Do you agree that?


New Member
My mom always told me to never comb or brush my hair when its dry... cause it would break... like many times i would have not put anything in my hair and i would just run the comb through ti and it would break but i thought i was normal... she alway told me to put moisturizing lotion on it before and then comb it..

what yall think?
i agree. i think i learned it on lhcf by the way. i thnk it makes the hair more softer and manageable therefore there will be minimal breakage i do this religiously for so long im scared not to.

p.s. i dont have a comb and bathroom full of hair anymore
Your mom is right!:yep: I never comb my hair unless it is moisturized first. During the week I only finger comb if it feels tangled I will use my wood comb at the ends, but I Never drag a comb thru my dry hair. I only fully detangle once a week on wash days and thats after I have applied my leave-ins.
LOL that takes me wayyyy back to my mom saying the same thing because my hair was so thick!!! But unfortunately she also always told me to never brush WET HAIR but brush dry hair instead. Well for starters, if you're doing no or low manipulation, you can just finger comb your hair if that makes you feel better. But you can only do what you feel benefits you and your hair. Some use a wide tooth comb, to comb their hair, but I feel it's all about what you're comfortable with doing, provided it's not making your hair break off.
I agree with your mom. My hair can never be brushed, wet or dry, it breaks to much. I can only comb my hair:yep:
I guess it depends on the results you get when you comb it dry.
When my hair was damaged and I had not found the perfect balance of protein/moisture, my hair would break EVERY single time I combed it. I changed relaxers, and balanced my use of protein/moisture and experienced no more than 2-3 broken pieces when I combed.
Now the only time I have to moisturize before combing is if the conditioner I used with my last wash was not sufficient.