Do you deep condition on dry hair

Do you deep condition on dry hair

  • Yes

    Votes: 111 49.1%
  • No

    Votes: 44 19.5%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 71 31.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Do you place conditioner on dry hair and sit under the dryer for 15-30 minutes and then shampoo?

What are some of the benefits in doing this composed to the traditional way (shampoo then deep condition)?

I dc on dry hair, I like it because I only have to get into the shower once instead of jumping out then back in to rinse my dc out.
aside from the convenience, is there any other benefit?? I bought myself a few ORS replenishing Paks (after driving all over Tampa to find them!!) and I was going to do it tonight....can i put it on dry hair??
Thanks for your response Ladies.

For those who voted yes, do you DC on dry hair out of convenience, not necerssarily because it's more beneficial than the traditional way?
Do you place conditioner on dry hair and sit under the dryer for 15-30 minutes and then shampoo?

What are some of the benefits in doing this composed to the traditional way (shampoo then deep condition)?


Yup except I don't sit under a dryer. The benefit for me is that I don't have to get out the shower and get back in to rinse off my hair. I just have one rinse and it saves time.
i did this for the first time the other night. i was meant to co wash after work but i was so tired so i just put the conditioner on (keracare humecto) put on a shower cap and went to sleep. in the morning when i washed it out OMG my hair was soooo soft and silky all i did was detangle, spray a bit of leave in and UBH dew and left it alone. it stayed silky and soft all weekend. ive got conditioner in my hair now im planning to do the same thing again.
sometimes i'll deep condition on dry hair instead of doing a pre-poo. this works better for me than doing it on wet hair (when i'm not using a dryer)...

the way i see it, the hair can soak up more moisture from the conditioner when it's dry than when it's wet. the same way a sponge soaks up more stuff when it's dry as opposed to when it's wet.
A few months ago, a stylist was giving hair tips in Cosmo magazine. Among other things, he said that dc'ing on dry hair was better because conditioner penetrates a lot more efficiently on dry hair than wet hair. He said you should dc with heat, rinse, shampoo and do a quick condition afterwards. I've been doing it like that ever since I read it, and I love how my hair feels. Convenience AND great results :grin:
I DC'd on dry hair with my daughter, this made the process so much easier. I think I'll be doing this going forward.
I don't normally use shampoo, though. I apply an oil (amla, coconut or other) at night, then apply the conditioner the next morning and sit under the dryer. Then I rinse that out, and co-wash, the DC with heat again.
DC on dry hair seems more valuable, it seems that you will get your conditioner on all of your hair:look: this way. When wet, I always wonder if the con is on all of my hair:perplexed.
I always condition on dry hair.

The benefit? When you wet your hair, the hair shaft fills up with water and only so much of it can be squeezed out before applying conditioner. The result is that water fills up "space" where conditioner could be.
I only DC on dry hair for the same reasons that have already been mentioned:
  • conditioner soaks into the strands more effectively
  • much more convenient than jumping in and out of the shower like a mad woman
But when I do it, I DC on dry hair, sit under the dryer for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water, rinse with a quick shot of cold water, apply my leave-ins then bun 'er up. No poo is involved in the equation (unless I have to clarify).

This works for me. :yep:
I deep condition on dry hair and I love it. It makes so much sense as the conditioner doesn't get diluted by water and there's no jumping in and out of the shower to fuss with either.
i think this is a good idea.. i really hate jumping back and forth from the shower...

but say ur hair is like really dirty do you think that will have a bad affect on the conditioner taking... i guess in that case i would just have to shampoo and then dc... but i guess for others days dc on dry hair will be fine.
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I use OJON Restorative Treatment on dry hair and leave it on for at least 24 hours, but I don't sit under the dryer.
-I've only DCed on dry hair, i read that its better to DC on dry hair eons ago when i started lookimg after my hair, and have never changed.
I've been doing it ever since Sareca posted about it.

I dc on dry hair and oil rinse(also sareca) and my hair is always soft, glossy, and managable...
A few months ago, a stylist was giving hair tips in Cosmo magazine. Among other things, he said that dc'ing on dry hair was better because conditioner penetrates a lot more efficiently on dry hair than wet hair. He said you should dc with heat, rinse, shampoo and do a quick condition afterwards. I've been doing it like that ever since I read it, and I love how my hair feels. Convenience AND great results :grin:

This is exactly what I've been doing (except I CW or use a shampoo bar) - and my hair loves it and it works..:yep: If it ain't broke...
Thanks for posting this. I never ever thought about dc ing on dry hair before. However it makes soo much sense thanks again.

I'm going to try this in a couple of days-next time i dc
it makes sense...but my hair seems to take up more product on a dry DC. I tried the Pantene deep conditioning mask, it only lasted me two uses.
Do you place conditioner on dry hair and sit under the dryer for 15-30 minutes and then shampoo?

What are some of the benefits in doing this composed to the traditional way (shampoo then deep condition)?


I do! I apply conditioner and then a bunch of Vatika hair oil, put on a plastic conditioning cap and sit under the dryer for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then I hop in the shower and shampoo and rinse. For me, I like it b/c it seems quicker and more convenient my hair responds really well to it.
I've been doing it ever since Sareca posted about it.

I dc on dry hair and oil rinse(also sareca) and my hair is always soft, glossy, and managable...

That's exactly what I do! And it works! I too picked this up from Sareca. It's one of the best things I've ever tried and really liked.:grin:
i did this for the first time the other night. i was meant to co wash after work but i was so tired so i just put the conditioner on (keracare humecto) put on a shower cap and went to sleep. in the morning when i washed it out OMG my hair was soooo soft and silky all i did was detangle, spray a bit of leave in and UBH dew and left it alone. it stayed silky and soft all weekend. ive got conditioner in my hair now im planning to do the same thing again.

This was a conditioner wash