Do u Comb relaxer to the ends....


New Member
Everytime I get a touch-up I tell my stylist I want her to only apply the relaxer to my new-growth but then right before we take the relaxer out she combs it through to the ends. I have asked her not to this mutiple times but she says that this is necessary to make sure that the hair gets completely straight. Is this true?:perplexed
Everytime I get a touch-up I tell my stylist I want her to only apply the relaxer to my new-growth but then right before we take the relaxer out she combs it through to the ends. I have asked her not to this mutiple times but she says that this is necessary to make sure that the hair gets completely straight. Is this true?:perplexed

No it's not. I had a stylist do that to me once and my hair started snapping and breaking all over the place after the fact.
That is not correct way to apply a relaxer. For most, this causes over-processing, overly-dry hair, and lots of breakage. (I say most, cuz I know people who do this and their hair is still thick :wallbash: But I do not recommend this to anyone!!)

Since you have mentioned that you have told about this multiple times and she still doesn't listen, I suggest you get a new stylist ASAP (if possible!) Good luck
Thanks ladies I didnt think u were suppose to apply relaxer to already processed hair, but she always replies" I've been doing this for years". This time I will stand my ground:whip:.
I think its time to have her step away from the relaxer...

And re-educate herself about proper hair care.

Wait a tic..dont they put the directions on how to put on the perm..
NO, NO, NO!! :nono:

I would not comb a relaxer all the way to my ends and would be ready to slap a stylist who did. :boxing:
Please find another stylist.. She does not know what she is doing. It is a known fact that that isnt the right way to apply a relaxer. I wouldnt even go back to her and try to stand my ground... find another stylist
No way jose! Consider getting a new stylist.

ETA: And doesn't it even say in the relaxer directions to apply the relaxer to new growth only when doing a touch up? :perplexed
Ditto to what ^^^^she said.


Relaxing is a chemical process, it permanently changes hair structure. With that being said, why would you keep going over and over hair that has already been processed.

Don't stand you ground, LEAVE
Gurl, You betta find a new stylist before you don't have any hair to relax:nono:. Have you suffer from any breakage? I just focus on my ng that it.:yep:
NO!!!!! find another stylist or be a do it your slef'er. i had stylist do this to me all the time, as soon as a stop going my hair took off. you can't pay me sh#$ to step foot in a salon.
no i use mazani sensitive scalp and my last relaxer was six months ago. My ends actually look healthy. She had me thinking this is normal.
You do that with a color application but not with relaxer.
How long has she been doing your hair?
Dayum!!!!:perplexed Even a freaking box perm says to only do the new growth in the instructions.

The only ground that I would be "standing on" is the ground id be using to walk from shop to shop interviewing new stylist.

Ya dig???:look:
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I agree with the ladies...this should not be done. However, it just amazes me that some of these stylist think just because they have a license that they know everything...and they DON'T...and you have told her not to do it and she still don't listen! IMO I would find someone else to do my are the consumer and she should respect you! Back in the day when I was much younger and hot headed....she would have gotten a beat down...:brucelee:

First of all you are never supposed to put relaxer on already relaxed hair. I learned that is hair school and you know they know nothing about black hair.

Please find a new beautician.....
My mom MADE me do this when she asked me to relax her hair. I steadfastly protested and tried to educate her but she protested and I did as I was told but she WILL NEVER relax my sister's hair because of this.

Cut your visits to this stylist short, in fact cut her retarted butt for still doing this crazy mess :lachen:
thankfully you've gotten your answer. PLEASE find a new stylist. what's she's doing is PURE IGNANT (& yes I mean IGNANT:wallbash:) FOOLISHNESS! she is destroying/weakening your hair shaft everytime she does this. don't give her another chance. she's already proven she won't listen to you. don't waste your time or your money.
You're not supposed to comb the relaxer period. whether it's just through the new growth or to the ends. That's very damaging. like the others said:

Naw, girl. You'd be better off doing your own. My mom used to do this to me before i learned on my own. Thank God I have relaxer resistant hair. All the salons I went to did the same thing too.:ohwell: I do my own, now. The only time I ever did comb thru was my virgin relaxer. If I don't do this, I'll be texlaxed.:rolleyes: