Do you carry your Bible every where you go?

Do you carry your Bible everywhere you go?

  • NO, only when I go to church or a service

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • YES, all or most of the time

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • NO, I prefer to use my cell/iPad/Kindle, etc

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Sometimes, b/c I don't make it a point to have it

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • OTHER (I don't have a Bible, don't think it's necessary to carry it everywhere I go, etc.)

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Treat Your Bible Like Your Cell Phone - Tuesday, January 25th, 2011
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

Here's another way we should treat our Bibles like our cell phones:

3. When you have an emergency of some sort-a flat tire, a sick child, a broken pipe, a frightening event of some kind-don't you grab your cell phone and immediately call for help? It can be a lifeline when you face an emergency, when you're lost, when you're troubled, whatever. Well, what about the Word of God? Do you turn to it in an emergency, when you're frightened, when you're troubled?

The Psalmist said, 'I am laid low in the dust; preserve my life according to your word' (Psalm 119:25). And again, 'I remember your ancient laws, O Lord, and I find comfort in them' (Psalm 119:52). Often the Bible is the last place we go for help when we're in trouble, and we truly need to re-train ourselves to go there first in an emergency. This is one example of how important it is to memorize scripture, so that in those emergencies, we have that active, living word stored in our heads, there to comfort us and calm our fears, even when we aren't able to literally open the Book and read from it.

4. Many cell phones today are equipped with internet ability as well as GPS, so when you need directions on how to get somewhere, you can go to that cell phone for guidance. The Psalmist said that the Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path, (Psalm 119:105), and we should turn to it for directions when we need to know what to do.

Years ago when we were on just one station in Chicago, it was becoming apparent that God was opening doors for the ministry to expand. As I thought about the responsibility of starting such a ministry, I was truly frightened. So, I sat down with my Bible, and I prayed, 'Lord, I cannot and will not proceed further with this idea of a radio program unless you clearly show me that this is your plan, not mine. Give me something from your Word to show me what to do.' My reading for that day was in Isaiah 50, and verses 4 and 7 just jumped off the page. I read, 'The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue to know the Word that sustains the weary. . . Because the Sovereign Lord helps me I will not be digraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint and I know I will not be put to shame.' I was certain then, and remain certain today after more than 26 years, that God spoke clearly to me through that passage, and it has sustained me through all these years.

Treat your Bible like your cell phone. It is a powerful book.

We've taken a chapter from 'A Guide on Getting to Know God' and put it into a booklet format. This chapter gives you some very clear guidelines and help on finding the best structure for yourself, so that you're really reading the Bible for all its worth. You can click here or call us at 1-800-292-1218 to receive this free gift.

Please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry financially. Any amount is appreciated. You can click here to donate or call us at 1-800-292-1218.
Treat Your Bible Like Your Cell Phone - Wednesday, January 26th, 2011
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

The Word of God is like no other book. It is alive; the words are not dead words on paper. When you need something from God, those words will come alive to you. There will be something right there in the Bible that you will know is there for you in that particular situation.

Here's another idea on how to treat your Bible like your cell phone:

4. How many cell phones have you given or received as a gift? Especially for the younger generation, giving them the latest cell phone is the best gift you could give them. My niece told me that her son in college had ruined his cell phone, so he asked his mom to please send him a new one. She decided to buy a new one for herself and send him her phone, which was plenty good but just not the latest edition. So, she put her old phone in the box that her new one came in, and mailed it off to him. Next day he called and said, 'Mom, I was so excited when I saw that box. I thought you were sending me that new phone, and then I opened it and found your old one inside.'

I chuckled when she told me that story, to think of how much these young people dote on their cell phones. It is like an extension of themselves.

Why don't we give the Bible as gifts more often? It might not be received with as much enthusiasm as a new cell phone, but it's worth a lot more and will do a lot more good. Do your children know how you value the Word of God? Are they aware that it is worth more to you than a cell phone-or any other book in the world?

The person with the greatest single influence in my life was my godly mother, and the thing I remember most about her was her intense love for the Bible. At her memorial service, we were able to give every child and grandchild one of her worn-out Bibles-that's eleven Bibles, and I've found a couple more since then. She was reading and studying it almost every morning when I got up. I don't remember her telling me to read my Bible, but I remember how faithfully and lovingly she read hers. A love of God's Word is the greatest gift you can give to anyone, especially your children.
Absolutely, Anjel....:yep:

I'm just sharing these articles that I'm getting this week. Mary Welchel is old-school..she probably doesn't like cell phones..:lol: I don't know. I'm not trying to insinuate using a cell phone to read your Bible doesn't count by posting those. I think her point is God's Word should more value than technology in a Christian's life.

There's nothing wrong w/ using cell phones to read the Word, but if the battery of my cell phone was to die or I couldn't get connected online, I'd still have my Bible book.. ergo, the point of my post. HTH!

I have a bible on my cell phone, does that count...
Treat Your Bible Like Your Cell Phone - Thursday, January 27th, 2011
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

I've been challenging you to think about how you treat your cell phone, and then purpose to treat your Bible the same way.

Have you ever reached for your cell phone, only to discover that the battery was dead? That will never happen with the Word of God. It is eternally alive and active. Psalm 119:89 says, 'Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.' There are few things that will last until eternity, and the Word of God is one of them. It never changes, it never loses its power.

Did your phone ever get disconnected because you hadn't paid the bill? That will never happen with the Word of God, because Jesus paid it all. You'll never get disconnected, and there will be no dropped calls!

I really want to encourage you to get serious about the Word of God. Are you reading it everyday? Do you have a plan for reading the Bible? Many Christians treat the Bible like a magazine, like casual reading. They pick it up, turn to something familiar, read a passage or two, and that's it. It's hit and miss, off and on, and then they wonder why they aren't growing spiritually.

The Word of God is the food that we need to be mature, strong Christians. You can't just pick at it; you have to be a serious student and lover of the Bible, if you want to know the abundant life that Jesus came to give us.

I've discovered that many people just don't know how to approach reading the Bible. No one has ever taught them or encouraged them to have a structured, systematic way to get into the Word of God. I've written a Bible study entitled 'A Guide on Getting to Know God,' and it is written to give you clear help in how you can establish a meaningful approach to reading the Bible, and it will help you put that necessary discipline in place. It does take discipline to set aside a time each day and have a plan to read the Bible. But it pays off in huge dividends.

In order to encourage you to get started with a plan for reading your Bible daily, we've taken one of the chapters from my Bible study and prepared it in booklet form. This chapter gives several ways to approach your Bible reading, and it will give you that kick start you need to get going. We are glad to provide this to you, if you are indeed serious about reading your Bible faithfully. More information about this offer is at the bottom of this transcript.
We've taken a chapter from 'A Guide on Getting to Know God' and put it into a booklet format. This chapter gives you some very clear guidelines and help on finding the best structure for yourself, so that you're really reading the Bible for all its worth. You can click here or call us at 1-800-292-1218 to receive this free gift.

Please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry financially. Any amount is appreciated. You can click here to donate or call us at 1-800-292-1218.
Treat Your Bible Like Your Cell Phone - Friday, January 28th, 2011
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

When I first became serious about following Jesus, I began to spend time in the Bible each morning. It wasn't because I felt obligated to do it, or because it was a duty, but I truly needed the strength and guidance that I gained from God's Word. I was going through some deep waters, and the Word of God truly became a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

During this time I developed a structured plan for reading the Bible, because I don't work well without a plan and a structure. Honestly, I don't think anyone can really approach the Bible to read it for all its worth without a system. The Bible is our bread of life-it is the food we need for strength and growth. And we need a balanced diet of God's Word.

We all have favorite parts of the Bible that we enjoy more than others, I guess, but Romans 15:4 tells us that 'everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.' So, we need to have a plan for reading the Bible that takes us into every book of the Bible, because it all is worthwhile and beneficial. We teach our children that they need to eat their vegetables and fruit in order to have heathly bodies, even though they may prefer ice cream and candy. And so, we need to be instructed in all parts of the Bible-and believe me, there are rich treasures in every book.

I developed a plan that has worked for me. It takes me into all parts of the Old and New Testament, and it really has made a huge difference in my life. And I eventually put this plan and some other ways to read the Bible into a Bible study called, 'A Guide on Getting to Know God.' I want to offer you a gift. We've taken one chapter of my Bible study and put it into a booklet format, and this chapter gives you some very clear guidelines and help on finding the best structure for yourself, so that you're really reading the Bible for all its worth.

The only requirement for sending you this gift is that you will use it! I know we all like things that are free, but the purpose of offering this to you is not to add to the clutter on your bookshelf, but to really help you. So, please contact us if you would like this free booklet. Information on how to receive it is at the bottom of this transcript. If it truly helps some of you start reading your Bible more systematically and faithfully, that will make me very happy!
Kinda. If I am on vacation or sleeping away from home my bible goes with me. If I am anywhere else (work, running errand, visiting) I have my ipod touch in my purse, which has the bible loaded onto it. I do read it when I am waiting. I use to carry around a small new testament before I got my touch.