Do you all share hair products

Do you share you hair products with the females in your house

  • Heck no it's all mine

    Votes: 17 40.5%
  • Sure it's just product

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Only of the go half on the product

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I use everyone elses products in the house

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other. Please explain

    Votes: 10 23.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active Member
Ok so I have a question for you ladies.
So I recently just moved back home because I finished school. I'm use to having my own everything and not worrying about people touching my stuff. Recently my mother and my little sister have been all up in my hair products!!!!! It's driving me CRAZY!!! everytime I turn around someone is in my bathroom( a completely different level of the house) playing in products trying to get their hair soft and smooth. Oh and then my mom has the nurse to turn around and act like she brought it! So my question is, do you ladies share your hair products with your family? I wouldn't have a problem if they would replace my stuff or didn't use so much of it. But they never want to shell out the money! When i ask my mom to buy it (currently unemployeed due to the move) she says " i didnt like that product it didnt do anything for my hair" Ugh I'm so annoyed!

I just want to know how you ladies feel about this situation? Am I wrong for being so upset?
I'm having the same problem as well. I'm home for the summer and all the hair products I bought were spent with MY money. So, no, I don't just let them use them all willy nilly. What I usually do is buy a hair product and if one of them likes them, I tell them they can use the rest of mine up if they go get me another one. Usually works. Plus they don't know how to use half the stuff I purchased so they don't touch it. LOL.
well yes I share but only because I gave birth to those babies and use my stuff for they hair. And sometimes I find my husband rummaging though my bathroom looking for shampoo or conditioner and since he bought the stuff, who am I to tell him to get out. In your situation, I would put my stuff where noone could find it cause if they r not using it right and not helping u buy anything and u cant even afford to replace things like u want HELL NO they would not b allowed to use my things. Call me stingy all u want!!
Awww miss stress. If it were my kids I wouldn't mind because I would know ts not being overdone and that it's being used properly. Lol at being called stingy because that's what my mom says I'm being
Yes, they use my things but I am used to it. In our family, what is mine is yours and what is yours is mine. We are all in each other's things which includes money and cars. If someone needs it and you have it, you give it to them.
I purchase hair care items for myself, my two teen sisters, and my nephew. My adult sister is always trying my stuff. Currently, she is in my coconut oil.
If I am missing something, I go look in her bathroom. It does get annoying sometimes but family is family.
My sister, my nephew, and I share a house.
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I'm having the same problem as well. I'm home for the summer and all the hair products I bought were spent with MY money. So, no, I don't just let them use them all willy nilly. What I usually do is buy a hair product and if one of them likes them, I tell them they can use the rest of mine up if they go get me another one. Usually works. Plus they don't know how to use half the stuff I purchased so they don't touch it. LOL.

Ugh I tried that and they always say ther are going to replace it but...... They never do!
My bf and my brother use my stuff. Even when I try to hide it, they still get to it. I don't mind much because I don't spend much on the products and they help me use stuff up that I don't really care for. I try to get my mom to use stuff but she rarely does her own hair.
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Yes, they use my things but I am used to it. In our family, what is mine is yours and what is yours is mine. We are all in each other's things which includes money and cars. If someone needs it and you have it, you give it to them.
I purchase hair care items for myself, my two teen sisters, and my nephew. My adult sister is always trying my stuff. Currently, she is in my coconut oil.
If I am missing something, I go look in her bathroom. It does get annoying sometimes but family is family.
My sister, my nephew, and I share a house.

I understand where your coming from. But in this house, what's mine is theirs and what's theirs is theirs! My mother and I are suppose to be sharing a face wash that she paid for but she for some reason keeps taking it with her to work! So I had to go out and buy my own. So you may see where my anger is coming from
no i dont share my products,i buy my sons there stuff and they know not to go near my bathroom because they will get honey is bald so he requires nothing.
*cough* um I'm the youngest so whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine too ;)
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Ugh I tried that and they always say ther are going to replace it but...... They never do!

Invest in a safe. Yes sometimes it does have to go that far. Especially when they won't reinvest in your purchases. Or you could just tell them if they use it the wrong way it will make their hair fall out. :lachen:That usually keeps people FAR FAR away.
i share without issue. i had a lot of products and im trying to convert my mom into healthy hair care so whats mine is hers.
A safe for hair products :rofl: :rofl:
I share whenever I go home and I send my sister hair products. I guess I would be abit stingy with my staples if they were expensive or hard to find
I said other bc I give the product I don't want to my mom and my sister.

I don't mind using any of my product with my mom but my sister is a different story. I know if I'm too generous with her she'll feel like that's permission to use my stuff whenever she wants w/o asking or offering to go in half. I'm not ballin but I'm not super cheap with my products. I can't afford to keep us both looking good.
When I buy an expensive product I warn my sister not to use to much at one time. My mother usually uses her discretion. She doesnt like using a lot of products in her hair anyways. My suggestion is to just explain to them that they were very expensive and you would prefer if they cut back on the usage. Say a little goes a long way. That way everyone can be somewhat happy. That or just hide the stuff.
I'm like smeagol and his precious, when it comes to certain products.

I mean Im in Jamaica and I have to order most of my dearest stash, then lugg with them back home .. giving up precious pounds and space in my suitcase which could have been utelized by shoes clothes etc LOLOL

sheet ... I'll share a co-washer or DC that I can get from a BSS/pharmacy out here, but anything else is MINEEEEE

yes I said it

does it matter that I live alone ? lololol
Only with my daughter who is a toddler and whose head I have full control over. Everyone else can take a hike because I refuse to see you mishandle your own head in 50-11 ways then want to use my $20 Jane Carter to grease a dirty scalp...NADA!
Only with my daughter who is a toddler and whose head I have full control over. Everyone else can take a hike because I refuse to see you mishandle your own head in 50-11 ways then want to use my $20 Jane Carter to grease a dirty scalp...NADA!
:lachen::lachen::lachen:that got me rollin!
Nope. What's mine is mine, but I dont have people around most of the time so its not an issue.

However, I do let people use stuff when they come to visit, but I usually hand it out so I know what people are using.
Nah, none of my family seem too interested in using my products anyway, which is pretty good for me :D. Though, we do share combs but that's it. My sister is sometimes like, "Eww, please clean your grease stuff [referring to my oils and healthy moisturisers] out of the comb", and I'm just thinking, "OK, so the Pink Oil you use isn't greasy as well?" :rolleyes:.
Only with my children, they get to use some expensive products - not that they care, but with anyone else, hell no!
No, but only because I make sure my daughters have their own great products.:grin:

We use to share products when I wasn't buying a million products. But now I buy enough for everyone to have their own millions of products.:lachen:
I don't mind sharing my products. I mostly use them, anyway. My husband has no use for them, and my stepdaughter rarely uses anything (except for when she takes a good helping of my coconut oil). Even that doesn't bother me so much, though, because I only use coconut oil for my hair when I am undoing a braidout.
I don't have a problem with hair products now since I moved to the apt upstairs cuz every1 knows not to mess w/ my hair products but my problem is food. My sister who moved to the apt next to mine has been raiding my refrigerator like it's a supermarket. Other then that I don't have a problem w/ hair products.
When my family and I are together around the holidays, we share products to an extent. Some products are just simply sacred enough that I don't leave them in the bathroom. I hide those in my closet and take em out when I need them and put them back.
I don't use other people's products in the house but I don't mind them using mine if I spent less than 10 dollars on it. :)
Absolutely not. Everyone knows they can't use my products. If I catch them, they feel my wrath :lachen:

But seriously. I give products away to my family all the time. Products I don't like, that is :look: