Did you do Your Own BC?

I barely post in here but I BC after one year of transitioning and I love it!! I didn't plan it, I just got fed up of the dual textures this Saturday and grabbed the scissors.

I did go to a stylist after because I wanted a particular style for the summer. When summer ends I will grow it out and do twists, etc.
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I did my own BC at 15.5 months post relaxer.
I was fearful of cutting any natural hair, so I ended up with a good amount of straight pieces. For about a month, I was cutting straight pieces off my fro. It wasn't really noticeable to anyone because I had my hair in braids during the week and a puff on weekends(the braid out helped conceal the straight ends).

Same! I refused to go to the salon! lol. I don't know of any in my area.
Yes I did do my own BC, and I'm pretty proud that I did :grin:. I transitioned for almost 10 weeks (had planned to go for a year at least), and BC'd first semester freshmen year in the dorms. I wanted the whole spiritual experience so I started chopping at exactly midnight after listening to my favorite song :lol:. My friends helped me after my initial cuts, and I ended up taking off a little more than I had to. I ended up with .5 inch of hair because I didn't want to have any relaxed ends left. 5.5 years later, I've never let a stylist put scissors to my head :lol:.
Hmm that sounds interesting. Did you just go over it with parts that were sticking up/out? Sorry for all the questions. But I'm thinking I want to do this myself and I could use the help.

I picked it out and used the clippers with a guard to even out any lumps and to shape it the way that I wanted.

I'm kinda used to using clippers though. You might want to be extra careful if you've never used them.

Here's a video of a BC with clippers. I basically did what he did in the first minute of this video. She ended up with a fade. I still had at least an inch of hair left over.

I picked it out and used the clippers with a guard to even out any lumps and to shape it the way that I wanted.

I'm kinda used to using clippers though. You might want to be extra careful if you've never used them.

Here's a video of a BC with clippers. I basically did what he did in the first minute of this video. She ended up with a fade. I still had at least an inch of hair left over.


Oh! Thank you so much for this! This really helped.
I transitioned for almost 2 yrs when I finally got fed up with my relaxed ends. I did about 12 twists and snipped the straight pieces myself. I haven't been to a salon in about 5 or 6 yrs...if it ain't broke.
I did my BC after a 15 month transition. Soaked my hair in conditioner and water and cut as the demarcation line. I was more than 5 months post but my growth was below average at the time so it wasn't very long. Anyway I just worked with what I had at the time. No shaping after either because I just wanted it to grow out. If you've only got a few more inches of relaxed hair, yea just do it yourself. If you're going to rock a wig, for example, there is no need to shape it really.
No wigging it for me. That is why I am planning to cut now, during the summer. I want to enjoy the short hair. But I want to look cute too. Thanks everyone for your input.
I mini-chopped after 26 months and because I maintained APL/BSL (towards the end) I only had a few inches to chop. I split my hair into four, soaked it with conditioner and went to town. I did the front and I let my Mom and brother each do one in the back.

It was a lot of fun :)
I say do it yourself and save your money. I BC'd three times. The first time after transitioning for 6 mo., I cut it with scissors and it was fine. Just make sure you get all of the scraggly relaxed ends off. The next two times I BC'd, my brother and hubby used clippers to shave it all off to a fade for me.