Do You Attract Weirdos At The Target?


Struttin' and stuntin'
Today it happened again!

A couple of months ago I went to the Target. Now, Target is a good twenty miles away from me. Thank God cuz Target ain’t trying to do my finances any favors. Anyways, this weirdo circles around me a couple of times. I’m aware but still in my Target headspace. You know, when everything in Target is calling to you. Anyways, the third time this doofus comes by me, he turns to me directly in my face and says, “ I like your hair. Its so pretty.”

I immediately have visions of me trapped in a well, looking up to find a basket being lowered down with lotion in it. A disembodied scream is being directed towards me. “It puts the lotion on its skin!!!”

I manage to stutter, “you can have hair like this’s a wig.” He continues, “ its so nice. Its so pretty.” I thank him and make a mad dash to pay for my items. I’m looking for any vehicles following me all the way home.

And today...some random young man starts chatting me up. His banter went from joking to catastrophic illnesses to Jesus... He shed tears too. I cant even remember every thing he was saying because all I was thinking was...AGAIN? What do I look like, the weirdo whisperer? The Target lady sees all this and offers a consoling look, but doesn’t step in.

I go to the Walmart all the time and see so many of society rejects, but they politely keep their distance. Target is full of well adjusted people who look like they have meetings and engagements and 401ks, but it’s the dingleberries that seek me out.

Tell me I’m not alone or I’m gonna start thinking something is wrong with me.
Target... sigh.
One night I went in to buy tampons. It was ~9:30. This man from Liliput rolls up on me telling me how pretty I was and I seemed nice. Que!? Then he started asking if I worked and what I did. He offered me a job with his "company". He was looking for a few "good people" to join and I looked like I would fit in.

This was a 45 second spiel. I tool one look at him said "No thx!" And high tailed it to the cashier. I watched my back all the way to the car to ensure he wasn't following me.
No one ever approaches me at target. Is it in a weird part of town?

No. Town too small to have a weird part.

And don’t get me wrong. I didnt feel in any way like either of these men liked me. The first on just seemed fascinated with my hair. I had half the mind to throw my wig at him and run out the store. The second dude just picked me to bother. All I wanted to do is scream “ I just want to roam around aimlessly and buy unnecessary items!”
Not really, however, whenever I'm reading a book (like waiting for a takeout order) someone wants to start a conversation. Usually not about the book either, they just decide to randomly start talking to me. Slightly annoying.
I immediately have visions of me trapped in a well, looking up to find a basket being lowered down with lotion in it. A disembodied scream is being directed towards me. “It puts the lotion on its skin!!!”
Oh Lord, whyyyyy!?!:lachen:
It's been yearrrrrs since I've seen this movie and reading this immediately brought back this scene, like I just watched the movie.
I tried to upload a video of this man who came from sitting where he was, to sitting near me and singing, but it kept saying the clip was too big even though I chopped it down to 3 seconds.
thankfully these odd encounters are rare in my life. in my 20s i was sitting on a bench in deep thought because I just had one of the most intense conversations of my life with a man. i was thinking "this might be the man i marry" (which i eventually did). in the midst of my deep thought a middle age white man sits down and asks what's on my mind. i don't tell him but our small talk went from music to him telling me how difficult intercourse was with his Ethiopian girlfriend. i mean the man detailed how "tight" she was and i sat there gazing at the grass.

when i was 8 months pregnant i ordered oxtail from a jamaican restaurant. the attendant, undeterred by my heavily pregnant body told me i was sexy and that we should run away together. after explaining that i was married (since pregnancy was obviously not an issue) he detailed the reasons why running away with a complete stranger was a good idea.

anytime these things happen i can only look on the bright side that i'm in a public space and make sure that said person doesn't follow me to my car when i leave.
:lol: I know. But sometimes these men need to be 'checked' on their lines. :lol:

"Ummm, Sir, I need receipts." "Sir, show me that trick again. Let me see you get 'almost' run over...again. Prove your love for me. If you really love me, you'll do it. Come back to me with some real skid marks." :rofl: