Do you ever get jealous.....


Well-Known Member
When God blesses others more then you. I know that sounds bad but let me explain. I am happy to see others get blessed but sometimes I cry because I have been praying for certain things and it seems to just come so easily to others. I start to think God loves me less or I am not good enough. I have even wondered why am I here on earth because I really do have nothing to offer the world. I know jealously is not a good thing and I try hard to not be but certain things you can't help feeling envious. At times I am even jealous of someone's relationship with God, like I wish I could be like that but I don't have the gift. I don't know I am just wondering if others feel this way at times. I have gotten to the point where I pray God every to say thank you but I don't ask for anything because the things I used to ask for he never blessed me with them so I just gave up. While others who don't try hard seem to get it all.
No because I don't know what they've gone through to get there. I have had people say the same thing about dh and I. Yes we have favor with the Lord but no one but us knows the stuff we've had to endure to get here. No one sees how much we give of our money, our time, our home to be a blessing to others. No one knows the sacrifices we've made. No one knows how we have been talked about and lied on by the very people we once helped but didn't retaliate. No one knows how much we've prayed, fasted, and done the things the Lord requires. So yes on the outside it looks like we've had it easy. I also know God is no respecter of persons. If He blesses someone else, He will bless me too.

We think God don't bless us but He blesses us everyday. If you are alive, if you can see, if you can walk, if you can talk, you are blessed. Because someone out there just took their last breath, has never seen a rainbow, taken a step, or spoken any words. Don't focus on what you don't have, praise Him for what you do have. If He never does another thing for you, He's already done enough. He has given us ALL the gift of eternal like and that's the ultimate blessing right there.

Don't always pray to God expecting or wanting something. Most times, I pray just to thank Him for all He's done. If it is yours to have, you will have it when He sees fit for you to have it. But I also understand there is responsibility that comes along with our blessings and that's why some haven't received them yet. They are not ready or capable of handling it.

Understand you do have a lot to offer and that's why you are here. God made you for a reason. You may not be the best singer, but still make a joyful noise unto the Lord. You may not be the best dancer, but dance and celebrate the Lord anyway. You may not be the best prayer but continue to pray without ceasing. Whatever you have to offer the Lord, give it to Him and He will bless you!!! Q
When God blesses others more then you. I know that sounds bad but let me explain. I am happy to see others get blessed but sometimes I cry because I have been praying for certain things and it seems to just come so easily to others. I start to think God loves me less or I am not good enough. I have even wondered why am I here on earth because I really do have nothing to offer the world. I know jealously is not a good thing and I try hard to not be but certain things you can't help feeling envious. At times I am even jealous of someone's relationship with God, like I wish I could be like that but I don't have the gift. I don't know I am just wondering if others feel this way at times. I have gotten to the point where I pray God every to say thank you but I don't ask for anything because the things I used to ask for he never blessed me with them so I just gave up. While others who don't try hard seem to get it all.

Everyone has their own individual struggles. You really can't compare your life to others because you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes or what that person did to acquire their education, wealth, relationship, material objects etc. You probably have some really awesome talents/gifts but God won't use you because you are constantly looking at what others have. Even though I'm saved, I have a very logical mind and I know from experience that you aren't going to get blessings sitting on your butt hoping that God pops up and grants you three wishes. I don't mean to sound harsh and I'm coming from a position of love and concern: You need to work out whatever issues you have and enjoy life. There are probably people out there looking at you wishing that they had what you have. There are people out there who can't see, who don't have food, who live in war torn places, have disabilities etc yet they still have joy. Everyone deals with envy every once in awhile but you need to control your thoughts and emotions when you feel that spirit creeping up on you.
Genesis 4:5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
Cain envied his brother Abel and ended up murdering him, making Able the first martyr. If you continue this way, you will hinder your own growth in grace and it can open the doors to other issues.
If you see someone doing great things, instead of being envious, why don’t you ask how they reached their point of success? At the end of the day we can give you some great advice but if you aren’t willing to put in the work and effort then eventually you will be consumed by your envy.

When God blesses others more then you. I know that sounds bad but let me explain. I am happy to see others get blessed but sometimes I cry because I have been praying for certain things and it seems to just come so easily to others. I start to think God loves me less or I am not good enough. I have even wondered why am I here on earth because I really do have nothing to offer the world. I know jealously is not a good thing and I try hard to not be but certain things you can't help feeling envious. At times I am even jealous of someone's relationship with God, like I wish I could be like that but I don't have the gift. I don't know I am just wondering if others feel this way at times. I have gotten to the point where I pray God every to say thank you but I don't ask for anything because the things I used to ask for he never blessed me with them so I just gave up. While others who don't try hard seem to get it all.

I used to get this way over my cousin and her having relationships w/ men and that came hard for me. Well, God shed light on that. :yep: Her relationships were NEVER healthy and also He showed me what stopped me from having healthy relationships with men and is healing me in the process. :yep:

You just can't compare your life w/ others. You just NEVER know what's really going on in their lives.
When God blesses others more then you. I know that sounds bad but let me explain. I am happy to see others get blessed but sometimes I cry because I have been praying for certain things and it seems to just come so easily to others. I start to think God loves me less or I am not good enough. I have even wondered why am I here on earth because I really do have nothing to offer the world. I know jealously is not a good thing and I try hard to not be but certain things you can't help feeling envious. At times I am even jealous of someone's relationship with God, like I wish I could be like that but I don't have the gift. I don't know I am just wondering if others feel this way at times. I have gotten to the point where I pray God every to say thank you but I don't ask for anything because the things I used to ask for he never blessed me with them so I just gave up. While others who don't try hard seem to get it all.

Absolutely. And I know others say you don't know how they got there etc, but its still a tough place to be especially when you are struggling. Please read Psalm 73, it really helped me with this. I still have moments of jealousy and distress and I am led back to it (even a couple days ago).
Yes it is true I don't know what one has gone through to get a blessing, but I feel like I have been to hell and back over certain things and certain things I wish would go right in my life don't. Like I yearn to have a family of my own and I have watched all my cousins and friends get married, have children and it is getting to the point where I don't even want to go to family functions anymore cause I am the only one there without a significant other and kids. It hurts so deeply and I know some say wait, wait ok I have been waiting and it is at the point where it is causing me great depression. Why is God not blessing me with a family and it is just making me think that maybe I sinned so much in my past that he does not think I am good enough to send someone good to me. I meet plently of non christian who are dogs but no one who loves God the way I do. I am just confused, I feel like I can't do it on my own anymore.
Yes it is true I don't know what one has gone through to get a blessing, but I feel like I have been to hell and back over certain things and certain things I wish would go right in my life don't. Like I yearn to have a family of my own and I have watched all my cousins and friends get married, have children and it is getting to the point where I don't even want to go to family functions anymore cause I am the only one there without a significant other and kids. It hurts so deeply and I know some say wait, wait ok I have been waiting and it is at the point where it is causing me great depression. Why is God not blessing me with a family and it is just making me think that maybe I sinned so much in my past that he does not think I am good enough to send someone good to me. I meet plenty of non christian who are dogs but no one who loves God the way I do. I am just confused, I feel like I can't do it on my own anymore.

This is exactly how I feel but I'm now trying to just focus on myself. It's hard watching others success and we're over here on the sidelines but I truly believe that God knows when we are ready. There are days when I just want to scream at him for making me feel this way but I know my time will come.
No, b/c I do not know what the people who are blessed in their season had to go through to get their blessings. God works in seasons and seeding, sowing, reaping, and harvest time. At some point in time on the earth beleivers are experiencing this (sorry for my spelling).

I know some one who brought themselves a pick up truck and another who has a brand new Bayberry home.I am so happy for them and all I can say is " if God can Bless them He sure will bless me"

The only difference in seasons is that for one thing I can identify which season I am in like last summer in 2008, I was in a dry place, valley of dry bones, all I did for last year is seeding and sowing that is it and let me tell you,

2009 as sure as I sit here and type I am at the harvest and reaping- However, in both times I trusted God, sowed into His kingdom, praising and thanking God in advance.
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Everything happens in God's timing. What may seem like too long for us, is merely a blink of an eye for Him. We often forget that what we'll be blessed with in Heaven is far more rewarding than anything we could posses on Earth. And sometimes we forget to bless God as well. Your relationship with the Lord is what you make it. Eliminate the doubt you have about yourself, and start claiming every thing that you were promised in His word.
Everyone has their own individual struggles. You really can't compare your life to others because you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes or what that person did to acquire their education, wealth, relationship, material objects etc. You probably have some really awesome talents/gifts but God won't use you because you are constantly looking at what others have. Even though I'm saved, I have a very logical mind and I know from experience that you aren't going to get blessings sitting on your butt hoping that God pops up and grants you three wishes. I don't mean to sound harsh and I'm coming from a position of love and concern: You need to work out whatever issues you have and enjoy life. There are probably people out there looking at you wishing that they had what you have. There are people out there who can't see, who don't have food, who live in war torn places, have disabilities etc yet they still have joy. Everyone deals with envy every once in awhile but you need to control your thoughts and emotions when you feel that spirit creeping up on you.
Genesis 4:5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
Cain envied his brother Abel and ended up murdering him, making Able the first martyr. If you continue this way, you will hinder your own growth in grace and it can open the doors to other issues.
If you see someone doing great things, instead of being envious, why don’t you ask how they reached their point of success? At the end of the day we can give you some great advice but if you aren’t willing to put in the work and effort then eventually you will be consumed by your envy.

I agree... especially with the "three wishes" part.

I'm not going to act like I haven't questioned God and wondered why them, and not me, especially in certain areas.

Obviously I'm not God and I have no idea what's going on in the OP's life, but the tone of the original post gave the impression of just expecting things to happen simply because one prays a lot.

Faith without works is dead. And I don't just mean any works, but good works. God is not just going to give you what you want just because... and also, one has no idea if God is actually trying to bless you, but you as a human being are blocking those blessings with your own personal behavior.

To Ellis: This may be a little blunt, but I have read some of the threads in the relationship forum that you have started and to me, the issue is that I don't see much faith from you in following God's lead as you approach the issue of marriage. I remember also reading something in which you said you've prayed for God to send you "what you wanted" in a man in terms of his physical composition. When it was suggested that you instead focus on asking for a quality husband to be revealed to you based on his character, and that God isn't going to necessarily give you "what you want," you dismissed that notion and said that you could only consider a man if he met your physical "type."

There are other situations you have mentioned as well that have not come to fruition... perhaps it is your actions that are blocking God from working in this area of your life. He absolutely wants to bless you in this area, but you might just have to get out of the way.

You are questioning God... but how much are you truly LISTENING to God's direction on this issue, and not your own?
Yes it is true I don't know what one has gone through to get a blessing, but I feel like I have been to hell and back over certain things and certain things I wish would go right in my life don't. Like I yearn to have a family of my own and I have watched all my cousins and friends get married, have children and it is getting to the point where I don't even want to go to family functions anymore cause I am the only one there without a significant other and kids. It hurts so deeply and I know some say wait, wait ok I have been waiting and it is at the point where it is causing me great depression. Why is God not blessing me with a family and it is just making me think that maybe I sinned so much in my past that he does not think I am good enough to send someone good to me. I meet plently of non christian who are dogs but no one who loves God the way I do. I am just confused, I feel like I can't do it on my own anymore.

I'm all about solutions. Since you were brave enough to share your struggle, let's try to see where the problem is. What do you do to meet people or do you sit at home? Where do you socialize? Do you take care of yourself mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally? Do you work all the time? What kind of men are you giving your time and attention to? These are all possible factors as to why you haven't found a significant other yet. I'm not sure how old but I wouldn't panic or rush into marriage.
I agree... especially with the "three wishes" part.

I'm not going to act like I haven't questioned God and wondered why them, and not me, especially in certain areas.

Obviously I'm not God and I have no idea what's going on in the OP's life, but the tone of the original post gave the impression of just expecting things to happen simply because one prays a lot.

Faith without works is dead. And I don't just mean any works, but good works. God is not just going to give you what you want just because... and also, one has no idea if God is actually trying to bless you, but you as a human being are blocking those blessings with your own personal behavior.

To Ellis: This may be a little blunt, but I have read some of the threads in the relationship forum that you have started and to me, the issue is that I don't see much faith from you in following God's lead as you approach the issue of marriage. I remember also reading something in which you said you've prayed for God to send you "what you wanted" in a man in terms of his physical composition. When it was suggested that you instead focus on asking for a quality husband to be revealed to you based on his character, and that God isn't going to necessarily give you "what you want," you dismissed that notion and said that you could only consider a man if he met your physical "type."

There are other situations you have mentioned as well that have not come to fruition... perhaps it is your actions that are blocking God from working in this area of your life. He absolutely wants to bless you in this area, but you might just have to get out of the way.

You are questioning God... but how much are you truly LISTENING to God's direction on this issue, and not your own?

Whoa I didn't see all that. If What Bunny says is true then Ellis my friend you have so much growing to do. There is nothing wrong with having a preference but don't become superficial. Also what are you bringing to the table to attract a high quality mate? If you are standards are based on just the physical then I'm not surprised you aren't meeting the man of your dreams.
When God blesses others more then you. I know that sounds bad but let me explain. I am happy to see others get blessed but sometimes I cry because I have been praying for certain things and it seems to just come so easily to others. I start to think God loves me less or I am not good enough. I have even wondered why am I here on earth because I really do have nothing to offer the world. I know jealously is not a good thing and I try hard to not be but certain things you can't help feeling envious. At times I am even jealous of someone's relationship with God, like I wish I could be like that but I don't have the gift. I don't know I am just wondering if others feel this way at times. I have gotten to the point where I pray God every to say thank you but I don't ask for anything because the things I used to ask for he never blessed me with them so I just gave up. While others who don't try hard seem to get it all.

I can totally understand how you feel. I felt this way many years ago. It wasn't until I actually purposed in my heart to honestly be happy for those who were getting blessed, that's when God begin to bestow upon my life, blessings, upon blessings....He is no respecter of persons...if He did it for me, He will most certainly do it for you.

He loves you so much and wants you to have the very best. He wants to give you the desires of your heart. There are times when He will not give you something you may have asked for, for your protection. He is the great protector of our hearts...those who trust Him and find comfort in His Word.

Trust Him, sis. No matter what it looks like, no matter what you don't Him and thank Him for your life. You are here for a reason and you have so much to offer in this life. Don't let the enemy tell you that you have nothing to offer in this life. It's a lie straight from the's most certainly not from the God of the Bible!

Praying for you..... :bighug: :kiss:
When God blesses others more then you. I know that sounds bad but let me explain. I am happy to see others get blessed but sometimes I cry because I have been praying for certain things and it seems to just come so easily to others. I start to think God loves me less or I am not good enough. I have even wondered why am I here on earth because I really do have nothing to offer the world. I know jealously is not a good thing and I try hard to not be but certain things you can't help feeling envious. At times I am even jealous of someone's relationship with God, like I wish I could be like that but I don't have the gift. I don't know I am just wondering if others feel this way at times. I have gotten to the point where I pray God every to say thank you but I don't ask for anything because the things I used to ask for he never blessed me with them so I just gave up. While others who don't try hard seem to get it all.

This is a great thread. I've sometimes wondered why I do not have when others do but I rarely equated it with jealousy. It was rather a pity party and wondering if G-d would do for me. It probably was, in a sense, jealousy. Not that I wasn't happy for the others, I just wished things would have turned out for me and was wondering why G-d allowed me to suffer and seemingly ignore me. You have helped me to bring this into perspective.
When God blesses others more then you. I know that sounds bad but let me explain. I am happy to see others get blessed but sometimes I cry because I have been praying for certain things and it seems to just come so easily to others. I start to think God loves me less or I am not good enough. I have even wondered why am I here on earth because I really do have nothing to offer the world. I know jealously is not a good thing and I try hard to not be but certain things you can't help feeling envious. At times I am even jealous of someone's relationship with God, like I wish I could be like that but I don't have the gift. I don't know I am just wondering if others feel this way at times. I have gotten to the point where I pray God every to say thank you but I don't ask for anything because the things I used to ask for he never blessed me with them so I just gave up. While others who don't try hard seem to get it all.

Ellis, I just want to encourage you. Your posts touched me very much. God loves you and He created you with a purpose. Your life has meaning to Him & to the world- that's why you're here. As you continue to grow in your relationship with God, He will show you all the things He has planned for you- the type of woman you are destined to be and the person who will share your life.

Yes- I have felt sad sometimes as I pray for God to bless me with that special person. We shouldn't but we're all human ok- we get discouraged even though we pray. If we didn't and could do it all on our own then we wouldn't need God- the Holy Spirit to strengthen, encourage & comfort us.

Sometimes when I have judged others- and I shouldn't, I feel that those who are stepping outside of God's plan are getting what I want the most. But you know what, those are just appearances and it's a trick of the devil to get you to give up, to do your own thing instead of trusting in God. When I get that way, I have to back up and thank God for all that He has done for me- my life alone is a blessing. And you might be surprised that other ppl sometimes look at you and want what you have- it's just the grass is greener thing.

As to relationships with God, let yours be unique. Make it your own- it shouldn't follow anyone else's path or idea of what it should be but your own- just like any other love relationship. Look- I sometimes ask God for a good parking spot- some ppl may think that's trivial or a waste of prayer but that's between me & Him- and He comes through for me. Don't be blinded by what others seem to have in gifts- we are all blessed differently- you can get easily distracted from discovering & using your own spiritual gifts. And you do have them. He's still revealing much to you- and He will continue as you grow daily in Him.

Don't stop praying & believing. Sometimes God says "no" but sometimes he says "wait." Somethings are bad for us and it's hard for us to see. We could be praying so hard for a particular man or thing and God is like "I don't think so" b/c he loves us so much. But, I do believe that if God has put the desire in your heart to be married, then it will come to pass. Enjoy the alone time that you have with Him- enjoy the alone time that you have period. :)

I pray that God will set you up with the apple of His eye for you are His. And I'm listening to my own advice- this thread was actually a blessing to me. ;) Be encouraged.
Thanks Ellis for posting your feelings and for the others that have similar feelings. It's nice to know that many of us went/thought the same thing at one point in time. Supporting one another is a great thing to see and I know God is smiling down on all of us. :peace:
I'm not really a jealous hearted person. I try not to compare myself with others because I am just looking at it from a bird's eye pov. One person is not more bless than another. Stuff doesn't bless people. I pray and continue to pray until the blessing has been fulfilled according to God's will. I try to focus on God. If I keep my eye of God then I won't be able to see what another person has or has not.
Yes it is true I don't know what one has gone through to get a blessing, but I feel like I have been to hell and back over certain things and certain things I wish would go right in my life don't. Like I yearn to have a family of my own and I have watched all my cousins and friends get married, have children and it is getting to the point where I don't even want to go to family functions anymore cause I am the only one there without a significant other and kids. It hurts so deeply and I know some say wait, wait ok I have been waiting and it is at the point where it is causing me great depression. Why is God not blessing me with a family and it is just making me think that maybe I sinned so much in my past that he does not think I am good enough to send someone good to me. I meet plently of non christian who are dogs but no one who loves God the way I do. I am just confused, I feel like I can't do it on my own anymore.
First let me apologize. I hope I wasn't coming off insensitive or harsh. That was not my intent. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of the other side so to speak. What you are feeling as far as feeling left out, I've def been there before in my life. But instead of questioning God, I look deep within myself. Sometimes we think we are doing what God wants us to but really, our will is actually in control. I would just encourage you to pray and see if there are areas in your spiritual life where you can give more to God. Above all, know that God loves you. He is not keeping any good thing from you. If you don't have it yet, it's because He wants nothing but the best for you. I will be praying for you. :kiss: Q
Ellis, thank you for sharing what's on your heart and how you feel. It takes courage to post this in the Christian forum, just because everybody is at different levels of faith and maturity in their walk and you never know what type of responses you're gonna get.

Bottom line, none of us can give you the magic answer or say anything to make you feel better. Some will say wait on God, you dont know what people went thru, God knows, etc. This is where you are and your feelings are valid. Not saying they're right or wrong, but valid.

I know how you feel and when you're hurting, you just want somebody to make it better. You don't understand why things are happening the way they are and why things aren't happening.

The awesome thing about God is that you can tell him just how you feel. He can handle it, whereas some of us may not be able to do so.

I definitely can relate to how you feel. Honestly, I, myself am in and coming out of a season (short one - praise God) where I hurt, want a family, asking why not me. I've had alot of crying days (within the past two weeks). My motivation hasn't always been there.

I'll say this. I know God is good and he's for me. He has my best interest at heart. When I was younger (spiritually and age wise) I'd get "mad or upset" with God. I got an attitude with God. Now, when I have those times of questioning, in the midst of my tears, while my heart is hurting and after I'm wiping the snot from my nose, I lift my hands and say, "God, I thank you. You're a good God and I know that you're not witholding any good thing from me." I also say, "God, my heart hurts and I don't understand why things aren't happening for me, but I know that your ways aren't my ways and my thoughts aren't your thoughts."

I no longer get upset or give up like I used to when I was younger. Now, I ask God to give me the strength to endure whatever it is that I'm going through, because we all know that the race is not given to the swift or the strong, but to those who endure to the end.

Again, my post doesn't have any direct answer, but I hope you find encouragement in it. God said he gives a family to the lonely (Psalm 68). This is a word he gave me when I was having one of those seasons and trust me, they come. I hold onto that and lots of times it looks like nothing happens. BUT (thank God for the buts in life) God also said that he's not a man that he should lie. He keeps his word.

When it looks dim, down, discouraging, hopeless and you want to give up, ask God to speak to you and wrap his arms around you. He'll do it.
Ask God to show you if there's something you need to work on and to help you fix it. He'll do it.

Hold on. Hang in there.
If God did it for Hannah, he'll do it for us.
If God delivered Job, he'll do it for us.
Ellis, thank you for sharing what's on your heart and how you feel. It takes courage to post this in the Christian forum, just because everybody is at different levels of faith and maturity in their walk and you never know what type of responses you're gonna get.

Bottom line, none of us can give you the magic answer or say anything to make you feel better. Some will say wait on God, you dont know what people went thru, God knows, etc. This is where you are and your feelings are valid. Not saying they're right or wrong, but valid.

I know how you feel and when you're hurting, you just want somebody to make it better. You don't understand why things are happening the way they are and why things aren't happening.

The awesome thing about God is that you can tell him just how you feel. He can handle it, whereas some of us may not be able to do so.

I definitely can relate to how you feel. Honestly, I, myself am in and coming out of a season (short one - praise God) where I hurt, want a family, asking why not me. I've had alot of crying days (within the past two weeks). My motivation hasn't always been there.

I'll say this. I know God is good and he's for me. He has my best interest at heart. When I was younger (spiritually and age wise) I'd get "mad or upset" with God. I got an attitude with God. Now, when I have those times of questioning, in the midst of my tears, while my heart is hurting and after I'm wiping the snot from my nose, I lift my hands and say, "God, I thank you. You're a good God and I know that you're not witholding any good thing from me." I also say, "God, my heart hurts and I don't understand why things aren't happening for me, but I know that your ways aren't my ways and my thoughts aren't your thoughts."

I no longer get upset or give up like I used to when I was younger. Now, I ask God to give me the strength to endure whatever it is that I'm going through, because we all know that the race is not given to the swift or the strong, but to those who endure to the end.

Again, my post doesn't have any direct answer, but I hope you find encouragement in it. God said he gives a family to the lonely (Psalm 68). This is a word he gave me when I was having one of those seasons and trust me, they come. I hold onto that and lots of times it looks like nothing happens. BUT (thank God for the buts in life) God also said that he's not a man that he should lie. He keeps his word.

When it looks dim, down, discouraging, hopeless and you want to give up, ask God to speak to you and wrap his arms around you. He'll do it.
Ask God to show you if there's something you need to work on and to help you fix it. He'll do it.

Hold on. Hang in there.
If God did it for Hannah, he'll do it for us.
If God delivered Job, he'll do it for us.

I agree... especially with the "three wishes" part.

I'm not going to act like I haven't questioned God and wondered why them, and not me, especially in certain areas.

Obviously I'm not God and I have no idea what's going on in the OP's life, but the tone of the original post gave the impression of just expecting things to happen simply because one prays a lot.

Faith without works is dead. And I don't just mean any works, but good works. God is not just going to give you what you want just because... and also, one has no idea if God is actually trying to bless you, but you as a human being are blocking those blessings with your own personal behavior.

To Ellis: This may be a little blunt, but I have read some of the threads in the relationship forum that you have started and to me, the issue is that I don't see much faith from you in following God's lead as you approach the issue of marriage. I remember also reading something in which you said you've prayed for God to send you "what you wanted" in a man in terms of his physical composition. When it was suggested that you instead focus on asking for a quality husband to be revealed to you based on his character, and that God isn't going to necessarily give you "what you want," you dismissed that notion and said that you could only consider a man if he met your physical "type."

There are other situations you have mentioned as well that have not come to fruition... perhaps it is your actions that are blocking God from working in this area of your life. He absolutely wants to bless you in this area, but you might just have to get out of the way.

You are questioning God... but how much are you truly LISTENING to God's direction on this issue, and not your own?

In regards to other post I have had on the forum concerning relationships, you are right it seems that maybe I am not going about things the right way but that is not the case. You state I should not only pray I should be proactive to make things happen in Gods will of course and that is what I have been trying to do.
My life was school, work, and church but now I have tried to go out more and yes I meet people but all and I mean all have one thing in common, they just want sex. even the ones I meet at church. I am only human and I am trying to find mr.right and I will have to go through alot of losers to get there. I am not looking for the flyest guy, I am looking for someone that I love and loves me. My post state this, yes I have a type but I may like someone who is not my usual type and if he treats me right I will give him a chance. The way I feel now is like God has not sent that person for me for whatever the reason may be. I don't feel like I have any talents so I could do something at my church and that depresses me when I see other doing something so well. I am either bad at something or average. I just wish God would seriousl intervene and help me some way. I am at the point where I am considering a therapist because honestly I cry myself to sleep almost every night. I live alone so as I get older I start to fear that will be my life forever.
In regards to other post I have had on the forum concerning relationships, you are right it seems that maybe I am not going about things the right way but that is not the case. You state I should not only pray I should be proactive to make things happen in Gods will of course and that is what I have been trying to do.
My life was school, work, and church but now I have tried to go out more and yes I meet people but all and I mean all have one thing in common, they just want sex. even the ones I meet at church. I am only human and I am trying to find mr.right and I will have to go through alot of losers to get there. I am not looking for the flyest guy, I am looking for someone that I love and loves me. My post state this, yes I have a type but I may like someone who is not my usual type and if he treats me right I will give him a chance. The way I feel now is like God has not sent that person for me for whatever the reason may be. I don't feel like I have any talents so I could do something at my church and that depresses me when I see other doing something so well. I am either bad at something or average. I just wish God would seriousl intervene and help me some way. I am at the point where I am considering a therapist because honestly I cry myself to sleep almost every night. I live alone so as I get older I start to fear that will be my life forever.

You did everything right and this is the thanks that you get. It is hard knowing that your at a place in your life where your finally ready and it's not happening. Even if you go see a therapist, just remember what I have bolded in your post. He WILL intervene and that's when the man that's for you will appear. Keep your head up :pray:

PS: It is really upsetting when you see the women who shouldn't have someone, has someone. It just makes you feel 10x worse.
In regards to other post I have had on the forum concerning relationships, you are right it seems that maybe I am not going about things the right way but that is not the case. You state I should not only pray I should be proactive to make things happen in Gods will of course and that is what I have been trying to do.
My life was school, work, and church but now I have tried to go out more and yes I meet people but all and I mean all have one thing in common, they just want sex. even the ones I meet at church. I am only human and I am trying to find mr.right and I will have to go through alot of losers to get there. I am not looking for the flyest guy, I am looking for someone that I love and loves me. My post state this, yes I have a type but I may like someone who is not my usual type and if he treats me right I will give him a chance. The way I feel now is like God has not sent that person for me for whatever the reason may be. I don't feel like I have any talents so I could do something at my church and that depresses me when I see other doing something so well. I am either bad at something or average. I just wish God would seriousl intervene and help me some way. I am at the point where I am considering a therapist because honestly I cry myself to sleep almost every night. I live alone so as I get older I start to fear that will be my life forever.

Hi Ellis. Thank you for answering. I know this is hard, and believe me, I have had the same things go through my mind about relationships.

Please consider the therapist. It sounds like you are also dealing with depression, and it is very hard to have faith when your mind is not at ease. Crying oneself to sleep is definitely a sign of depression, and it can hurt a lot when you live alone and there is no one there for you (family, friends, etc.)

Taking the relationship talk away for a moment, I would very kindly suggest that you perhaps start looking at ways for God to work with you so that you can truly receive the full measure of His blessings. He is blessing you right now, even though you may not see it... He is not going to intervene by rescuing you, BUT he can work through your action of going to a good therapist to seek help for your troubles.

When you also say that you don't feel like you have any talents, then that's another way that you might be indirectly blocking God's blessings. He has given all of us SOME talent and I'm sure you have things that are of great benefit to yourself and the world, but again, you have to work with Him to bring out those talents that He has blessed you with instead of believing that you have none.

As for the relationships, I don't want to get into that too much because that's more for the other forum, but my main belief was to stop trying to start or continue things with men that God does not want for you. By placing your mind on those men, you possibly block out the ones that God might want just for you... I know that's hard to grasp when you don't necessarily see ANY of those men, but they usually do not come when one has the wrong men in her life (even just as friends/acquaintances).

Just surrender yourself. Surrender all to God like you never have before. Say that you're hurting and in pain (which I know you've been doing), but know that His answer might require you to do some work on yourself -- with His help, of course -- but you won't necessarily just wake up one day and be delivered.

This will be a process, but if you want it, God will be there for you every step of the way. :kiss:
No because I don't know what they've gone through to get there. I have had people say the same thing about dh and I. Yes we have favor with the Lord but no one but us knows the stuff we've had to endure to get here. No one sees how much we give of our money, our time, our home to be a blessing to others. No one knows the sacrifices we've made. No one knows how we have been talked about and lied on by the very people we once helped but didn't retaliate. No one knows how much we've prayed, fasted, and done the things the Lord requires. So yes on the outside it looks like we've had it easy. I also know God is no respecter of persons. If He blesses someone else, He will bless me too.

The bolded says it all for me. It is a fact that God is no respecter of persons, so there is nothing spiritually available to one person that is not available to someone else. And more often than not, what people have is a reflection of their character and/or what they put into it that other people can't see. I say that as someone that people like to look at and say, "Oh, how blessed." And people really don't realize what goes into that.

But for those times where I am dissatisfied with what I have, I have to remember that God's faithfulness doesn't mean that whatever good things someone else has, God owes me the same thing. Remember the end of the Gospel of John, where Jesus tells Peter that he would die a matyr, and Peter asks Jesus, "Well what about John?" (paraphrasing) And Jesus says, "If it is my will that he never dies until I come again, what difference does that make to you? You follow me!" (John 21:18-23)

Looking at what other people have distracts us from understanding God's will for our lives. Growing more deeply in my understanding of God's will and purpose for my life did a lot to squelch the temptation to look at what other people have and ask, "Well Lord, why don't I have what they have?"

It's okay to bring your desires to the Lord, but we have to bring them without any reference to what anyone else has, without acting as if He owes us something just because someone else has the same thing. The Bible says for us to cast our cares upon Him, for He cares for us. He's listening, He loves you, and even more, He already knows what is in your heart. :yep: Bring your heart to Him not in expectation that He's going to give you what you want, but with the genuine desire to grow in Him and learn His will for your life and to follow Him. First things first.

Like I yearn to have a family of my own and I have watched all my cousins and friends get married, have children and it is getting to the point where I don't even want to go to family functions anymore cause I am the only one there without a significant other and kids. It hurts so deeply and I know some say wait, wait ok I have been waiting and it is at the point where it is causing me great depression. Why is God not blessing me with a family and it is just making me think that maybe I sinned so much in my past that he does not think I am good enough to send someone good to me. I meet plently of non christian who are dogs but no one who loves God the way I do.

It sounds like there is something very particular that you're dissatisfied with. Sometimes if we don't identify that one thing that's really bothering us it becomes generalized and all of a sudden instead of saying, "I'm really upset about this particular thing," it becomes, "God isn't listening to me at all, my life is messed up, etc." But it's not really that broad. Perhaps there are several things that you really are blessed with, but you're letting your discouragement about a couple of particular things block the whole view.

I don't feel like I have any talents so I could do something at my church and that depresses me when I see other doing something so well. I am either bad at something or average.

When you say "talents" do you mean things like singing and dancing? Talents are different than spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts include acts of service, administration, generosity, hospitality, acts of mercy, and so on. The more "showy" ministries like preaching, teaching, music, dancing, prophecy, etc. aren't at all the only way that you can be a significant contributor to church life.

Ellis, I really think there is an answer for you. I couldn't guarantee you that it's the answer you want, but the Lord knows where you are and wants to pour out all manner of spiritual blessing in your life.
Thanks ladies for all of the encouraging words, I have decided to seek therapy and I will read the bible more particularly some of the scriptures listed. I don't know if I will feel better but only time will tell. Thank You again.
Thanks ladies for all of the encouraging words, I have decided to seek therapy and I will read the bible more particularly some of the scriptures listed. I don't know if I will feel better but only time will tell. Thank You again.

You WILL feel better!

Have faith and know that you WILL! God will be with you in this journey. :)