Do you carry your Bible every where you go?

Do you carry your Bible everywhere you go?

  • NO, only when I go to church or a service

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • YES, all or most of the time

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • NO, I prefer to use my cell/iPad/Kindle, etc

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Sometimes, b/c I don't make it a point to have it

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • OTHER (I don't have a Bible, don't think it's necessary to carry it everywhere I go, etc.)

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Psalms 119:11
Your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

I understand the whole purpose of reading God's Word is so that it's in me...yet God's Word is unfathomable at times. There are some Scriptures I know by heart, there are others I know but don't fully understand yet..and then there are Scriptures I thought I knew but came to the revelation later that I didn't. Oh, man, learning God's Word is an exciting, beautiful experience. Or maybe it's just me? :lol: Anyhoo, I say all this to say what's so wrong with toting my Bible with me everywhere I go? Should I really care what people think when I pull my Bible out to read at lunch or on the train? Not me....From experience, I've seen family members jet when I pull my Bible out...LOL.... the funny thing is, it wasn't on my mind to thump them, but to just read it. It's really not just a book. The Book of Eli comes to mind.

It's true that we live in a world of technology and I could easily go to Biblegateway on my BlackBerry and no one would know I'm reading my Bible. But it's just something about having a tangible, worn, dogeared book that I can actually open up to read. Flip the pages.That's my preference, so I'm not saying it's wrong to rely on technology...because I visit Bible sites online all the time; however we can access God's Word, I'm sure He is fine with.

Which brings me to my question... Do you carry your Bible with you? Is it part of your tote essentials, such as makeup bag, cell phone, address book, iPad, etc? Just a question, that hopefully will help minister to all of us in some way.

I'll make this a poll as well, if you choose not to discuss.

I carry my bible to church.

As of lately, I have been carrying my bible to work with me. And it has been helpful. I have highlighted several scriptural verses during my study time. So when I have to whip out the bible at work those highlighted verses stand out and minister to my spirit.
Until recently yes:scratchch. When I changed jobs this last time around and had to move all of my stuff etc etc I stopped. When the office move is over and I have purchased another good tote bag (soon:yay:) I will start carrying my bible with me again on a regular basis. Depending on what's going on with me, I usually have my study bible or some other version with me. As for technology, yeah, I def put that to good use. I have several bible apps on my phone, kindle, PC, laptops and I usually have a couple of books that are biblical in nature with me at all times:bookworm:. I really do believe that scripture you posted Laela. If I have the word in my heart, no one and nothing can confuse me or take it from me:knight:. A girls gotta read u kno?!:giggle:
2 Timothy 2:15 (The Message)

14-18Repeat these basic essentials over and over to God's people. Warn them before God against pious nitpicking, which chips away at the faith. It just wears everyone out. Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple. Stay clear of pious talk that is only talk. Words are not mere words, you know. If they're not backed by a godly life, they accumulate as poison in the soul. Hymenaeus and Philetus are examples, throwing believers off stride and missing the truth by a mile by saying the resurrection is over and done with.
Yes, I always have one in the car. When I start working, I will bring one to work. Ironically, I do not bring it to church because they put the Scripture on the big screens. I have pictures and notes in my home Bible so I do not like to take it out.
Oops! I skimmed the poll options and clicked Other instead of another option. Now I carry it with me everywhere via my cell phone.
I have a bible at work in my desk drawer and about at home, however, I also have my bible on my phone which is the greatest thing in the world.

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Yeah, I carried it in my purse even before I rededicated my life to Christ. At that time though it was just something I felt protected me, purely a psychological attachment (I did of course think it was spiritual) Now, I have it because I actually enjoy reading my bible and I like to read it when I'm on break at work or out to eat alone. Instead of fiddling with my blackberry and calling people out of boredom, I reach for the word and feed my spirit.
I voted and yes I do carry my Bible in my handbag. I even bought one with a cover to protect it because there are all sorts of things in my bag and it can damage it. I used to work along with some christian books also (in fact I had 2). I better read the Word, feel the presence of the Lord in transport or during waiting times; it's a good way of staying focus and it enlightens the day, the life like nobody business,lool.

I don't care, whenever I want to I just get my Bible and ignore the looks I can have. May God bless them and let them taste the Word :yep:. At the beginning, I used to feel a little bit shy but hey, I'm just connecting myself to my beloved so don't care about anything else.

Don't know about where you live, ladies but I'm working in Paris and subway ain't really a place to "expose" blackberries and Iphones; I'm too scared of those bad thieves, they are violent and looking for that high brand phones :ohwell:
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I carry mine everywhere. I just bought a new one that I carry in the box until I find a cover for it. I don't always read it or get to read as I would like or should but I like having it with me. I now have my old one in my work bag and the new one in my other bag. My study bible stays on my bed and has only left the house 2 times.

I have a bible app that I use when I forget my bible, but I like to hold books and flip pages. Looking and reading from a screen isn't the same for me.
Yes... Shimmie raises her hand. :yep:

I am most definitely one to be called a Bible toter, but not a thumper. :crybaby: I'm not. :lol:

Some Shimmie thoughts... Sharing My Reflections: :love3:

I have serveral versions, formats, sizes, and colors. I used to have a Bible to match the color suit / dress that I was wearing to Church (mauve, teal, dusty blue, black, cream/gold, tan/gold, red, white, and with a pen and journal in matching colors, to take notes. :lol:

And it wasn't so much a 'fashion statement' as it was just how much my Bible became a huge part of me. I've toned it down over the course of time. :yep:

For, my Bible is more than just a 'book' that I carry with me, it is more than a tool or study guide, it is beyond a mandate; my Bible is my heart whether the color matches what I wear or not, my Bible is where my heart is and I treasure it as such.

I will admit that I begun to use modern technology and as time progresses, I probably will utilize an ereader or whatever seems adequate. But I still love the actual pages as opposed to 'e'formats.
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I carry my bible to church.

As of lately, I have been carrying my bible to work with me. And it has been helpful. I have highlighted several scriptural verses during my study time. So when I have to whip out the bible at work those highlighted verses stand out and minister to my spirit.

:amen: esp @ the bolded. That ministered to me, 'cause you know I can go back and forth.. LOL... Please keep me in your prayers... I receive that Word!
2 Timothy 2:15 (The Message)

14-18Repeat these basic essentials over and over to God's people. Warn them before God against pious nitpicking, which chips away at the faith. It just wears everyone out. Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple. Stay clear of pious talk that is only talk. Words are not mere words, you know. If they're not backed by a godly life, they accumulate as poison in the soul. Hymenaeus and Philetus are examples, throwing believers off stride and missing the truth by a mile by saying the resurrection is over and done with.

Vonnie, I'm glad to know there are others who love to feel an actual BOOK in their hand... I feel like part of the dying breed of (mostly old(er) folks :giggle: who'd rather flip the pages of the newspaper with their tea in the morning, than read it online. I like. however, that technology can keep the Word in front of my face, more often than that's a good thing.

I carry mine everywhere. I just bought a new one that I carry in the box until I find a cover for it. I don't always read it or get to read as I would like or should but I like having it with me. I now have my old one in my work bag and the new one in my other bag. My study bible stays on my bed and has only left the house 2 times.

I have a bible app that I use when I forget my bible, but I like to hold books and flip pages. Looking and reading from a screen isn't the same for me.

:lol: @ matching your outfits.. but I do understand where you're coming from....w/ the Bible being an essential item. That's what's up. I'm looking for a new Bible tote w/ handles in maroon or burgundy... :spinning:

Yes... Shimmie raises her hand. :yep:

I am most definitely one to be called a Bible toter, but not a thumper. :crybaby: I'm not. :lol:

Some Shimmie thoughts... Sharing My Reflections: :love3:

I have serveral versions, formats, sizes, and colors. I used to have a Bible to match the color suit / dress that I was wearing to Church (mauve, teal, dusty blue, black, cream/gold, tan/gold, red, white, and with a pen and journal in matching colors, to take notes. :lol:

And it wasn't so much a 'fashion statement' as it was just how much my Bible became a huge part of me. I've toned it down over the course of time. :yep:

For, my Bible is more than just a 'book' that I carry with me, it is more than a tool or study guide, it is beyond a mandate; my Bible is my heart whether the color matches what I wear or not, my Bible is where my heart is and I treasure it as such.

I will admit that I begun to use modern technology and as time progresses, I probably will utilize an ereader or whatever seems adequate. But I still love the actual pages as opposed to 'e'formats.
:yep:Yes, I have it on my iTouch, my iPad and my Nook. I always have at least one of those with me. I carry the actual Book with my notebook with me to church on Sundays.
:lol: @ matching your outfits.. but I do understand where you're coming from....w/ the Bible being an essential item. That's what's up. I'm looking for a new Bible tote w/ handles in maroon or burgundy... :spinning:

I was going through a phase... :look: :giggle:
I voted no only because I'm in the market for a smaller Bible I can carry in my purse. I have a beautiful study Bible and it's a hardcover and VERY heavy. I keep it next to me in the bed at night. :)
I voted "Yes", because I keep one in my car.

I also kept one on my desk at work(before I got laid off).
There were many times when my coworkers and I would be discussing scripture, and I always had my Bible near by just in case I needed to reference it or in case others need to see something for themselves.

I just feel secure having it with me.
Its like, no matter where I go, I can always go to the scriptures in the event that I feel the need to, for whatever reason.

I voted "Yes", because I keep one in my car.

I also kept one on my desk at work(before I got laid off).
There were many times when my coworkers and I would be discussing scripture, and I always had my Bible near by just in case I needed to reference it or in case others need to see something for themselves.

I just feel secure having it with me.
Its like, no matter where I go, I can always go to the scriptures in the event that I feel the need to, for whatever reason.


In many ways, my Bible is like having a 'Blankie' with me 'throughout the day...."

Lord you are my comfort and my joy... all of which is written in your Word... :love2:
I used to carry a New Testament with me. I should restart this practice. It's comforting to know that I can reach for it when I want to.
Honestly, I dont and probably should. I have one on my night stand which I use to study with and also what I take to church but then I have another bible at work. I would like to get one to keep in my handbag.
Treat Your Bible Like Your Cell Phone - Monday, January 24th, 2011
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

It wasn't that many years ago that owning a cell phone was a novelty. Few people had them, they were very expensive, and they were large, clumsy things. But now, none of us can imagine life without that cell phone. They are very compact and yet it's amazing all the features you can have on your phone now.

I got an email from someone asking, 'What would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?' And I decided this was worth thinking about. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that 'The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.' Just consider the unique power of this book we call the Bible.

I think of a friend of mine who came to saving faith simply because a co-worker lived a godly, peaceful life before her, and then challenged her to simply 'read the Bible.' She began a three-month program of reading the gospels, in every translation she could buy, and then on her knees one night, by herself, she simply could no longer resist Jesus. The Word of God had penetrated what she describes as a very sinful, selfish heart, and falling in love with Jesus, she confessed her sins and surrendered her life to him.

The Word of God is powerful, and we really need to seriously give it a much higher place of importance in our lives. So, what if we treated our Bibles like we treat our cell phones? What would happen?

1. First, we would carry it with us all the time, because you never leave home without that cell phone, do you? Do you take a Bible to work? Do you have one with you when you travel? You can't read it if you don't have a copy with you, so the first thing we ought to do is carry it with us everywhere. There are small editions that easily fit in a purse or briefcase or a pocket. I encourage you to take your Bible with you everywhere. Not as a showpiece, not like it's a lucky charm. But just so you'll have it there with you when you need it. In fact, you would go back to get it if for some reason you left it, right, just like you do your cell phone!

2. Second, how many times a day do you look at your cell phone, flip through it, read a message? For some of you, that number would be pretty high. Well, suppose we referred to the Bible several times a day. Suppose, when there was a vacant moment in our day, instead of wasting it on a newspaper or surfing the internet, we just read a chapter or passage from God's Word? It's a living, active book, and that would definitely have an impact on our lives.

Every time you use your cell phone ask yourself, 'How would my life change if I treated my Bible like I do my cell phone?'