Do you all share hair products

Do you share you hair products with the females in your house

  • Heck no it's all mine

    Votes: 17 40.5%
  • Sure it's just product

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Only of the go half on the product

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I use everyone elses products in the house

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other. Please explain

    Votes: 10 23.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Thank god I live alone right now. But when I go home for the holidays I bring my products back with me and I know how you feel. my motto is hide what is expensive. hide it like your valuables at a cheap motel with sticky finger maid service.
My mother constantly comes over with the sole intention of raiding my stash :rolleyes: :lol: I don't mind though, I raid her jewelry stash plus it gives another excuse to buy more hair stuff....:look:
Depends. For a long time I used my mom's products but I'm getting a feel for what works best on my hair so I find I'm trying new things. But every time I do that she and my sisters end up borrowing my products lol.
The rule is and it doesn't apply only to my hair stuff, if you want something ask me. If you use it up, replace it or hell tell me you used it up. Though my mom and I don't have that issue. She used my coconut milk once to cook with and it was for my hair but she told me and it's my mom so I was like oh don't worry about it but she still bought me a few cans to replace the one.

Anyone else would get cut to the white meat. It's just rude to take someone's stuff, not replace it ESPECIALLY if you know they aren't working!!! They don't have money to be shelling out because you took it upon your self to use up all of their stuff.

That is a pet peeve of mine. I have a family member that tends to help herself to my stuff so I got my SO to put a good lock on my bedroom door and my ish stays in here while I'm at work.

I'm a very giving and sharing person, but if you use up my ish, we gonna fight. Hell, I'll buy you your own before you use up mine.
Sure. It's only me and my mom here. When I'm at school, I wouldn't mind my roommate using them as long as they asked first. More often than not, I'm a product pusher. If I find something really good, I want others to try it (lol).