Do You Date Guys Who Are Bad for You?


New Member
Do you date guys who are bad for you? (Like MJB in her song Mr. Wrong)

If so, why? Why don't you stop?

For those of you that used to, what made you stop?
I dated guys that were bad for me.

I stopped because they always ended the same way and I deserve better than that.
I didn't want to accept that they were bad for me at the time...but I take them to have been scaffolding that led/helped build me me to another part of my life, therefore they are not permanent. For the record, they appeared great at first.

From MyTouch 4G...On which animated Gifs may not be seen:(
Hmm... yes, I didn't know better. They weren't TERRIBLE, well, except for one, but never quite the right fit. You know, that gray area of not good, but not quite baaad either.

The terrible one was always such a jerk to me emotionally. Years later, he asked me what I would say if he asked me to be his girlfriend again. H.e.l.l. no. He tried for an entire year to get back with me, but I had no faith that he was any different.

For whatever vain reason, I got closure when he told me that he would drop the girl he had just begun talking to in a heartbeat if he knew he could have me back:look: For whatever reason, I felt like: "ah ha! *wipes hand* my work here is done:look:"

Anyway, my main issue is dating guys who aren't quite right.
I dated guys that were bad for me.

I stopped because they always ended the same way and I deserve better than that.

^^^^ this. I got tired of the same results, so I decided to try a different path.

:yep: The story of my life!!! Going through my bad relationships has really helped me in appreciating the good person that is in my life now. He is not perfect AT ALL, but I am starting to think he is perfect for me.
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I used to. Definitely. I thought I was this bold, heartless, artist who wanted to live footloose and fancy free all of my life and just have fun. Well, I realized that dating guys that aren't good for you isn't fun. I have a heart and no matter how silly or carefree I am or try to be, I can get hurt. As for the fun part, I became more exposed to good, drama-free people my age who were in good relationships and that looked like fun. One of my good friends is 27, just got married to a man that adores her, bought a nice house, and she isn't a fuddy duddy. She is gorgeous, secure, and happy.

So I changed my perspective of what "fun" is and realized that I was never going to achieve that by wasting my time on bad guys.
I used to. What made me stop was a guy in college who pursued me relentlessly until I agreed to date him. He was, to this day, the best man I've ever been with. Treated me like a princess which I didn't know was available to me before him.

Even after things ended between us, I became accustomed to being treated a certain way and just don't have it in me to settle for anything less.
Oh yes I have made some really bad choices in men(boys). I just got tired of being hurt in the end and asking God why is this happening to me or why am I being treated this way. Well I can't be treated this way and blame God for something that I'm allowing to happen and putting up with a person that I'm choosing to involve in my life that isn't good for me. God is not the blame for how I settle for less when he is giving me all the signs that this person is not for me. I had to really learn to practice what I preach because if I'm shakin my head at girlfriends and friends going through it with the guys they deal with how can i talk or say anything. Like they say you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas. I think it also comes with self-esteem also, because I can't say my self-esteem was the highest either when I was dealing with these guys and puttin up with there crap..
I don't date guys in the sense that they treat me bad (I have in high school and that's over), they just don't have enough going for themselves. I'm not trying to toot my own horn but I know my worth and its potential to have more. AND I know that I look good. :yep:

I've only reached this point recently. There were explicit goals that I set out for 2011 and I accomplished all of them. (But my hair goals had to get put on hold to accomplish bigger ones. :ohwell:) When I realized this, I was ecstatic and made the official decision that there ARE guys that I'm too good for. And that's ok. We have to stop wasting time on men that don't deserve us. When you place yourself at the front of the store, a man who can afford it will shop there. When you place yourself in clearance, the opposite man will shop there.
It seem like undercover I pick men with some bad boy tendencies..
However, I had one ex that I let get a way and I regret that bc he was on the straight and narrow. I messed that up big time:(
But now I met someone who is sweet and do not have any bad boy excited:)
Nope. Although I'm sure in the past I was interested in guys who would've been bad for me but now no way. I've got too much going on in my life outside of dating, I'd be too afraid of my personal life spilling over into other parts of my life.:look::yep:
I don't date guys in the sense that they treat me bad (I have in high school and that's over), they just don't have enough going for themselves. I'm not trying to toot my own horn but I know my worth and its potential to have more. AND I know that I look good. :yep:

I've only reached this point recently. There were explicit goals that I set out for 2011 and I accomplished all of them. (But my hair goals had to get put on hold to accomplish bigger ones. :ohwell:) When I realized this, I was ecstatic and made the official decision that there ARE guys that I'm too good for. And that's ok. We have to stop wasting time on men that don't deserve us. When you place yourself at the front of the store, a man who can afford it will shop there. When you place yourself in clearance, the opposite man will shop there.

i love your last sentence!!!!!!!!