Do relaxers cause you physical pain?

My stylist currently uses Design Essentials Sensitive Scalp on me. However, I've used practically every brand on the market at one time or another.

I've never had problems with getting a relaxer. No burns, scabs, irritations, etc. I scratch my scalp whenever I want. I even cowash the night before my relaxers with no problems. I say all that to say this - maybe relaxers aren't for you.

The ladies in this thread have given some wonderful advice whether you decide to stay relaxed or transition to natural. Be sure to let us know what you decide.
A co worker of mine stopped relaxing her hair because she would get awful headaches. Come to think of it..i stopped getting headaches after I went natural..
See your dermatologist again to make sure your eczema isn't getting worse from a medical stand point. You sound like what happened to me one day about 12 years ago when I went to get a relaxer after I had just washed my hair.

Mizani is quite strong on my scalp, and I did switch to Affirm for sometime, and my scalp never burned. But when I compared how my hair thrived while on Mizani lye (supple) vs Affirm no-lye (dry-ish) I switched back to Mizani. I'm not advocating for either lye or no-lye, this just my personal experience.
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yes, since ive stared my HHJ its been every relaxer. i wonder is it because I'm stretching my relaxers now? B4 relaxers I usually do a protein deep condition a week before and then the day b4 and the day of I apply Hollywood Beauty castor oil complex to my scalp. And yes they based me. Maybe I shouldnt wash my hair a week before because the pores in my scalp havent had time to close yet?

My old beautician used to try and make me wait but the new one I go to she's very quick to rinse me out and she uses a mild relaxer, before I used Affirm Fiberguard regular strength

Have you tried something thicker for your scalp that is jelly like and not oil like?
I haven't had a relaxer in a few years, however I do remember getting a few that left my head feeling hot and giving me a headache. I remember when rinsing it would sting and I knew it wasn't going to be good the next morning. I would wake up the next morning and couldn't comb my hair because it was stuck to my scalp with puss and sores. That along with my hair getting thinner and thinner caused me to stop getting relaxers.

I couldn't understand why friends would have such great results with bouncing hair and never had a problem but I would always regret getting a relaxer the very next day.

This is the reason I decided to transition.
my scalp is always sensitive to any relaxer,mild,regular no matter what i always burn easily.since i started self relaxer,here are couple of things that work for me i relax my hair with Elasta qp regular
i use a lot of vaseline to base my entire scalp,i also put a tablespoon of EVOO in my relaxer to help.
and i have no more burns.and when finished my hair is left very soft.
I don't experience any pain or burning either, and I base my scalp using a lot of vaseline. I would try a heavy grease rather than a liquidy oil,... I don't think the oils put enough of a barrier between your scalp and the relaxer. But please please check with a dermatologist. Hope you feel better soon
I used to get burning all the time, even if i based well and left my scalp well alone before a relaxer and I found that it was due to the fact I was using a lye relaxer. I started then to use Mizani Butter Blends no lye and my hair and scalp have been thriving since, and as a bonus my hair is much thicker. Although lye is supposed to be better for your hair it just didnt agree with me, and made my hair thin and I cant believe I stuck with it for so long! I also find that (especially if you stretch as I do) it is best to detangle and base your scalp with something heavy like vasaline the day before, then base again before the relaxer also helps. :)
I never experience pain during touchups...and I don't even base my scalp. I self-relax/texlax using Revlon Realistic Lye in Regular.
MERCY! :nono:

Sis, it's time to let the relaxers go. STAT. I couldn't even FATHOM continuing to do that to myself. At the very least if it's burning that bad, I'd be worried that that crap is actually penetrating my scalp, and entering my bloodstream. Ain't no freakin' WAY... :nono:
I never experience pain during touchups...and I don't even base my scalp. I self-relax/texlax using Revlon Realistic Lye in Regular.

Back in the day when I used to relax I used Revlon Realistic Super for over half an hour, didn't base and never had any burning. The only time I felt burning was in a salon one time but it wasn't to the point of scabbing. I'm starting to wonder when I read these reports if some salons are using old product that should be thrown out.
This happened to me for the first time today. I got a retouch today with Elucence regular in lye and my poor scalp was on fire. I was thinking to myself, "WTH is going on??" The stylist based my scalp well and the relaxer didn't even sit that long!! I've used Elucence gentle in the past and it worked like a charm... no irritation or burns. I'm gonna ask my new stylist to order this one for next time.

OP, just like your experience, my scalp was still burning and irritated after she rinsed it out. :( Hopefully, I won't have any setbacks because of this.
My scalp feels tight when I relax as well. But the tightness is due to me not basing well enough. My mother does my relaxers and always rushed me through the basing process. I actually will not be allowing her to do my relaxers anymore. I will start doing them myself and taking the time and care that my hair and scalp deserve! I also did not know that you are not supposed to apply the relaxer straight to the scalp even if you base. No matter what the relaxer should only be applied 1/8 away from the scalp at minimum. So that is what I will do. If my roots are not perfectly straight I will not care-- I just never want to feel like my scalp in the Sahara desert, which is what it feels like whenever I don't base well enough.
Uhhh, I think it's a little abnormal NOT to feel something. Naturally, it would burn, these are caustic chemicals.

When I was getting relaxers, it burned every time.
Uhhh, I think it's a little abnormal NOT to feel something. Naturally, it would burn, these are caustic chemicals.

When I was getting relaxers, it burned every time.
curlyninjagirl, I'm one of those people who never burns. I also don't base. Yeah, I feel something, but it's not burning. First, it's cool, then it tingles (not a euphemism, literal tingling), then I rinse it out. I use Vitale Sensitive Scalp and, in my bone-straight days, I'd leave it on 12 min, tops.

To the op, I'd recommend a talk with your derm. If s/he says to stop relaxing, then stop. It's good if your stylist is on board with the plan, of course, but if not, you always got the board and youtube. Good luck. :)
yes, since ive stared my HHJ its been every relaxer. i wonder is it because I'm stretching my relaxers now? B4 relaxers I usually do a protein deep condition a week before and then the day b4 and the day of I apply Hollywood Beauty castor oil complex to my scalp. And yes they based me. Maybe I shouldnt wash my hair a week before because the pores in my scalp havent had time to close yet? My old beautician used to try and make me wait but the new one I go to she's very quick to rinse me out and she uses a mild relaxer, before I used Affirm Fiberguard regular strength

How long have you been following this routine?
That certainly is a lot of manipulation going on the day before and the day of the relaxer. May this is contributing to the irritation you experience.
My mom had a mild case of eczema and she claimed that being present in a room when a relaxer was being applied, caused her scalp to get an itching, burning sensation.
The last time I relaxed I based my scalp with a mixture of aloe vera gel and olive oil the night before, and I had absolutely no burning the next day.
Re: Do relaxers cause you physical pain?-Going natural


After discussing this situation with my mother who is very anti-natural, I've decided that I'm going to transition. Each relaxer was getting progressively worse and I know that I'm going to have ezcema for the rest of my life so the best that I can do is work with what I have. I thought about switching back to Affirm but I still remember feeling heat emanate from my scalp. When I was a child with natural hair it was mid back length but once I got a relaxer it all went down hill. So I'm thinking that while this transition period may suck and although I've finally reached my goal of APL, I'm going to transition and do what is best for me and my hair. I'm thinking that I'm going to just chop and inch every time I grow an inch and go to my hair dresser once a month to have her straighten it. Otherwise I'll roller set and blowout my roots or bun it and wash and deep condition every weekend. I only got a relaxer because a summer that I was staying with my dad his new wife (who was Korean) didn't know how to do my hair and gave me a relaxer, which caused my momma to make a roadtrip, but I digress. My mom told me that she just used to put baby lotion in my hair and let it curl up, and I do remember being able to brush my hair smooth. In the pictures I saw of myself when I was 8, my hair was kinda big and puffy but had a little curl to it and it was very thick. I'm thinking that it's a 3c with a 4a in the crown area. Or it may be 4a all over with a 4b in the crown. I know that hair texture can change over time so I don't really care, I just can't deal with another relaxer. The thought of it makes me cringe.

Well, wish me luck!
Hi ladies!

So I got a touchup today and it was the worst yet. It was with a Mizani Mild and seriously my scalp hurts and feels so tight. The relaxer didnt even sit in for very long and heat was radiating from my scalp. They rinsed it off pretty quickly and when I got to the mirror my hair was straight but my scalp around my hairline was red and it was hot. I couldnt see the back but it felt hot to me. I dread getting relaxers but I don't remember them being this brutal for me before my HHJ. However, since I've started stretching my relaxers my scalp feels like it's on fire. Even while rinsing my hair out it really stung, I was wincing. Although I don't have any scabs on my head so I know it's not because I had an open sore or anything. Does anyone else experience this?

I have sensitive skin and eczema so this may be why, but I've had this since HS and i don't remember it being this bad back then.

I am sorry that you are still dealing with this...At what point do you say- this has got to stop...I know mom loves you and she's anti-relaxer...but I am so sorry that you keep putting yourself through this :nono::nono:
I am in the Chemical Corp for the Army. I am a certified Hazmat Tech; which means I am highly trained by the military through extensive research in chemical, radiological and nuclear compound makeup of every single substance in the periodic table. I know this has probably been stated before and I understand that some ladies will still relax regardless of anything stated here, and that's their decision, which is fine. But the Sodium Hydroxide is a corrosive(not sure if your use lye or no-lye but most have some form of a corrosive in it to break the hair shaft down) and when I speak with my Chemistry Instructors, we do talk about relaxers in class and the chemical makeup of the relaxer. I used to have eczema and was relaxed as well. I know the condition your enduring to get the relaxed results is from the relaxer and the eczema. My scalp would feel tender and I would get scabs when I relaxed. Continuing to put yourself through a corrosive chemical process(however many times yearly) and having this skin condition at the same time is no good for you at all(I am speaking to her, NOT every single relaxed person). In the long run, it can cause permanent damage more then likely. I hope you can find a new method to get the straightening results you desire in a more healthy manner, not to your physical pain and/or uneeded sacrifice.

HHJ :)
Thanks for your support ladies! And I should have said this, but my Mom's all for me going natural. We both think that what I'm going through isn't right and that I'll prolly suffer from it in the long term. On one hand I'm really nervous about transitioning especially since I just reached my goal of APL, but I'm also really excited about it! I know that for me when I first got my relaxer, it was a bit of a brainwashing thing that happened, and as I got older I left that mentality so I think now is the time for my hair to follow suit. Regardless of what my texture turns out to be, I'll love it and embrace it, especially after seeing all of the beautiful heads of hair on this board. I'm going to research some products and techniques for transitioning because I don't want to loose my length. But I just thought I'd update everyone on my transitioning. :)
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This happened to me for the first time today. I got a retouch today with Elucence regular in lye and my poor scalp was on fire. I was thinking to myself, "WTH is going on??" The stylist based my scalp well and the relaxer didn't even sit that long!! I've used Elucence gentle in the past and it worked like a charm... no irritation or burns. I'm gonna ask my new stylist to order this one for next time.

OP, just like your experience, my scalp was still burning and irritated after she rinsed it out. :( Hopefully, I won't have any setbacks because of this.

You know, when I was relaxed I used to use Design Essentials Lo-Lye MILD Relaxer w/Shea butter, and it was awesome! It was very gentle (didn't even burn), my hair still felt thick afterwards, and my hair was thriving and getting longer since the chemical wasn't so strong. I used it from 2005-2006. No problems. But when I tried it again back in 2008, it seemed like the formula had gotten STRONGER! It burned, it got my hair SUPER straight (didn't feel like a mild at all :nono:), and not only that, but my hair felt THINNER! :shocked:

Over the years I started realizing that my hair couldn't take regular strength relaxers anymore. My hair wasn't damaged, but it just kept getting thinner and thinner, and thinner..... :( This was one of the main reasons why I decided to transition this year.

I know this may sound crazy, but I'm starting to wonder whether or not the hair relaxer companies have started making their formulas stronger over the last few years. Many other women are starting to complain that relaxers that used to work "just fine" are now seeming more harsh, damaging, and burn their scalps! :nono: As a result, A lot of women are transitioning to go natural now.

I mean, it may sound crazy, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of these hair relaxer companies have actually increased the chemical levels of their hair relaxers so that it gets women's hair super straight, so that women feel like they have to get relaxer touchups sooner. In other words...MORE money, more frequently. You know what I mean???
Thanks for your support ladies! And I should have said this, but my Mom's all for me going natural. We both think that what I'm going through isn't right and that I'll prolly suffer from it in the long term. On one hand I'm really nervous about transitioning especially since I just reached my goal of APL, but I'm also really excited about it! I know that for me when I first got my relaxer, it was a bit of a brainwashing thing that happened, and as I got older I left that mentality so I think now is the time for my hair to follow suit. Regardless of why my texture turns out to be, I'll love it and embrace it, especially after seeing all of the beautiful heads of hair on this board. I'm going to research some products and techniques for transitioning because I don't want to loose my length. But I just thought I'd update everyone on my transitioning. :)
I think this is a wonderful idea! :yep: I am learning about healthy heat training techniques because I dont want to put myself back through that pain again. It is just not worth it! Good luck on your transition:rolleyes: