Do naturals need to take as many precautions as relaxed ladies?


New Member
On this forum and in PMs, I read about natural ladies who do protective styling and take other measures to keep their hair on their head.

However, I always thought that natural hair is much stronger than relaxed. Hence, those with natural hair can do more with it and don't have to worry as much about brekage or splitting.
I think that no matter if your hair is relaxed or natural, all hair needs to be protected to a certain extent. And we do worry about splitting, breaking and the infamous SSKs. That's why a good reggie is VERY important no matter if you're relaxed,natural, texlaxed, loc'd, etc. Hair is susceptible to everything in any state.
I think that no matter if your hair is relaxed or natural, all hair needs to be protected to a certain extent. And we do worry about splitting, breaking and the infamous SSKs. That's why a good reggie is VERY important no matter if you're relaxed,natural, texlaxed, loc'd, etc. Hair is susceptible to everything in any state.

The same things that worried me when I was relaxed (breakage, splits, heat damage,dry hair) I worry about now that I'm natural. The one thing that drives me nuts that I didn't have to deal with when relaxed are ssks!!!!
...not to mention tangles. Wearing my hair out is a "treat" (I probably do it more often than I should), but curly/kinky hair generally means tangles and knots which eventually turn in to breakage.
My hair is stronger than it was when it was relaxed, but its still fragile. If I don't do protective styles I'm sure my hair will be just fine, but I will definitely not be able to retain much length.

My natural hair gets matted up if I don't leave it in a protective style, which causes single strand knots and also split ends.
The same things that worried me when I was relaxed (breakage, splits, heat damage,dry hair) I worry about now that I'm natural. The one thing that drives me nuts that I didn't have to deal with when relaxed are ssks!!!!

YESSS those things are a pain!
As you all know from my grand post, yesterday, I have been natural for almost 9 months.

I no longer get split ends (except for the front where I use a lot of heat). But I do get tangles and SSKs occassionally.

I wonder if using a good detangling shampoo would help with that.

Because I really want to wear my hair out.
My hair is definitely stronger as a natural than it was relaxed. However, it needs to be cared for in ways I didn't worry about when relaxed (recklessly I might add). I try to protective style at night only to avoid SSKs, altho I find using a good moisturizer on my ends at night just as effective. During the day I wear a WnG (or damp style and go). My hair has grown without too much fuss.

However, all of that can be attributed to regular, consistent care for my hair - weekly cleansing (or more often) and regular DCs. Something I didn't do with my relaxed hair. :spinning::spinning:
you can have chewed up natural hair if you dont know what you're doing...or hell doing too much. ive seen it.
My hair is stronger natural than when it was relaxed. For me it's been easier to care for my hair.
I get splits and some ssk's as a natural. But I would have some breakage while relaxed, and needed trims more often.
^^ :werd: Keeping it simple works for both natural and relaxed hair.

OT but kind of not OT: protective styling can have its downside as well. I let my window up in the car only to realize the side of my bun got caught. Ive had it happen before while wearing it down, but never my bun!
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@vtoddler some naturals do not/can not "wear their hair out" - you will figure out what works for your hair as you go.
The same things that worried me when I was relaxed (breakage, splits, heat damage,dry hair) I worry about now that I'm natural. The one thing that drives me nuts that I didn't have to deal with when relaxed are ssks!!!!

Same here. For all the work, I want to at least have an option to work out without hair reverting.
My hair is in better shape now but that's only because when I was relaxing I had NO IDEA what I was doing with my hair for most of the time. My hair was overprocessed soooooo bad.
I PS most of the time cuz it works for my hectic life, and b/c I'm on a hair growing mission :grin:, but during my most recent "hair out" session I realized that as long as I kept my hair super moisturized (for me that meant a homemade glycerin/oil/conditioner spray every few days), I could actually retain alot more than I previously thought I could.

I wore my hair in 2 ponytail puffs to bed nightly for nearly 2 weeks straight, and I didn't have any tangles or knots or breakage. I was shocked, b/c, being the PS'er that I am, I'd told myself that my hair has to be constantly stretched to retain length. Now I know that if it is SUPER moisturized, I can retain alot more of my length, even when my hair is out, than I previously thought.

The lesson here? Don't listen to anyone :lachen: Get to know your own hair and do what it tells you to do. And just when you think you've heard her loud and clear, put your ear to the ground and listen some more. She may not be done talking....

Congrats again on going natural girlie!!
Now that I'm natural, my hair is far more stronger and thicker. I don't get SSK, so my only problem is that I'm style-challenged.
I have really thick strands so my hair was pretty much strong either way. I think that it really depends on the person as far as doing more with it. Now personally if you consider a braid out or twist out a protective style, than I dig those. Now staying in twists for weeks and months not letting my fro flop around is not my cup of tea. If I had fine hair I would probably feel a need to stay twisted up but these big ole strands are chilling as is.