Do relaxers cause you physical pain?

Does no one else experience this??

I have! Once I started going to the salon for relaxers, it got progressively worse and worse.

I haven't had a relaxer in a few years, however I do remember getting a few that left my head feeling hot and giving me a headache. I remember when rinsing it would sting and I knew it wasn't going to be good the next morning. I would wake up the next morning and couldn't comb my hair because it was stuck to my scalp with puss and sores. That along with my hair getting thinner and thinner caused me to stop getting relaxers.

I couldn't understand why friends would have such great results with bouncing hair and never had a problem but I would always regret getting a relaxer the very next day.

Sound a lot like my experience...the burning, scabs and hair stuck to my scalp. My hair was beautiful, but my scalp was a hot mess. Then after about 15 years relaxed, my hair started to be thinner than usual and not grow past between SL and APL. That's when I gave up!

It's been awhile since I relaxed, but I can recall my scalp feeling as though it were on fire a number of times while getting relaxed (even with a mild relaxer and not letting it sit in long).

Honestly, leaving behind the pain of relaxing (figuratively and literally) was a big incentive in my decision to go natural.

:yep: Me too.
no not really...and I went to a dermatologist and he told me that since ezema is caused by dry sensitive skin, me putting the relaxer on my scalp is always going to irritate it. The best I can do is just make sure I dont go during a breakout and wash it soon afterwards and treat it like a baby until my next touchup. SO basically if I were to continue getting relaxers I would be constantly irritating my scalp and leading myself to a breakout and then just treating it and getting it better until I cause another breakout by getting another touchup. No bueno
I don't like basing my scalp with vasalins, instead I add plenty of olive oil to the relaxer mixture. You could give that a try.

But if the relaxer isn't agreeing with you then just stop it isn't worth it, try the Brazlian Keratin Treatment instead
I'm happy to hear that you decided to transition. There is no reason to suffer so much for straight hair. You can always straighten your hair with a hot comb or flat iron if you like that look. I have sensitive dry skin and also suffer from eczema too. My experiences with relaxers weren't as awful as yours but they weren't pleasant either.
Sending you well wishes on your HHJ. :)
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OP, I'm so glad you decided to transition!!! You're in the right place for that!!! :bighug: We're here for you!!!
OP I'm glad you've decided to transition. I'm texlaxed (self-relaxer, lye, barely base, no pain) and I have no intention of going natural BUT if I had a skin condition that made relaxing such a terrible experience I would stop. Your health is more important than straight hair, and you can still have that swang with natural hair. I'm sure the natural ladies here will help you through. Good luck.
I don't like basing my scalp with vaseline, instead I add plenty of olive oil to the relaxer mixture. You could give that a try.

But if the relaxer isn't agreeing with you then just stop it isn't worth it, try the Brazlian Keratin Treatment instead
Neither do I..I can't part through my hair straight enough by the time I'm ready to retouch anyway:lol:.
With the olive oil added, does your hair come out texlaxed or somewhat straight?

And OP, you must be getting relaxer on your scalp. If you /the person relaxing was using an applicator brush (with bristles), don't next time (or ever).
Occasionally I would get scalp burns... basing my scalp really helped. I would base my scalp daily for 2 days before relaxing.