry4:
Then I Found You :sneakyhug:
And I Have Had The Most Beautiful Dreams
WoMan's :giggle: Ever Had

When I First Saw You
I Said Oh My
That's My Dream
That's My Dream
I Needed A Dream
To Make Me Strong

You Were The Only Reason I Had To Go On

You Were My Dream
All The Things That I Never Knew
You Were My Dream
Who Could Believe They Would Ever Come True
And Who Would Believe
The World Would Believe
In My Dreams Too

Before You Appeared Life Was Only A Game
And Day In
And Day Out
Were The Same

Now The Dreams
Comming True
Like A Star
See It Shine
A Dream
That Is Yours
That Is Mine
Now I've Got Dreams Of My Own
(All The Things I Could Never Be)
Dreams You Never Know
You Wont Take My Dream From Me

When I First Saw You :gorgeous:
I Said Oh My
I Said Oh My
That's My Dream

:lol: :spinning:

I hate these! I haven't had one in about a month but when I do I wake up so disappointed. Like when you have a dream you have something but then you wake up looking for it and it's not there. The last one I remember I was combing my hair and it was the normal length but I was shocked it seemed all of a sudden I was braiding it and it was to my waist! I was absolutely loving it but then I woke up :nono:

This is so funny because when I was little (7yrs old) I used to have dreams of me looking in the mirror, combing my long hair. I sure did get that past bsl hair in hs and my first year of college. Then I did all these crazy experiments w/my hair after and stopped taking care of it and recently I had to get it cut at the bottom of my neck. Last night I had a dream that I was getting ready to go out and I was fixing my long hair into a pretty bun. But I woke up this morning and saw my short hair in the mirror.:ohwell:
Second to sex dreams, hair dreams have invaded my SLEEP.

But I am an obsessive person, I was like that when I was pursuing my grad degree, having kids, buying a house, anything I set my eyes on, I obsess about.

I am the same exact way. I'm obsessed with my hair at the moment. Then I'll be obesessed with working out. Lord it's always something. But I obsess till I meet the goal then its like oh well did that what's next :lachen:
When I first started on my journey and I was on the hair boards all day... I use to have hair dreams. I would dream I had long flowing hair! Then I would wake up disillusioned to feel my shoulder length hair. Once I stopped stressing it and let it happen naturally... my dreams stopped, lol
I hate these! I haven't had one in about a month but when I do I wake up so disappointed. Like when you have a dream you have something but then you wake up looking for it and it's not there. The last one I remember I was combing my hair and it was the normal length but I was shocked it seemed all of a sudden I was braiding it and it was to my waist! I was absolutely loving it but then I woke up :nono:

Maybe I'm getting too deep, or maybe it's my cultural influence but a lot of the times, dreams aren't meant to be literally interepreted. I was always taught that long hair in dreams signified your inner strength, not the literal length of your hair. Just a thought.
Maybe I'm getting too deep, or maybe it's my cultural influence but a lot of the times, dreams aren't meant to be literally interepreted. I was always taught that long hair in dreams signified your inner strength, not the literal length of your hair. Just a thought.

:sad: I hear what ya sayin, but I cant accept it. In my dreams I see myself with MBL and WL hair and by goodness Im going to run with it lol! It's meant to be, I know it. :grin:
Yea, I've had one. I was at an ice cream shop and I was flirting with the cute guy who worked there and my hair was in one big braid and it was thick and even and waist length.

Glad I'm not the only one dreaming!