Do You Always Wash Your Hair If You Sweat Heavily?

I sweated heavily a couple of times since my last flat iron but my hair looks fine, barely any reversion and I think it smells okay too :look:. I want to wait till Tuesday to wash it lol, do you think that's really bad for my hair? Usually I'll give in and wash if I sweated because I hate feeling dirty but I don't ant to damage it now and I have nowhere important to to go till the middle of next week.
My hair and scalp must be clean. I'd feel dirty if I knew my hair was sweaty and it was more than a day with that sweat sitting in my hair and on my scalp. If you're ok with it, I'd say go for it.
PinkSunshine77 said:
My hair and scalp must be clean. I'd feel dirty if I knew my hair was sweaty and it was more than a day with that sweat sitting in my hair and on my scalp. If you're ok with it, I'd say go for it.

This is how i am but i dont want to damage my hair by rollersetting/flat ironing too much...
Idk what to do!!!lol
if your hair isn't shedding or breaking off stay with it.:yep:

I work out heavy cardio 5 or 6 days a week.

I wash my hair only once per month. It doesn't smell until around week 3 or 4.

:ohwell: I wear wigs so I don't bother anyone... smelling.....

This is how i am but i dont want to damage my hair by rollersetting/flat ironing too much...
Idk what to do!!!lol

I say if you can preserve do it :) I know how it is trying to preserve a flat iron. It's hard work and I've had to push my "dirty" thoughts to the back of my mind because I was not washing out my Do.
Have you considered a dry shampoo since you are wearing your hair straight? You can spray your roots and scalp and brush it through when you are between washes if you feel like you need to refresh. I work out about 5 times a week and I don't wash my hair every single time I work out. I usually wait about 3 days to do a cowash & I will wash with black soap once a weekish.
I shampoo immediately after every workout. I only flat iron if I know I'm going to be taking a few consecutive days off from exercising. I sweat really hard though.
If I'm in twist which I wear regularly for working out then no, but if it's an "out" style, yes, I wash my hair every 4 to 7 days.
some of you guys are guilting me :lol:

I hate dry shampoos, they don't work for me, they just make me feel dirtier.
I used to use some peppermint oil straight to "cleanse" my scalp between straightenings... I used some rose perfume oil and I feel sort of okay but I know damn well I need to wash it.
I'm a personal trainer, dance teacher, group fitness instructor and figure competitor so, between teaching 3 group/dance classes per day, lifting weights and doing my own cardio, I "sweat heavily" several times a day. LOL! I only shampoo my hair once a week. However, I also do a mid week rinse/cowash which has worked well for me. Hope this helps :)
I don't know if it's bad for your hair but yes, I wash my hair if I did some curricular activity to where I sweated heavily.
Yes, I had to do this for 63 days (excluding Sunday) when Shaun T was kicking my butt. I cowashed and that probably was not my finest 2 months as far as appearances go but my hair grew a lot during that time and my body thanked me as well.