Do you compliment strangers with awesome hair?


Well-Known Member
It was a great hair day for my eyes :lachen:

I couldn't help but drool. The amount of bodacious real hair I saw today made my eyes pop out.

The first lady had AMAZING hair. It's natural and classic length. I just had to talk to her and let her know how lovely her hair was. The lady complimented me back :drunk: I asked for her hair and she said that I should give her my legs :lachen:. I can't explain how awesome her hair was. She turned heads so far you'd think the people watching were owls. It just sash-aded (s/p) from left to right. :spinning: The body (hair) was wow.

Next I was shopping and saw another lady with the BIGGEST FLUFFIEST afro I've seen in a long time only thing is lady was walking with her head down :nono:. She dyed the ends red. It looked AMAZING :lick:. Our hair type looks very similar. I had to compliment her I just hope it made her day just a little bit better.

I got on the tube and saw plenty of fluffy afros. :yep:

So do you compliment strangers when you see they have amazing hair?

If not, do you think it's creepy? :blush:

Would you want a stranger to compliment you on a good hair day?

I think women need to compliment each other more often. It's only a select few (strangers) that will go out of their way to make another sister smile.
I sure do! When I see gorgeous hair, I HAVE to say something! Otherwise, I'll just sit there staring, looking like a stalker :lachen:

When I give a compliment, it gives me an excuse to see the hair up close and personal and stare it down while I'm talking to her :lol:
I do. :yep: If I see great hair I'm ON IT lol!!! I don't get all in the business and ask where they get it done etc but great hair is great hair. I agree with you, women do need to compliment each other more often. It makes my day if strangers are diggin my hair or whatever.
I compliment people with nice hair sometimes but, usually they are too far away for me to say something. It is always nice to receive/give geniune compliments.

Since being natural my hair receives more compliments, usually followed by a expression of the desire to go/be natural. I thank them and I try to say something encouraging about following/starting their own hair journey.
I do compliment women when I am awestruck by their hair. I will admit it's usually only women with natural hair that I compliment. We usually start discussing products!! But, I usually compliment anything that I admire. Be it hair, shoes, clothes, make-up. That's just me!
I give compliments also, love seeing healthy hair!!! Although my last go at giving a compliment the lady (aa) looked at me and gave me a snotty "thanks"... Yall know after that I was looking for tracks right!!! But any hoo I love seeing and complimenting those with great hair!!
fyb87 I'm usually the same when it comes to natural hair...but when the natural hair is straightened it's hard to tell whether its relaxed or not. either way if the hair is gorgeous I'm saying something.

I love the smile you get almost like a lightbulb has been turned off under the skin (haha that sounds weird). The ladies just smile and its so nice to see.

Thanks ladies for your positive responses.
Yes! I like to compliment ppl all the time. Sometimes the ladies I compliment will give me the yes, I know, my hair is pretty, now leave me alone and don't ask any questions vibe.:lachen: But that doesn't deter me. I still keep going.
That's how I met a cousin in Starbucks.

I get a lot of compliments on my hair too:blush:. I just pay it foward.
No, I am too shy. I saw this woman the other day. She had long gray hair, and that it was gorgeous. I did not have the guts to go up to her and tell her that I admired her hair.
I sure do -- I don't get all LHCF on em unless they start talking about what they do to it or what not, but I will definitely give a compliment when it is due.
I used to but I stopped because this one time I told this lady in the store that her hair was beautiful and she just started laughing...I didnt know why and her hair looked pretty real to me..99% of the time I can tell if someone's wearing a weave.

I do think women should compliment other women more often.
Yes, if we're having a conversation already so I have the opportunity. I won't go out of my way though to start a conversation though, just drool from afar in that case.
I do. Yeah, sometimes you get those ignorant people that looks at you like you called them a dog, but who cares. I like complimenting people and watching them light up. And I looking at pretty hair too, when it's real. LOL
Gosh sorry to hear about some of your negative experiences. If they can't accept a genuine compliment then it's their loss.

Rosie I love gray hair especially salt and pepper. @ least you appreciate good hair right?

Loca do you think she was shy? Some people do not know how to take a compliment. They get all giggly or boisterous. It's a strange world
I do! I complimented one girl at the gym and it was so random she stuttered out an awkward thank you and almost literally ran away :)
I try to gauge how open they'd be to the compliment before I speak up. If I can, I'll make eye contact first, so it doesn't seem so creepy and stalkerish. :lachen:
Even though i'm relaxed, I only compliment natural ladies i see with awesome hair. I dunno why, i guess because it's more uncommon. Also maybe it's that I'm not an expert weave detective, and i think i'd feel silly complimenting someone's weave.
I compliment strangers too. Sometimes they look at me like i'm crazy and slowly walk away and sometimes they are quick to share their secrets:grin:
Will compliment and start talking in a heartbeat! Shoot I want to know why their hair is like that in case I have not heard of the latest and greatest.
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I do, but it depends on the circumstances and the way they look.

If the person is with a group, I don't say anything. I saw three girls with natural hair, each head of hair was styled differently - dreads, twist-out and curly fro - I couldn't stop looking because they all had beautiful hair.

But they were talking amongst themselves and I felt it might be rude to interrupt them and they also looked young,so I wasn't sure how they would respond. I once told this girl that her hair looked beautiful and she gave me the side-eye :rolleyes:.

If the person looks approachable or is in close proximity I'm more likely to compliment their hair.

Note: There are very natural weaves/wigs out there and I have complimented a couple of ladies only for them to blush and tell me it's fake.
I do compliment strangers on their hair. Once, I was in the mall and saw a lady with the cutest pixie cut ever. I told her I loved it. She thanked me and said she had just finished chemo not to long ago and had been self conscious about how short her hair was so my compliment made her feel a lot better!
Oh yeah! I give compliments when compliments are due! and it's so so nice to get let's me know I'm doing something right!:yep: