Do TWA ers or BC ers go to the barbershop?


Well-Known Member
My female relatives (who have not seen my hair) keep telling me that I have to go to the barbershop. I BCed a few days ago & my last relaxer was Oct. 2011. I'm OK with going 1 time for an initial shape up but I prefer home hair care.

Since this was done on a whim, I'm still searching for products. I'm on the very kinky side of 4b. Right now my biggest issue is how my matted my hair is in the morning how it seems like I have straight hairs popping up.
No. I BC to almost nothing so I didn't need to. Barbers tend to cut women's hair the way they do men's hair and you end up looking kind of masculine in the hair department. They try to line you up and everything.:nono:
I cut my hair myself (on a whim) and my intention was to have a barber shape it up for me. Not line it but shape the fro. I never got around to it.

A lot of women go to barbers.

ETA: As for matting, that was pretty common for me. I had to co-wash every morning.
I big chopped in December and my goal is to grow my hair back to bra strap and I scissors will not be touching my hair anytime soon. loved, what are your hair goals?
But to answer your question. You don't have to go. It's not mandatory. However, if your hair is patchy then by all means go. Make sure you tell them NOT to line you up.
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I big chopped in December and my goal is to grow my hair back to bra strap and I scissors will not be touching my hair anytime soon. loved, what are your hair goals?

I intend to stay natural for at least 2 years & my goal is to get my thick healthy texture down to MBL. I cut my hair off to start from scratch. I wanted to see my own hair texture, which I have not seen since middle school & I wanted to retain thick healthy hair.

If I do relax again, I will not go bone straight - it will be textlaxed. I was tired of dealing with hair that was growing but the ends were see through.
I went to the barber's shop twice... and twice they lined me up, and cut off all the hair at my nape... lol... Never again.... Me and my hair have been thru so much madness together...

I BC'd myself and went to the barber's shop the next day (came out looking like a man)... couple months later went again (came out looking like a man)

Then I went and got my hair braided... lady convinced me to hotcomb the hair.... lost 2 inches overall to heat damage...

Then I had an obsession with keeping all my strands equal... scissors by my bed... snipping away... sometimes cutting 1 - 2 inches of braided hair for my hair to be equal..

Then I went to a "highly respected" salon for a flat Iron and trim.... Lady chopped at least 2 inches all over, gave me a bang (4.5 inches off the front) and gave me 4 inches of heat damage.... Cut most of it off already....

Sorry OP I know I you didn't ask for all this info... lol... I'm just so sad thinking about where my hair would have been if all this cutting didn't take place...

Don't go to a barber's shop. Cut it yourself....
I went to the barber's shop twice... and twice they lined me up, and cut off all the hair at my nape... lol... Never again.... Me and my hair have been thru so much madness together...

I BC'd myself and went to the barber's shop the next day (came out looking like a man)... couple months later went again (came out looking like a man)

Then I went and got my hair braided... lady convinced me to hotcomb the hair.... lost 2 inches overall to heat damage...

Then I had an obsession with keeping all my strands equal... scissors by my bed... snipping away... sometimes cutting 1 - 2 inches of braided hair for my hair to be equal..

Then I went to a "highly respected" salon for a flat Iron and trim.... Lady chopped at least 2 inches all over, gave me a bang (4.5 inches off the front) and gave me 4 inches of heat damage.... Cut most of it off already....

Sorry OP I know I you didn't ask for all this info... lol... I'm just so sad thinking about where my hair would have been if all this cutting didn't take place...

Don't go to a barber's shop. Cut it yourself....

THANK YOU! This is exactly the type of info I'm looking for.
My good friend goes to a barber because she keeps her hair short. She never looks like a guy. If you feel you really need to go, get references or go and talk with a barber and tell them what you want. Good barbers with experience know how to shape a woman's hair.
I went to a natural hair salon and that worked well for me because after they BC they styled it so the shock didn't last too long because my hair looked fly after all.
You dont have to go to the barber shop. When I bc'd my hair was a little matted in the mornings and I just cowashed, then raked a little bit of clear gel thru it or spritzed it with water/conditioner mix.

Unless you have patches or it looks very uneven, I would skip the barber shop visit.
@reeko43 I concur.

I kept a twa for about 15 years and NEVER had an issue with looking masculine. its important to know how to talk to your barber. few things i learned:

--never had them touch my hairline and only allowed minimal shaping near the temple/ear area. unless you're trying to rock a caesar (which works for some) i found that no shaping on my hairline

--unless you want the back faded, apply the same rule as above, only minimal shaping--just enough to make it look neat.

--talk to the barber. establish a relationship. be very clear about what you want, how you want to look. i found, whenever i did get a cut i wasn't too crazy about, it was for two reasons: I went to a different barber, or i wasn't totaly clear. unlike @loved experience, every time i went to a salon, they always felt that they knew best and would never listen, never got it right, and it cost way too much.

i loved going to the barber--WAY cheaper than the salon, i got a really face flattering, even cut, and i felt they understood how to work with the various textures better than a standard salon. and the really good ones will educate you.

looking for a barber is like looking for a dentist. once you get the right one, its heaven.

also, go at the least busiest time, which i found to be late morning/midday during the week--weekends are just to busy and the places will be filled with lots of men. the quiet times are best. you'll have time to talk with them, ask questions and work slowly to get what you want right.

had i not moved overseas, i probably would've never started growing out my hair.
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I went to the barber. It was OK but I will not be going back. He took a lot off, but since I only have a few months of new growth it should work itself out in a couple months.
I went to a barber when I wanted a fade and wanted to keep it short. I was never lined up and I loved my cut the second time. The first time I wasn't sure what I wanted to the barber kind of did his own thing, it still looked nice, though. The second time, I knew more of what I wanted and communicated that to him.

I loved going to the barber.
I did, and do. I think you need to know what you want and tell them the you don't want to be outlined in the front and to keep it as close to the natural shape at the nape. I have never had an issue with looking masculine. I just open my mouth and tell them what I want.

If all you want is your fro shaped up tell them and make sure that they are clear.

Good Luck!
I went once several years ago but for my second bc i went to the stylist i always go to. Im not a fan of the "edge up" on females (as you can clearly see in my siggy with my hairy neck:lachen:)