Do short hairs always = breakage or...........

Carrie A

Well-Known Member
Could there be another explanation? For example, the new hairs that replace shed hairs will be short compared to your old hairs right? I'm trying to figure out if all of my short hairs are from breakage.
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Could there be another explanation? For example, the new hairs that replace shed hairs will be short compare to your old hairs right? I'm trying to figure out if all of my short hairs are from breakage.

Not always. I can usually tell the difference because the new hairs feel like baby hair at the ends and are very fine. But they also feel smooth along the strand. Hair that has broken off feels a bit longer and does not usually feel as smooth nor as fine. But this is just the general case. The newer hair also tends to be a bit halo-y
Another thing to consider is hair is shedding and starting to grow all the time, and not in just one section but all over the place. So a few new hairs started to grow yesterday another set the day before...and the difference in the length is negligible coz growth per day is so tiny. Most likely the new baby hairs that just started their journed are flanked by long hairs so being able to spot them, may not be so easy.

I say all that to say that if you see an area that stands out where hair is much shorter than everywhere else, chances are that's breakage. When hair sheds normally, you don't end up with a huge bald section. Similarly, you can't have a section where all the hair started growing just the other day coz that would mean it all shed at once at one time--which only happens if there's something wrong. Normal shedding happens w/o any obvious indication of where the hair came from because all around are hairs in different stages of growth with no plans of shedding just yet.

I went through post partum shedding earlier this year so I have lots of fine little baby hairs sprouting all over the place. When I get breakage, it's in one area, like the ends, or where I put my ponytail too often
Thanks for this OP, as I was just asking myself this the other day and was researching the cause of little fine hairs here and there, but did not quite know how to phrase the question to start a thread. I do know that I do nothing to cause or support breakage and my reggie has not changed. But this reminds me of the other epiphany caused when i learned of lead hairs from this site. thanks again.
Can be shedding or breakage. I spot check the strands to determine the type of hair loss. If it has a bulb, I consider it shedding. If it's without a bulb and has a white frayed tip, then I consider that to be breakage from a split end that has broken off from the strand. If it's without any type of white whatsoever, that's just plain ole hair snapping from the strand.
Overall older strands shed before new ones, so if you see short hairs, there's a good chance they could be breakage.
Another thing to consider is hair is shedding and starting to grow all the time, and not in just one section but all over the place. So a few new hairs started to grow yesterday another set the day before...and the difference in the length is negligible coz growth per day is so tiny. Most likely the new baby hairs that just started their journed are flanked by long hairs so being able to spot them, may not be so easy.

I say all that to say that if you see an area that stands out where hair is much shorter than everywhere else, chances are that's breakage. When hair sheds normally, you don't end up with a huge bald section. Similarly, you can't have a section where all the hair started growing just the other day coz that would mean it all shed at once at one time--which only happens if there's something wrong. Normal shedding happens w/o any obvious indication of where the hair came from because all around are hairs in different stages of growth with no plans of shedding just yet.


Nonie That's what I was having a hard time visualizing. I was thinking well if hair is shedding diffusely shouldn't there just be visible short stubbly hairs all over. I thought why isn't there an extreme density difference between the roots and ends excluding breakage.

But the flanking is a good point. The hairs probably ride along for a while before the old hair is shed. Do you have any microscopic images of new hairs.

I know for sure that I have breakage in the front. I was trying to justify the little hairs I was seeing at the crown but I accept that it's breakage :sad:.
Thanks for this OP, as I was just asking myself this the other day and was researching the cause of little fine hairs here and there, but did not quite know how to phrase the question to start a thread. I do know that I do nothing to cause or support breakage and my reggie has not changed. But this reminds me of the other epiphany caused when i learned of lead hairs from this site. thanks again.


See with me I think most of my hair twigs which cause me concern are breakage. At the crown for example there are a few short hairs here and there. Not a huge patch yet geographically close in proximity. Also although I have fine hair in general, the short hairs look a little developed for lack of a better word. They are "little people" vs toddlers. Still, I wish I could see the growing young hairs.

See with me I think most of my hair twigs which cause me concern are breakage. At the crown for example there are a few short hairs here and there. Not a huge patch yet geographically close in proximity. Also although I have fine hair in general, the short hairs look a little developed for lack of a better word. They are "little people" vs toddlers. Still, I wish I could see the growing young hairs.

lol ^^^, I see what you mean.
The few wisps of hair I found are not like huge patches and I have thick hair in general with thicker strands and they too look well developed but with the thickness my hair has, its hard to really say for sure. Also, I saw them when straightening my hair about a week ago but don't see the fine strands with airdried hair. So, I dunno if it's breakage or just shed hair regrowth, but, I will be mindful from now on when manipulating my hair and stay on top of my moisture, protein game. btw OP, your hair is da bizzness!:yep: