Do ya'll like CON conditioner?


New Member
I have only tried the shampoo in the green bottle and the one in the red bottle. I am kind of skeptical about the conditioner because it is rare to find a brand of hair care products that works in all spectrums of hair care regimen (ie shampoo, conditioner, leave-in, detangler.. etc)
How do ya'll feel about the CON conditioner?
have ya'll seen a leave-in for it?
I really like the CON Nourishing conditioner. I bought it because Sistaslick used to use it, and Im in love. I got it from Walmart and it was a little over $3.00. Its cheap, and it works IMO. And like TSUPrincess said, it does contain mineral oil, but its not in the first 5 ingredients, its down further on the list of ingredients. I think you should try it.:D And I dont think they have a leave-in.
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Thanks for responding/ I have been wanting to try it because of the slip that i know the 'poo gives but I'm reluctant. I guess all I can do is just try it and see what happens. I think I want to try also the following:

Elucence MB conditioner
Suave Humectant
Natures Gate (?) Not quite sure about this one

Any suggestions for a leave in?
I love CON (green bottle) and dying to try the nourishing conditioner. I ordered some can't wait for it to arrive.
I love the nourishing conditioner!! it smells excellent. i used it before i started my hair journey. i'm thinking of going back to it.
I have the CON Nourishing Conditioner and I have used it on and off for years. To me, it's not as amazing as the CON (green) poo but it is a good conditioner. Although mineral oil per se doesn't typically bother me, sometimes I find this conditioner to be bit "heavy" and I think it might be becuase it contains lanolin oil too.