Do you all lose as much hair as me?


New Member
When i wash, i dont lose only 2 hairs like somepeople on the site say that they lose, I lose like 30-50 when i was. I'm extemely worried and i really want someone to suggest some type of help for me so that i can reduce the amount of shedding, or breakage(not sure because hair is wet) so that I can only lose 1-2 hairs per wash.....does this mean my hair is in bad condition? HELP!!!!?????
Please and Thanks
I usually use a lot of hair doing washes because I don't comb my hair during the week and always wear it up. Most of it is shedding that is just caught up there.
When I first came to this board I started feeling bad about the amount of hair I was losing but I started to not care because I can definately see that my hair is still healthy and growing.

But I to lose about 25-30 hairs when I wash. With me thought it depends on the time I wait between washes. I dont get as many hairs coming out if I wash it with 2-3 days, but if I wait a week I get 25-30 or maybe a lil less coming out.
i used to lose maybe 20-30 strands. i now lose anywhere from 50-100. it varies from wash to wash. because of this, i only wash my hair once a week.
I would say on average from the wash to the ponytail for airdrying - I probably lose between 20-30...and sometimes a lot less. But, I think the "less" is b/c of me learning to be extremely gentle with my hair. Instead of pulling through tangles, I take special care to detangle. Me learning to detangle well has cut down on how much hair I lose.
i'm one of those people who lose 1-2 hairs when washing and i think it's due to the great tips i picked up on this site, b/c before i was losing ALOT. what i do is section my hair, making a part in the middle and combing it out so that its untangled and i'll comb out the loose hairs. than i'll make four sections and braid that and shampoo each section , mostly the scalp. then use a regular conditioner then detangler. and i'll only comb it section at a time while its under the running water.then after it's all rinsed i use biolage's tonic<--GREAT for tangles.then i put it in a pony tail. i hardly ever mess with it after i get out the water so i dont lose any unneccesay strands. and doing this has truly helped alot. i think it was supergirl and allandra who turned me on to washing my hair this way. all i can say is THANKSSSSSSS
I lose that much daily and on wash day prolly 100. This worries me a lot but my hair is growing so I don't know what to make of this, it also looks way better since joining this board.
I wondered about that too. I only wash once a week and the rest of the time is hands off but on wash day, I'm sure I lose about 50-100. I try not to trip about it but it seems like so much hair sliding into my hands when I wash. I've been at this hair thing since May when I started lurking here, so I don't think this is gonna change too much.
I have to agree with the other ladies. I would not worry about it. If you are moisturizing your hair well and treating your hair with TLC then your hair might just be prone to some breakage during washes. I do have some breakage when I wash but not as much now that I am religiously addicted to this board. I also part my hair in sections and doing that eliminates most of the breakage.
I wouldn't worry. I don' t see alot in the comb when I wash but I see it on the drain. You're probably okay.
I've reduced my conditioner washes to 1 weekly because I was losing about 45 hairs during weeks 6-8 after each touchup (and because I'm slacking on the workouts and sweating less this fall). Yes I was counting those shed strands.

I may try Bree's method of braiding the hair into sections before wetting them in the shower. I don't like to comb my airdried hair dry, though. Biolage leave-in tonic helps tremendously with detangling, but I hate to lose even one strand. Call me obsessive...
i know i used to worry as well, but i get so many compliments on how my hair looks even when its in a bun, it is just so healthy....but i too will lose more hairs when i air dry because my hair is not as strai as when i get a roller set, so i dont even comb it...
I find that the cleaner my hair is, the less hair i lose. Meaning, if i wash 2x a week, i'll only lose about 5-10 hairs per wash and during comb outs, i'll lose the same amount or less. The longer I wait to clean my head, the more hair i lose.
I've never lost only 2 hairs in my life!

Although in yesterdays wash I didn't lose as much. I've made the realization that I am EXTREMELY heavy handed and impatient sometimes on my wash days.

For example, I KNOW I should comb from the bottom and work gently up, I KNOW that when I reach a tangle, I need to stop, work in some conditioner, and work it out with my fingers, I KNOW that should NOT pile my hair on top of my head and scrub......but sometimes I do this stuff anyway, and I lose the hair as a consequence.

I'm not sure if this is something that happens to you, but if you can, on your wash days make that a day where you can REALLY take your time, because we can lose a lot of hair rushing.

This last wash day, it took FOREVER to do my hair because I:

1. Sectioned my hair and twisted it
2. Washed each twist, then rinsed that section, gently combed that section from the bottom up and retwisted it
3. Repeat, lol!

However, because of my handling, I didn't lose a ball of hair, there was barely any hair in the comb. So if your hair is relatively healthy, I'd pay attention to the handling.


p.s. hope you don't think I'm lecturing, I'm just saying what I've discovered
Me too CH...
I washed my hair last Sat. morning and I lost some hair (not that much, but some!!) Then I did a condition wash the next morning and only lost about 5 strands!! I think the first time was just normal shedding becuz the hair hadn't been washed in a week.
I also lose that much hair. This thread is bringing somethings to light as well. Becuase depending on how often I wash or comb my hair depends on how much hair comes out. For instance, I was doing CO washes every day or every other day and would lose about 10 strands. I've been bad at this past week becuase I did not get a chance to wash my hair this past weekend and I've been wearing it up in a ponytail all week spraying leave-in conditioner in. This morning about 7 days I decided to do a quick CO (it was not a good idea cuz my hair is dirty and need to be shampooed). Anyhow, since I have not combed through my hair or washed it in 7 days, and not to mention I have 11 weeks of new growth, about 50-75 hairs came out this morning. I was like WHOA! But now I don't feel to bad. I will be doing a shampoo wash, aphogee treatment, deep conditioner tomorrow to help strengthen my hair.
I condition wash my hair everyday in the spring/summer/fall during the first 2 months post touchup. I lose about 15 hairs a day and my hair dosnt' seem to be getting thinner and it's certainly healthier so I don't worry about it. If I waited a week before I washed my hair, I'm sure 50-100 hairs would be coming out so I still think that is normal. I use to be losing about 50 hairs a day!
but after I stopped using infusium 23, that all stopped and so did my extra breakage so now I am just very gentle and the daily manipulation dosn't bother my hair (until I get past that 2nd month and then I absoulutely cannot be combing everyday)
Dont't worry girl, I had the same frustration when I joined this board. I asked the same question about strand loss during a shampoo and got so upset when I saw that people were losing less than 10-15 strands per wash. I can tell you that the more conditioned your hair is the less you lose, but 50-100 strands is normal(dermatology will tell you this) and there are vaious times when you will lose more or less. The key is to get your hair to it's healthiest stage and you will see that you shed less and less.
I lose about 20-30 strand when I wash my hair twice a week
but I dont worry about it because my hair is still growing
and is healthy.I am going to try parting my hair in
sections to see if I lose less hair.
I posted this on another thread, but do you ladies think puttin the leavin's in while wet makes you lose hair?