Do u know how to "re-seal" a pump bottle?


New Member
If there is a way I don't know how to do it.

A favorite product of mine went bad after only 4 months of being opened. I'm "assuming" it's from not re-sealing the bottle.

Then again, it may not be. Luckily, I had a new bottle on hand to see the difference. The cream color in the new bottle was a bright white, while old bottle was grey and not working properly.

If you know how to re-seal a pump bottle I would greatly appreciate it or this might be one of those products that may need the expiration date checked. It's Tigi, so it's not handmade.
Perhaps the rubber gasket came out of the pump on the old bottle. I would say buy a pack of assorted gaskets from the hardware store and try to fix it that way. The easiest solution may be to just transfer it to a new spray bottle that has an intact seal.