Do you ever have long hair dreams?

Oh, yeah, all the time. Usually it's not about the hair itself, but my 'inner self' has TBL hair - so almost anytime I'm in a dream, I have long, thick, heavy hair. It's fabulous.
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Yes. I decided to grow for tailbone after I had dreams that my hair was that length. I had not considered it before. After that, I thought if I can dream it, then I can grow it:grin:
There's no doubt in my mind Ima get there. I see it all the time...
I visualize myself on my wedding day with my hair down (a half up half down look) reaching all the way to WL with dark lose curls and at the reception a huge bun.

Also...yes the day dream goes on and on guuuuuuuuuurl....

Also, I see my husband's eyes poppin' out of his head cuz my hair woul be in protective styles for months prior....