Do U have a Hair Journal?


Well-Known Member
My hair feels so yummy right now that I started to rake my brain about "what" I did differently this week.

I'm a product junkie so just knowing that I moisturized and sealed with "something" is not enough - I NEED TO START WRITING DOWN EXACTLY WHAT I DID TO MY HAIR! THE PRODUCTS AND MAYBE EVEN THE ORDER!

I'm trying to use up my stash, so I need to rememeber what works great, and what works not so great.

Does anyone keep a detailed day-to-day hair journal to keep track of what you do and apply to your hair?
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I don't but I've been thinking of getting a pocket calendar type book devoted to my hair and what I do to it to track weeks post relaxer, the last time I did a protein treatment, what I mixed for dc's etc. I think it's a great idea to do to keep track of what works well and what doesn't so much.
I kept a very detailed journal and it was extremely helpful in keeping track of how many times I washed my hair to which products I used. It's very helpful, you should get one. I need a new one, can't wait to get it. I is very helpful to me obtaining healthy longer hair.
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I have a hair journal, I wish I had started one when I first started my journey, it would have saved me alot of headaches. I actually started mine in may, I think everyone should have one, it makes good sense.
I use my fotki for my journal. I don't update everyday though...just the important things, like a change in my reggie or the way my hair reacts to something new.
I have an online hair journal. It's not as detailed as I'd like it to be, though, because I don't have the time to record what I do for every wash.

I do make sure to keep a note of what's been working, and I record my hair issues there.
Yes, I have a hair journal. I notate on a day to day basis which vitamins I have taken. I do not write down what I do to my hair day to day UNLESS I change products or styling techniques. I am anal about tracking when I wash/co-wash and ALL of the things I did during the wash process. I track things such as when I relaxed and protein treatments. I also write down things like hair goals, hair care tips, and the like. I've been keeping it since I started my hair journey at the end of May.
I Don't Journal per se, But....I do write out my weekly regimen (sometimes monthly regimen) and I put a lot of "thought" into what I am going to use on my Hair & Why and in What Order.:look:

It helps me stay focused to go into Wash Day with "A Plan":grin:

After my Wash Day, I then begin to evaluate my Hair and start making decisions for the upcoming wash day.
Yes I do. Fotki is my picture journal and I have a calendar that I print for the whole year that keeps of with relaxers, weeks post, trims/dust, and what I do to my hair weekly such as what I wash it with, and/or styles.
I do! It was the best thing I could have ever done! I keep track of staple products, products I want to try, some information about safe ways to color (which I got from certain threads on this board)...I don't write in it everyday, but I do write in weekly. I use a calendar as well to keep track of relaxers and wash days...I try not to do too many things on a schedule per se, such as protein this week, moisture the next...I'm still learning though...
No but I know I need one so I can remember exactly when I last poo'd and henna'd etc. Thanks. i will probably pick up a lil notebook so I can start keeping track. I said I was going to use my calander but yea right.
I do. I have always journaled my hair care journey. I feel that anything that you are serious about you are going to write down information so you can refer back to it to troubleshoot if need be.
Yes, I ordered one of those Dayminder monthly planning calendars for my boss and he didn't like it so I kept it.

I just jot down what I do to or don't do to my hair everyday and which products I used.

I've used it from the start and it's very helpful. It helps me track how long I've used a product before dumping it or how long something lasts. I also write a quick note on if I like my hair that day or not.

I take pictures weekly but I really need to start uploading them and getting them off of my memory stick.
I keep a journal on my computer. I usually only record the days I shampoo/condition. If I switch up products, I make a note of how my hair felt, if it was easier or harder to detangle, if it looked really moisturized the next day, etc..
I have been keeping a detailed journal since 2006. And this summer added pictures of inspirational and healthy afro-hair textures. I look at those pictures everyday and write in the journal once a month or if something has drastically changed.

Almond Eyes
Nah, I just don't have the desire.
I have the hair blog that I barely post in. I don't think I'll ever keep a detailed journal of hair stuff.
When I was texlaxing I'd just mark the day I got my touch up on the calendar so I could count 4 months out to get my next one.
Now, I've not nothing to really mark down...
I do! It helps me keep track of the products that are working for me and not working for me. It also helps me keep track of my moisture/protien balance.
Yes. It consists of my spreadsheet for product inventory, dos and donts for my hair and planning my weekend shampoos in advance. :yep:
No, but that's an excellent idea!
It would also help PJ's remember what they did/didn't like about individual products.
Yes i have one, i write what im going to use on my hair and what i did to my hair. So if i have problems with my hair i can pin point what is causing it. Im going to start being more detailed with it like listing all my products and what i will buy or not buy again.
I keep a journal and it has helped me so much. I can follow which products have been really great for my hair and also eliminate those that were not.

Last week sometime I got a compliment on my hair and I couldn't remember exactly what I did to it. I looked it up this weekend in my journal and there it was!

I just started one, is in spanish, my native languaje, because we are a LOT of afrolatinas out there and there is not too much information in spanish.
I just started it, and i'm translating good information i find in differents sites, forums and magazines.

The link is :
I used to b4 i found LHCF (maybe 2002-2004). I used to update everytime i went to the salon or tried new products/techniques.. I stopped because i thought that it was weird and obsessive :look:

Glad to see that it wasnt just me though lol
Yes I have one! I am so glad I am not the only one. I told a friend and she thought it was funny enough to call her mom.:blush: That was the last time I mentioned it to someone IRL.

It has my vitamins, hair regimen, a calendar for my C&G method as well as how many weeks post before I relx, pics of my growth, my supply list, product instructions from the manufacturers, rules for the challenges I am in for the year, Hair Inspirations, and hair style how to.
I used my fotki early on as a hair journal and now I use my blog. I think it's a wonderful idea, along with pictures, to keep track of things especially if you are a PJ
No, I am a creature of habit. If something works, I do over and over again. When I try something new, I can automatically tell if it works or not.
As soon as I started trying hair care practices that I learned about from LHCF, when I officially launched my HHJ to grow my hair to great lengths, I started jotting down in my day planner what I was doing with my hair, especially on wash and co-wash days and how my hair felt that day.

I now think it would be a good idea to get a dedicated hair journal and include my moisture and sealing regime as well -- and include pictures.