Do We Use Romans 3:23 as a Pass?


Well-Known Member
Meaning that we use it as an excuse for sinning. Normally, I use it in reference to a Christian who has stumbled along his/her walk as we all will at some point. But as of late, I've been noticing that people are using it in regard to those who are in church, hearing the word, and still sinning. I just feel like we trivialize the scripture when we do that and give people a pass for not even trying to live up to His standards. :perplexed Comments? Thoughts?
Yes, I do find this happens at times. Unfortunately, people will manipulate the Word to fit their circumstances.:nono:
Yeah. But I also notice that people use it to coddle others instead of just telling them the truth in love.
I don't think we use it as a pass. Most of the time I hear it referenced is to tell people who have fallen short that it is only human to do so and so they shouldn't feel like all hope is now lost but must instead rise up again.

I tend to see most people use the notion of being saved by faith alone as a pass to do whatever, just as long as they "believe."
I have not used it as a pass but I know others who have and they found out although we ask for forgivness it does not dismiss the punishment or wrath that still may come. I just ask for forgiveness and try very hard to not make excuses but learn from it and move on. Paul talked about people who abused God's grace in this area. These are people who know they are going to sin ahead time then keep asking for forgiveness for the same thing knowingly they have no intentions of changing. God does not look just as the action but the attitude. Are we really sorry about what we have done. This is why some people escape judgement after true repentness because God is looking at there hearts after they truly repent to Him.
I have not used it as a pass but I know others who have and they found out although we ask for forgivness it does not dismiss the punishment or wrath that still may come. I just ask for forgiveness and try very hard to not make excuses but learn from it and move on. Paul talked about people who abused God's grace in this area. These are people who know they are going to sin ahead time then keep asking for forgiveness for the same thing knowingly they have no intentions of changing. God does not look just as the action but the attitude. Are we really sorry about what we have done. This is why some people escape judgement after true repentness because God is looking at there hearts after they truly repent to Him.

Ohhh, good post. Can you direct me to the scripture or a general area?
I don't think we use it as a pass. Most of the time I hear it referenced is to tell people who have fallen short that it is only human to do so and so they shouldn't feel like all hope is now lost but must instead rise up again.

Right. This is how I interpret it to be used.

I tend to see most people use the notion of being saved by faith alone as a pass to do whatever, just as long as they "believe."[/quote]

I don't think we use it as a pass. Most of the time I hear it referenced is to tell people who have fallen short that it is only human to do so and so they shouldn't feel like all hope is now lost but must instead rise up again.

Right. This is how I interpret it to be used.

I tend to see most people use the notion of being saved by faith alone as a pass to do whatever, just as long as they "believe."[/quote]


Yes, are correct. Unfortunately, these people will be before the Righteous Judge and will find out the truth a little to late.

"And in that day, they will say..."didn't we prophesy in your name, and cast out devils, etc, etc....and He will say..."depart from me you worker of iniquity...I know you not."

My heart grieves for the lost and for those who live this way.:perplexed
Yes, are correct. Unfortunately, these people will be before the Righteous Judge and will find out the truth a little to late.

"And in that day, they will say..."didn't we prophesy in your name, and cast out devils, etc, etc....and He will say..."depart from me you worker of iniquity...I know you not."

My heart grieves for the lost and for those who live this way.:perplexed

Mine too. And the above makes me :blush:. Off to beat this flesh into submission...:perplexed
I have not used it as a pass but I know others who have and they found out although we ask for forgivness it does not dismiss the punishment or wrath that still may come. I just ask for forgiveness and try very hard to not make excuses but learn from it and move on. Paul talked about people who abused God's grace in this area. These are people who know they are going to sin ahead time then keep asking for forgiveness for the same thing knowingly they have no intentions of changing. God does not look just as the action but the attitude. Are we really sorry about what we have done. This is why some people escape judgement after true repentness because God is looking at there hearts after they truly repent to Him.

Yes, I think this is very true. God looks at if we are really trying or not.
Ohhh, good post. Can you direct me to the scripture or a general area?

Romans 6 - King James

1What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?

2God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

3Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

Romans 6:1-3 (Contemporary English Version)Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society

Romans 6
Dead to Sin but Alive because of Christ

1What should we say? Should we keep on sinning, so that God's wonderful kindness will show up even better? 2No, we should not! If we are dead to sin, how can we go on sinning? 3Don't you know that all who share in Christ Jesus by being baptized also share in his death?

Read Whole Chapter and book of Roman if you can it gives complete picture of Pharisees and other attitude about sin.
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I do not see Romans 3:23 as a pass to sin. This verse is letting us know that all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. It's NOT saying "since we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory, it's okay to sin."
And for those people who do use this as a pass to sin... they need to read the Bible a bit further to Romans 6 where it says "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"
Yes, are correct. Unfortunately, these people will be before the Righteous Judge and will find out the truth a little to late.

"And in that day, they will say..."didn't we prophesy in your name, and cast out devils, etc, etc....and He will say..."depart from me you worker of iniquity...I know you not."

My heart grieves for the lost and for those who live this way.:perplexed

WOW!! This is powerful! What scripture is this?