Do you enjoy talking about "men?"


Well-Known Member
I was reading this article over at Clutch, which could be a whole nother thread.’re-interested-in-meeting-them/

In the article, the author mentions that one of her favorite activities is talking about men. This is not one of my mine, never has been. I can't help but notice that (esp. now that I'm getting older) that everytime I go out with a group of girls, the convo inevitably turns into men, what attracts men, prospects, online dating, and if I'm with black women, of course black men dating outside their race. I'm not going to lie, I enjoy hearing stories about the opposite sex once in a while (crazy sexcapades, how we met stories, crazy mofos) but it is not really something I care to engage in everytime with a group of girls, I find shooting the breeze about men quite boring most of the time.
girlllll!!!!! i know someone who focuses only on that! she will spend hours if you let her talking about and will even text you about the cutest thing the guy said or did everyday. mind you......she has never been single....if one relationship is ending then she has one lined up and will spend hours talking about that person! if you try to talk about your own situation...then she always brings it back to her. i have learned to limit my interaction because it gets annoying.
I like to talk about men because it's fascinating. The things they do just blow my mind sometimes. I find it to be convenient entertainment. However, it's not the only thing I like to talk about. If the conversation about them dies I'm not going to actively bring it up again. I'll start another topic.