Do you call??


Well-Known Member
when you meet a guy, do you prefer that he offers his number or do you prefer that he asks for yours??...

although there are a couple of exceptions, i generally prefer that they ask for my number... unless i'm completely feeling them, if they give me their number, i'm not going to call... i never ask for their number because, frankly, i feel that they should ask for mine...

i guess that's one of my turn-offs...

how about you?
I never give out my number first (paranoid). My current SO is the only person I gave my number out to in 8 years. We met at a business seminar and his conversation and approach was really mature and open. We talked alot over the course of the evening and I wrote my cell number on the back of my business card and he did the same.

Although he called me first after a few days; if he had not, I would have called to touch bases late in the week. I don't have a problem calling, because they typically wouldn't be able to contact me otherwise.
I'm the same way. If he's not asking for my number, he's telling me from the get go that he's not into pursuing me. Eh. And if they try and give me their number, I just tell them that I probably won't call :ohwell:
I'm the same way. If he's not asking for my number, he's telling me from the get go that he's not into pursuing me. Eh. And if they try and give me their number, I just tell them that I probably won't call :ohwell:

shoot you're good to add the probably... because i straight up tell them that i won't call... they normally think i'm playing.. until i run into them again and they ask why i didn't call and i say, "i TOLD you i wouldn't... i wasn't playing"
If Im not too interested I'll take it his number and call him when I get bored. If I am I'll give him mine and wait on him to call me.
I would NEVER call a guy first. Shoot, I barely like calling a guy once we're in an established relationship. The way I see it, if they are really into you, then they will want to pursue you and they will call YOU. If not, hey, it wasnt meant to be...:yep:

exactly...ITA :yep::yep: